عاملة منزل تقتل مخدومتها في "عين نجم" وتتصل بالزوج لتبلغه بالحادث

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أقدمت خادمة فيليبينية الخميس على قتل مخدومتها في بلدة عين نجم قضاء المتن، قبل أن تتصل بزوجها لتبلغه بالحادث.

وبحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام "قتلت الخادمة مخدومتها المواطنة اللبنانية نتالي ميشال صلبان (مواليد 1978) بعدما ضربتها عدة مرات على رأسها بزجاجة زهور وقطعة حديدية صلبة لرفع الأثقال حتى حطمت رأسها فأردتها".

وقد اتصلت الخادمة بزوج نتالي، عزيز اليان فرحات الذي كان غائبا عن المنزل، وحضر زوجها والأدلة الجنائية والطبيب الشرعي الى شقة في بناية البركة حيث وقعت الجريمة،

وقد تم توقيف الخادمة بناء على إشارة القضاء.

وذكر ان عراكا حصل قبيل الجريمة وقد تمكنت الخادمة من قتل المغدورة .

التعليقات 6
Default-user-icon hanna (ضيف) 18:41 ,2015 كانون الأول 03

Actually in this case, what i heard is that the women was a sweet loving mom and nice to the maid. In fact she killed her in front of her 5yo daughter.

Default-user-icon yuki (ضيف) 09:09 ,2015 كانون الأول 04

if a person was treated nicely it will not end up like this ..no one wants his her future ends in jail..but then again before we do such thing we must think. .but only both of them know what the really happen..and this should be the lesson for both parties..if you dont like your live in maid send her away so that it will not end up like this..!

Default-user-icon Ali Masri (ضيف) 20:36 ,2015 كانون الأول 04

Here is the real story the husband has intimate relation with the maid when wife is out of site, the woman found out and confronted the maid then a fight broke out the maid overpower here and killed. That is way she called the husband and told him calmly.

Default-user-icon Mayshe (ضيف) 10:47 ,2015 كانون الأول 05

No body knows what the real story they dont even let the filipina give her statement.all we know is that she killed her. What if its just a framed up by her husband. But then no one knows what happened so we cant jugde

Default-user-icon Aubrey (ضيف) 16:42 ,2015 كانون الأول 05

I never believe one maid will put herself in death also. After servicing of 5years I don't think she can do such stupid thing. I hope Government will be fair in judgement. They should interview the housemaid or investigate more. Footprints fingerprints and everything can prove what is real happen or who is real killer. The video is different from victims photos...

Default-user-icon randa (ضيف) 14:22 ,2015 كانون الأول 07

believe ne she wasn't hitting her she kept her in her house for 5 years because she treated her kids good but never did her job correctly and Nathalie was so good to her...why on earth se will stay for 5 years go twice to her country and get back if her employer was treating her badly as you are assuming. Who knew Nathalie would know how she respects everybody especially that maid. Who was unfaithful to her employers and was planning to kill her. no law will stand next to,especially the way she killed the women...and called her husband why....