الأمن العام يوقف لبنانيا في "النصرة" يجند أشخاصا للقتال في سوريا

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أوقف الأمن العام الخميس لبنانيا اعترف بمبايعته لجبهة "النصرة" وتجنيد أشخاص للقتال في سوريا.

وقال الامن العام في بيان صادر عنه انه "في إطار متابعة ورصد نشاطات المجموعات الإرهابية والخلايا النائمة التابعة لها، أوقفت المديرية العامة للأمن العام بناء لإشارة النيابة العامة المختصة اللبناني (ع.ن) لانتمائه الى تنظيم ارهابي".

وبنتيجة التحقيق معه اعترف وفقا للبيان أنه "دخل الى سوريا خلسة عبر تركيا ومبايعته لتنظيم جبهة النصرة الارهابي والتحاقه بإحدى مجموعاته المسلحة في ريف اللاذقية بقيادة السوري "ابو حسن"".

كما اعترف أنه قام "بتكليف من السوري المذكور بتشكيل خلية في لبنان لتجنيد الاشخاص وتسهيل مغادرتهم الى سوريا للقتال وايواء جرحى ارهابيين من خلال تأمين شقق سكنية آمنة لهم وتسهيل فرارهم وتواريهم".

و بعد انتهاء التحقيق معه أحيل الى القضاء المختص.

التعليقات 6
Missing humble 12:08 ,2015 كانون الأول 31

Let them go and die there.

Thumb marcus 12:34 ,2015 كانون الأول 31

The General Security arrested a Lebanese man for confessing to belonging to the al-Qaida-affiliated al-Nusra Front, it said in a statement on Thursday.

so he confessed before he got arrested? LOL

As to recruiting terrorists, the shia controlled and managed General Security should look at its own hezbollah that has more than 15,000 recruits fighting in Syria.

Missing humble 16:17 ,2015 كانون الأول 31

These are a few handful of brainwashed idiots who are paid to go to Syria...
It is not the same for Ebola which has become a STATE WITHIN THE STATE. Are you ready to fight the enemy from within????

Missing humble 16:17 ,2015 كانون الأول 31

I make a major difference between my Shia brothers and Ebola. Not all Shia are Ebola members. I am against Ebola because I am against wars which are damaging to our country. Ebola has not understood that we need to be not only friends, but brothers. They are not taking into consideration our need for living together, working together, and being happy together. They are pursuing their own agenda which corresponds to their own interests, not the common interest, not for the common good.
I advocate an economic prosperity for all of us. For that we need stability and security. Happiness is not only a theoretical view, look at Austria, Switzerland, Singapore, Luxembourg....we have one of the most beautiful countries. Guess who is destroying it? WE ARE.

Missing helicopter 17:06 ,2015 كانون الأول 31

Good title
Lebanese Arrested for Joining Nusra Front, Recruiting Members to Fight in Syria

Better title
Lebanese Arrested for Joining Nusra Front and HA axis, Recruiting Members to Fight in Syria

Default-user-icon rolfen (ضيف) 17:13 ,2015 كانون الأول 31

In what conditions did he confess?