بري: نؤيد فرنجيه ولا يراهنن أحد على أن حزب الله سيغير رأينا

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رأت مصادر قريبة من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أن "مشهدية معراب" لم تكن مريحة لأنها طوبت جعجع زعيماً للمسيحيين.

ولفتت المصادر الى أن ترشيح جعجع لعون بهذه الطريقة أتى بعد اتفاق سياسي بين الرجلين، ولا يمكننا إصدار موقف قبل الاطلاع على تفاصيل الاتفاق.

وأضافت مصادر بري: "لكن في جميع الأحوال، نحن نؤيد سليمان فرنجية، ولا يراهننّ أحد على أن حزب الله سيغيّر رأينا، وقيادة الحزب تعرف ذلك".

وختمت: "إذا أراد فرنجية الانسحاب، فسنسعى إلى إقناعه بالاستمرار في السباق".

التعليقات 17
Missing humble 09:57 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

Historical mistake.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:37 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

You parents meeting? I wouldn't call it "historical", but it definitely was a mistake.

Thumb thepatriot 12:27 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

Do you think you have some kind of sense of humor here momo? You're a useless troll. If you have nothing to say, zip it!

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:57 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

That was one heck of a useful comment. Thanks for showing the way, troll.

Thumb thepatriot 16:14 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

No, this was not a useful comment indeed... you're a waste of time...so long loser!

Missing humble 10:30 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

When a doctor makes a wrong diagnosis, the patient dies. But, who is the patient????

Default-user-icon Kesserweneh (ضيف) 10:48 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

wishful thinking from Naharnet :)

Default-user-icon elias (ضيف) 10:59 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

He's not a qualified doctor.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:22 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

"Houthi"? Is that your cowardly way of saying shia without saying it? Sectarian scumbag.
We will see what happens when Berri takes an actual position, no point in speculating based on "anonymous sources said".

In the mean time, here's something for you to ponder on:

"Hariri nominated Franjieh for president last month without consulting Geagea, who is his ally in the March 14 alliance."

How's that for trustworthiness?

Thumb Mystic 11:31 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

Jack thinks it's an insult to be called a Houthi, who's destroying Wahabi saudis everyday at their borders and beyond?

They are heroes, even though you see them as subhumans, we are proud to call them brothers by blood and honor.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:20 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

I'm quoting the article above which you obviously didn't read before posting your lame sectarian hatred. Are you saying naharnet spreads lies and disinformation?

Missing heroes 21:34 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

never pay attention to lebjack @mowaten. The reason our nation is doomed because of sectarianism cancer like him and the likes of him.
What do you expect from lebjack when he calls the scum of the earth Nusra and Isil Angels?

Missing un520 17:44 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

Hizbollah doesnt have to weasel out of backing Aoun as long as Berri does the dirty work. Berri on his part is scared to bits over having Aoun as president.

Missing lagom 19:33 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

Ummm what's the deal between Aoun and Berri? They're part of the same bloc, yet they seem to hate each other.

Missing lagom 19:34 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

Ummm what's the deal between Aoun and Berri? They're part of the same bloc, yet they seem to hate each other.

Missing un520 21:40 ,2016 كانون الثاني 19

Just google "berri aoun dispute" and you will most probably get a full list...Berri knows he is finished as speaker at the next crossroad if Aoun is elected...

Thumb _mowaten_ 00:36 ,2016 كانون الثاني 20

seems like your "nights" are full of very peculiar fantasies... tell me, do you also like gladiator movies?