البحرين تضبط "خلية ارهابية" مرتبطة بـ"حزب الله": أعضاؤها ألتقوا نصر الله عام 2012

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ضبطت السلطات البحرينية خلية ارهابية مرتبطة بحزب الله والحرس الثوري الايراني، كان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله ونائبه نعيم قاسم قد التقوا أعضاؤها عامي 2012 و 2015 في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت.

وأعلنت البحرين عبر وكالة الانباء الرسمية التابعة لها أنه" تم إحباط مخطط إرهابي، كان يستهدف امن مملكة البحرين من خلال تنفيذ سلسلة من الأعمال التفجيرية الخطيرة، (...) و تم تحديد هوية أعضاء تنظيم إرهابي سري "قروب البسطة" ومدعوم من قبل ما يسمى بالحرس الثوري الإيراني ومنظمة حزب الله الإرهابية، والقبض على عدد من القياديين والمنفذين بالتنظيم والمتورطين بارتكاب سلسة من الجرائم الإرهابية الخطيرة".

وكشفت التحريات بحسب الوكالة بأن "التنظيم الإرهابي، على صلة وثيقة بجماعة سرايا الاشتر الإرهابية وكذلك عدد من العناصر المتورطة في تنفيذ تفجير سترة الإرهابي في تاريخ 28 يوليو (تموز) 2015م والذي أسفر عن استشهاد اثنين من رجال الشرطة وستة آخرين".

وفي التفاصيل، أعلنت البحرين أن القياديين في التنظيم الارهابي التوأمين المقبوض عليهما علي احمد فخراوي (33 عاما) و محمد احمد فخراوي (33 عاما)، واللذان ينتميان إلى ما يسمى بـ "تيار الوفاء الاسلامي"، قاما بتأسيس وقيادة تنظيم إرهابي "قروب البسطة". وقد اعتبروا "جناح مسلح" للتيار المذكور بالاشتراك مع العديد من العناصر المنتمية له.

وعليه، قام "المتهم علي احمد فخراوي بالسفر إلى إيران بنهاية عام 2011 لتأمين الدعم المادي والمعنوي واللوجستي لتنفيذ المخططات الإرهابية للتنظيم معتمدا في هذا الشأن على صلته بالعناصر الإرهابية الموجودة في إيران والتي ترتبط بعلاقات وثيقة مع قيادات الحرس الثوري الإيراني ومنظمة حزب الله الإرهابية".

كما قام فخراوي بحسب الوكالة بالسفر إلى لبنان برفقة المتهمين زهير عاشور وحسين عبدالوهاب لطلب الدعم المادي من حزب الله بالضاحية الجنوبية بعام 2012، والتقوا بحسب البيان بنصر الله و نائبه نعيم قاسم.

وقد عرضت المجموعة على كل من نصر الله وقاسم "فكرة إحياء تيار الوفاء الإسلامي، ومن ثم طلبوا الدعم المادي لمواصلة أنشطتهم الإرهابية بمملكة البحرين".

ووفقا للوكالة إن نصر الله طلب منهم الاستمرار بذلك وزودهم بمبلغ عشرين ألف دولار أمريكي دعماً لتنظيمهم.

وكشفت التحريات عن تواصل المذكورين مع كل من : مرتضى مجيد رمضان علوي (السندي) (33 عاما) مطلوب في عدة قضايا إرهابية هارب في إيران، وزهير جاسم محمد عباس (35 عاما) محكوم بالمؤبد في عدة قضايا إرهابية وتم القبض عليه في تاريخ 18/07/2013، وبمحمد أحمد عبدالله سرحان (41 عاما) محكوم في عدة قضايا وتم القبض علي بتاريخ 11/05/2013، وأبضا بالمقبوض عليه حسين عبدالوهاب حسين (28 عاما).

وقد التقى المذكورون بحسب وكالة الانباء البحرينية "بقيادات في الحرس الثوري وحزب الله الإرهابي وتلقوا منهم الدعم اللازم متعهدين بتقديم تقارير دورية عن أنشطة التيار والجماعات الإرهابية التي يتم دعمها وأوجه إنفاق الأموال المقدمة لهم".

و تم الاتفاق على تشكيل ما أسموه "جناح مسلح لتيار الوفاء الإسلامي" لتنفيذ أهداف التيار المتمثلة في تعطيل أحكام الدستور والقوانين وفرض توجهات التيار ومبادئه بالقوة والعنف ومن بين مهامه تجنيد عناصر أخرى وتشكيل خلية إرهابية سرية مركزية تتلقى الأوامر من المدعو مرتضى مجيد رمضان "السندي" "قائد التنظيم" وتعمل على وضع المخططات اللازمة لتنفيذ تفجيرات إرهابية في مملكة البحرين".

كما قام المدعو محمد احمد فخراوي في منتصف عام 2015 وفي إطار عملة لزيادة التمويل المالي المقدم للتنظيم والاتفاق على الوسائل الآمنة لنقل الأموال بالسفر إلى إيران والتقى قيادات الحرس الثوري، كما قام بالسفر للضاحية الجنوبية والتقى على غرار أخيه بنعيم قاسم لتأمين الدعم اللازم للتنظيم والجماعات الإرهابية المتصلة به.

ويأتي ذلك، بعد يومين من اعلان المنامة قطع علاقاتها مع طهران على غرار الممكلة العربية السعودية.

التعليقات 45
Missing humble 15:15 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

They might be mentally bankrupt...but look at yourself ...can you see what we see about you? A stone age culture???

Missing humble 15:31 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

My model is freedom, true democracy, respect, loyalty to my country, friendship, national unity....
While your model is a stone age culture....sorry but just look at yourself and at your cultural achievements!!!

Thumb Mystic 15:35 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Your model is wahabism and zionism humble, you are acting as a moderate like Mostaqbal but in reality you follow the Saudi regime that butchers innocent clerics that only wants freedom for their people, and the poorest country in the Middle East Yemen your wahabis bomb everday.

While you Mostaqbal and Lebanese Cowards party gives umbrella protection to Saudi drug princes flying into Lebanon.

Thumb Mystic 16:00 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

The Resistance does not act anything else than they are texas, that is the difference between them and the lying tongues of Mostaqbal indeed.
Never trust the two faced people, the Resistance are more moderate than Mostaqbal, it is Hezbollah fighters protecting christian churches and crosses in Syria now the Mostaqbal tie wearing wahabis.

Thumb Mystic 16:01 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Not the mostaqbal tie wearing wahabis, what do they do for Lebanon other than build complexes on poor peoples lands and capitalist agendas?

Thumb Mystic 16:14 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

I do not see Vilayat i Faqih implemented anything in the Lebanese constitution, so where are you trying to head with that Mr. texas?
Just because most of the Lebanese muslim population in Lebanon follows it does not make it a national obligation.

That is the difference indeed between ISIS and the Resistance, ISIS wants to force everyone into their religion, the Resistance follows their own religion and does not force convert others in Lebanon I would like to see you bring any evidence of that too.

Thumb Mystic 16:14 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

ISIS and Saudi Arabias plus all the Gulf nations religion is Wahabism/Salafism.

Thumb Mystic 16:20 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Yes the Christians in Iraq were wiped out by Al Qaeda in Iraq, now called "Islamic State".
Just like the few Christians in Iraq did again in year 2014, when ISIS made their advance.


Thumb Mystic 16:33 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

We all want a President for Lebanon, and it is General Aoun that is desired.
That March 14 can't accept that, is the reason for the void, because we want a Lebanese Resistance loving President and not a Saudi stooge.

Thumb Mystic 16:40 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

1agonytexas, You always try to turn things around to divert attention from Saudi sponsored Al Qaeda/ISIS.

Thumb Elemental 17:38 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

I just find it disgusting that a group no better is getting at others who are just as guilty of trouble as they are, drugs are bad.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:20 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

lol they do have a great imagination though

Thumb liberty 06:03 ,2016 كانون الثاني 07

not as great as your persian imagination

Thumb thepatriot 12:49 ,2016 كانون الثاني 07

Ah! Here goes momo and his brilliant comment!
But I guess the authorities of Thailand have a great imagination as well, as they do in Cyprus, in Nigeria, in Columbia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, etc, etc, etc.... yeah... they are all high... Ebola are saints! No doubt!

Thumb justice 15:21 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

this terrorist cell in bahrain is a figment of the imagination so is hezbollah fighting in syria, so is the cell in egypt, so is the cell in thailand, bulgaria, south america, kuwait and keep counting. The shias know what is happening but they were brought up to deny.

Thumb Mystic 15:23 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

If you all wonder why Gulf countries always are in paranoia about the Resistance, just read our fellow march 14 friends comments in here.

Even though there are no Hezbollah in both Yemen and Bahrain, they believe all places around them are surrounded by it.

Thumb Mystic 15:56 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Well you just like your Wahabi masters, really wants a Sunni-Shia conflict in the Middle East, when in reality it is Wahabism against the whole world.

And we even see the your old Western allies realizing that the Saud Regime is indeed the bad guys, we saw countries such as Germany and Denmark condemning the murder of Sheikh Nimr.
Many Western countries are even realizing that Iran is not the bad wolf anymore as the Americans said, it is indeed Americas close ally the Saud Wahabi regime.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:13 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

@pasdaran anonyme
Don't believe everything the little voice in your head says

Thumb marcus 15:23 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

“They met in Beirut's southern suburbs of Dahieh with Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his deputy Sheikh Naim Qassem, where they proposed to them the idea of 'reviving' an Islamic movement,” it added.

“They requested financial assistance to carry out their terrorist activity in Bahrain and they received encouragement from Nasrallah, who also gave them 20,000 dollars for their cause,” said the news agency.

It is not unusual for this terrorist iranian to plot terror in the gulf region.

Thumb westernlebanese 16:19 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

And your terrorist "party of God" is not killing innocent people in Syria, didn't kill innocent people in Bulgaria, and didn't kill innocent people in Beirut Harriri bombings. You f-ing shee3a are something else. All the problems in the region are from you and your khara Hassan nasrallah I spit on him and khamieni you are dirt like the dirt on my shoes after working in a construction zone all day. You're true colours are being exposed. Israel just killed one do yours, Saudi just killed a shiekh which is one of yours. Do you not notice you are going down!!!! And every country is against you and no one backing you NOT EVEN RUSSIA... They allowed Israel in to bomb one of yours Lolll

Missing peace 16:23 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

pityful hezbis... unable to assume what iran is... a terrorist country with nothing to envy saudis when it comes to financing terror....

only cowards don't assume responsabilities or braindead idiots living in lalaland.....

Thumb Elemental 17:42 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Queue the passive-aggressive thumbs down brigade.

Thumb Elemental 17:37 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Nobody cares.

Thumb Elemental 17:45 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

The tactic of implantation and imposing; Why do you act like this is something new? It's been the tactic of Iran for ages besides pushing narcotics into various Sunni/Christian countries for ages now, look at Lebanon. But of course we'll sweep that under the rug and ignore it, which is what they want ;).

Missing phillipo 17:46 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Southern - "the one which Liberated Lebanon from occupation"
Thank you, thank you. For what?
For finally admitting that Lebanon is liberated from occupation, and your learning the truth about the UN decision that Shaaba Farms are not Lebanese territory, is accepted by you.

Thumb thepatriot 12:53 ,2016 كانون الثاني 07

Aaaaahhh... so they did a partial job then, but you find this admirable? Why do they have a "liberation day" yearly commemoration then?

Thumb Elemental 17:46 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Who's the biggest manufacturer of captagon?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:02 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Syrian "democratic" terrorists.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:02 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

And their main business partners/customers are Saudis.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:03 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Syrian "democratic" terrorists.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:04 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

And their main business partners/customers are Saudis.

Thumb Elemental 17:53 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Oh you poor guy, I've spoken plenty with your high Shia counterparts of the years, and it was told in full detail. Secondly Hezbollah is the largest captagon manufacturers, and even before this it's been used as a tactic for years now to manipulate the population. Lots of dirty games on both sides of the extremism spectrum. I just hope you're happy that because of your careless and outright deceiving tactics have now destroyed yet another generation all just to push your ideology throughout the region.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:05 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

lol elemental, and i talked to your shrink, he said you should take your pills.

Thumb Elemental 19:30 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Very mature response Movaten, as usual your group and others would rather walk around in dirty lies and games just to make themselves feel significant. I honestly feel sorry for you, your fake accounts, and outright passive-aggressive behavior. Nice work.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:31 ,2016 كانون الثاني 07

I'm answering you at the same level you use.
Things like "I've spoken plenty with your high Shia counterparts of the years, and it was told in full detail" to back your propaganda against hezbollah is laughable and not worthy of a serious answer.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:31 ,2016 كانون الثاني 07

I'm answering you at the same level you use.
Things like "I've spoken plenty with your high Shia counterparts of the years, and it was told in full detail" to back your propaganda against hezbollah is laughable and not worthy of a serious answer.

Thumb Elemental 17:54 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Nice try, look a little further.

Thumb justin 18:33 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

southern, i take it then that your 6 comments on this article are all pro the Bahrain government and that is why naharnet did not delete them. Add to that the garbage of your friends mowaten and mystic and the rest of the trolls.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:39 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

LOL @justin. His first comment was a direct attack on Al Khalifa and was posted 4 hours ago and is still here, yet he has the audacity to say naharnet is removing posts opposed to the Bahraini government. Hopeless case.....

Missing humble 19:07 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

@ all Northern, Mastica, Not-mowaten & co

You know what? No you don't, but I am going to tell you. There are zero zionists on this blog, but you keep talking about zionists as if you wanted to free yourself from something that is inside you.
True that you have the same dictatorship manners and brainwashed ideologies, which to an external observer might appear as a cousin to zionism. It is a possibility that your close neighbouring with them could have transmitted you the virus.
It is also a possibility that you are jealous and want to adopt their criminal manners.
I tell you, there are psychiatric treatments for that

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:16 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

hahahah okay, thanks for letting us know!

Thumb Elemental 19:31 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

Coming from the king of paranoia and psychiatric splitting himself lol.

Missing humble 21:35 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

I would be more than happy to have negative consideration from you. Since you are a traitor to Lebanon (below zero patriotism = fact is that you are sold to the outside) X negative consideration EQUALS VERY positive mark (for me) which I might not deserve...

Missing humble 21:42 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

To my knowledge, the South is adjacent to the Zionist entity (more than the Keserwan is) and because of this neighbouring you have acquired exactly the same racist, dictatorship, totalitarianist attitudes and behaviours.
In addition : Never forget that everyone knows your plans for Lebanon as declared in Iran 3 months ago...

Thumb ex-fpm 19:25 ,2016 كانون الثاني 06

you are as always not telling the truth.