فرنجيه ينشط على خط الحلفاء والخصوم لتذليل عقبات ترشيحه

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يواصل كل من رئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري ورئيس تيار المردة النائب سليمان فرنجيه الإتصالات واللقاءات الهادفة الى تذليل العقبات من ترشيح فرنجيه لرئاسة الجمهورية.

وفي هذا الإطار، زار فرنجيه رئيس التيار الوطني الحر الوزير جبران باسيل في منزله في البترون على مدى ساعتين من دون أن ينجح الطرفان في التوصل الى قراءة مشتركة لملف رئاسة الجمهورية وإن كان الجانبان قد أبديا حرصا على تماسك التحالف السياسي لقوى 8 آذار.

وبحسب المعلومات فإن فرنجيه أبلغ باسيل بأنه "مرشّح للرئاسة، لكنه لا يمكن أن يكمل بترشحه ما لم يوافق عون"، مشددا على "أنه لا يقبل أن يكون سبباً لانقسام جديد عند المسيحيين، ولا يقبل أن يكون ممثلاً لفريق من المسيحيين في الرئاسة، بل كل المسيحيين، ولا يقبل بأي صفقة مع الحريري لعودة الأخير إلى الرئاسة من دون ثمن، أي من دون قانون انتخاب حضاري".

ونقل عن مصادر المجتمعين أن "الطرفين اتفقا على أن التفاهم على قانون انتخاب حضاري هو المدخل لرئاسة الجمهورية". وبحسب المصادر، فإن فرنجية أبلغ باسيل أن "الحريري في اللقاء طلب السير بقانون الستين والحفاظ على فرع المعلومات وبعض الحصص الوزارية، وقد أشار فرنجية إلى أن الحريري لا مانع لديه من إعطاء عون ما يريد من حصص في الوزارات والإدارات العامة".

وكان فرنجيه قد تلقى اتصالا مساء السبت الماضي من الحريري الذي دعا فرنجيه الى العمل على حلفائه ولا سيما حزب الله، مؤكدا في المقابل أنه "يعالج مسألة رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع، على أن تتولى السعودية الأمر".

كما استقبل فرنجيه وزير العمل سجعان قزي الى مائدة الغداء في "اجتماع توضيحي" نقل في خلاله قزي الى فرنجيه أن حزب الكتائب لا يضع شروطا على مرشح لرئاسة الجمهورية لأن الشروط تضعف الرئيس فيما الحزب يريد رئيساً قوياً، ويطلب إعلان نيات ليس حصرا من فرنجيه بل من أي مرشح رئاسي حيال الخيارات السياسية.

واستقبل وزير الاتصالات بطرس حرب مساء الأحد في منزله وزير الثقافة روني عريجي والنائب سليم كرم مكلفين من النائب فرنجيه للتشاور.

التعليقات 21
Thumb the_roar 09:20 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Only the "General of Generals" has the peoples support & thus should be President of his people.

All this BS by hariri, jumblat, berri, etc to agree to anyone except the peoples choice proves they are all scared of true representation of the Christians in lebanon.

Time to allow direct people vote & lets see once & for all who the people of Lebanon want as their President.

God bless the general of Generals...Gen Michel Aoun !

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 09:54 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

roar bro, where have you been bro!!! I bet you've been very busy that is why you have not been commenting at all and not even reading the comments section bro. How is wolf?

Default-user-icon vik (ضيف) 10:17 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

F*Y* dear immature the_roar

Default-user-icon -.Southern. (ضيف) 10:20 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Nice to see you back roar

Missing humble 10:22 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

"Anyone but not the caporal".
1. Ebola is manipulating him when the call him "general of generals"
2. He is a coward who run away
3. He stole the money of the people
4. He is a liar.
5. He is corrupt (him and his son in outlaw)
6. He is an agent to Syria and Iran
7. He is a dog to Ebola
8. He is ready to accept a Mutelateh which is bad for Christians
9. He is a megalomaniac and a mareedman living on high psychotic drugs
10. He is a traitor working for his own interests

Missing humble 10:37 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Never forget that the "general of generals" is the one who spread hatred and divisions, thus greatly serving the interests of Ebola.

Default-user-icon Observer (ضيف) 10:31 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Ok the_roar; since no election by the people is likely to take place because as you say Hariri, Beri, and the rest are afraid that Aoun will be elected president, if these blocks nominate Franjieh (who hardly has any support among the Christians) as president will general Aoun still boycott the session? What about his ally hezbollah, will they also boycott the session? I mean a man of principle like the general of generals should continue to boycott an illegal parliament that wants to elect a president not by the people and who hardly has any christian representation?

Default-user-icon alien (ضيف) 12:44 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Nice to see you back roar

Default-user-icon rami kremesti (ضيف) 09:44 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

if this socio path becomes president of lebanon I will burn my Lebanese passport

Thumb nickjames 09:54 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Lol if it's between a sociopath and a senile traitor, who do you pick??

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 09:51 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Of course since decades, foreign powers were and still are creating problems in Lebanon and in the Middle East ,but what is incomprehensible is that the people and the leaders of the region , although they know it , are complying with the foreign strategy and busy with suicidal self destruction. All political leaders who preach a political program addressed for a particular religion or ethnic group, are either stupid or puppets of foreign powers. It is time for all Lebanese to become mature, and unanimously only support the political party presenting a program on education, health, employment,social security, justice and equality etc..for all Lebanese whatever their ethnic background. Of course it is hard to ignore the scars we inflicted each others ,but let's face it it is the only way out...

Thumb nickjames 09:52 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Lol everyone listen to Roar:

"Only the "General of Generals" has the peoples support & thus should be President of his people."

-- if he has the people's support, why aren't they demonstatong all over Lebanon with his pictures everywhere?? Unless you count those retarded flag-waving convoy of 70 cars lol. And he already is the president of his people -- those being a bunch of deluded Aouniyeh who still follow this senile traitor.

Thumb the_roar 14:41 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Once again an m14er rips lines out of context, debunks & contradicts his own argument.

If you truly believe the BS you write then you would be the first to rush & approve direct people vote for Pres.

but like all m14, you shiver at the thought of direct people vote.

Take a stand m14er & stand for what you write on this forum.
you claim the General has only 70 cars & dwindling support..then why do you & all m14 leaders shake at the thought of allowing direct people vote?

because spamming forums with BS is one thing & reality on the ground is another matter altogether.

OK nickjames-m14...we believe you the General has no support.
But FPM supporters will still love nothing more than allowing the people to decide who their Pres should be & not KSA etc.

Why are you so opposed to "direct people vote", nickjames-m14?

Missing humble 14:52 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

You never answer the questions directly...never.
You are unable to argue in a logical and rational way.
This would be the last time I will try to comment your totally inept messages. Refer to Milan Kundera : " if you discuss with an idiot, you are an idiot yourself"

Default-user-icon ossomossokolnosso (ضيف) 15:30 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

well said bro roro

Thumb nickjames 20:09 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Lol is calling me an M14er the only way for you to feel better about yourself? And of course I'm against a direct election (at least the version Aoun proposed) because it's sectarian. And please don't dispute the number of cars in your general's convoy, it's pathetic. Aoun is obstructing everything just to keep the status quo -- no president, no convening cabinet, etc -- yet you still believe he's trying to solve Lebanon's problems. And if you truly believe he is, please explain how he previously said he would support Franjieh's nomination, only now to completely shun him. Not that I like Franjieh, but Aoun always says things only to contradict himself.

Thumb nickjames 10:02 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

“I will not accept a deal with Hariri only for him to return to the post of premiership without stipulating a new civilized electoral law,” he assured the FPM leader stressing that an election law is the prelude to the presidency.

-- Franjieh sounds like the deal is his to make lol

Missing humble 10:28 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Wait to see my prophecy. It is expected that soon Frangieh will be free from his relation with the Butcher who soon will be out of job.
Even if Frangieh is M8, he is profoudly patriot unlike the caporal.
Frangieh will be elected president and the caporal will explode....and very quickly afterwards the CPL will disappear (no one wants to follow an imbassil and a little hitlerion).
It will be known that Ebola has been manipulating this mareedman all the time and this will be another black mark for Ebola.

Missing humble 11:14 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

@The Roar
I imagine you must be Ebola member to give such a support to the "general of generals" (who never fought any war). You very well know his mental illness and keep manipulating him....

Missing humble 11:13 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

The Roar (who is a cat)
Do you remember I have always mentioned that the Caporal is a born loser?
Soon we will finish with him and he will not even be noted in History but only a few lines stating how a "Christian traitor destroyed the country for some 25 years"...

Thumb thepatriot 13:08 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 30

Wow... so we have the choice between a Lunatic and a Peasant! Poor Lebanon...