لبنان يعترض على قرار الجامعة العربية بتعليق عضوية سوريا ... منصور: سيدفع لأمور خطيرة
Read this story in Englishإعترض لبنان مع اليمن على القرار الذي اتخذوه وزراء الخارجية العرب بتعليق عضوية سوريا وسحب السفراء العرب منها فيما أشار وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور إلى أن هذا القرار "سيدفع لأمور خطيرة" في المنطقة.
وبعد ظهر السبت وفي اجتماع لها بعد أسبوع على مبادرة اقترحتها على سوريا، إجتمعت الجامعة العربية بوزراء خارجيتها وقررت تعليق عضوية سوريا ودعوة العرب لسحب سفرائهم ومطالبة المعارضة ببحث مرحلة انتقالية.
وعلق وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور السبت في حديث إلى قناة الـ"المنار" أن "ما جرى وما اتخذ من قرارات من قبل الجامعة العربية يشكل مؤشرا خطيرا لان القرار هو ضد دولة مؤسسة وعضو في الجامعة".
وشدد منصور على أن "هذه المقررات لن تساعد على الحل بل ستدفع الى امور خطيرة وهذا ما ركزنا عليه لان أمن سوريا من امن المنطقة".
وفي 3 آب الماضي نأت الدولة اللبنانية، العضو غير الدائم في مجلس الامن الدولي بنفسها عن بيان اصدره مجلس الأمن الدولي يدين حملة القمع التي تشنها سوريا على المتظاهرين.
what a shameful person..... I guess this will be the last time you will be minister, so enjoy it while it lasts, your excellency!!!!
Nothing new from well known thieves and thugs following the Assad regime, unfortunatly for them wanting to keep their cashflow running from syria, the Arab League doesnt give two dime about Lebanon voting with or against it, we represent nothing to them because we dont have anything valuable, not even a unity, we are all divided in million pieces of puzzle, people following the USA and Israel, others Iran and Syria, other France, other Zimbabwe.. Maybe if Syria falls the bootlikers will disappear or come back to their senses, as well as the other bootlickers , they will all not feel obliged to follow anyone anymore and work for this poor country, Disarm the palestinians FIRST and mostly, then Disarm Hezbollah as well, or else it is doomed for ever.
this proves that this gvt in lebanon is a "regime" linked in succeeding or falling to the regime in syria.
Really FM Mansewer “the resolution taken by the Arab League is dangerous, because it was taken against a member state.”
and how about the resolution taken against Libyan Assteez Nabeeh Barri was groin grabbingly in support of that resolution also taken against a member state.
Not all Shiite have the memory span of a Alzheimered goldfish, don't take us for fools. At least come up with a more intelligent excuse or would that be asking too much of you..
the "lebanese" foreign affairs minister ,mansour, was so angry at the end of the meeting because he was treated like an iranian "delegue".
all the members know that lebanon is under occupation.
i can see the path from charles malek to this "mansour" or...
your exelency the 2md foreign minister of Syria in Lebanon:
with your title, why would the Arab league expect anything else coming from you?
wether you agre or disagree, you do not count, neither in the Arab league, nor in Lebanon.
Lebanon is under occupation all its government is irrelevant. The lebanese have surrendered to Iran by creating the hezbollah monster.
Breaking news for you Naharnet (check this information)
most of M8 leadership are retrieving their money from banks in cash.
Why didn't you refrain from voting when the Lebanese are divided on Syria? Incompetent minister
The only crisis (reasonnably) coming will be the result of the power of criminal nuisance of the Assads Gang, especially in Lebanon. But it shall no doubt lead to the end of the Assads Gang operating in Lebanon, Mr Mansour & alikes included, no matter the price. For lebanese, it is a "to be or no to be" alternative.
The puppet days are numbered. Booshar will end up in a much worse place than Qaddafi and Saddam. Hiz and Aoun are doomed
Lebanon and Yemen :D the only two countries that still have leadership that doesn't represent the people; hassoun and saleh. Just to spare a probable reply from M8 terrorists. Bahrain is a 200K street so please dont mention it as an example of a country. Ba3dein, given what you are doing in lebanon your relatives there should never be given a chance to rule a country because you act like jews. You help each other only, live in clans, occupy others lands and do not respect others personal choice to the least. Examples? Look at your communities everywhere: Germany, Africa, Michigan etc ... You are much worse than jews!
Is this his view or the government view.????
Embarrassing or lost as they seem lost and not knowing which way to go.
They got used to "Reject"
The still apply it without feeling for what is changing around them.
Very embarrassing and very sad
Weak Minister that is unable to make a single decisive decision fearing the Syrian boot.
So this most idiotic goverment is pushing the Lebanese against the international community and now the Arab community...WHERE THE HELL DO THEY THINK ALL THESE LEBANESE ARE WORKING TO KEEP THEIR FAMILIES FROM DYING FROM HUNGER??????!!!!!...Where do they think the money is coming from to keep Lebanon from going under. This is by far the worst government we have ever had. One that prefers to kiss a dying Syrian governments behind than take our intersets into consideration. They need to leave now. We should not take any position with or against ANYTHING. We are neutral and so we should be and remain.
Would have been great to vate same as IRAK It shows more maturity and diplomacy.
Lebanon showed same level as YEMEN and SOMALIA, Disgusting attitude.
this kind of talk is the only thing to be expected from a previous ambassador to iran.
did any of you expected anything else?
I am a Lebanese and not a syrian. Only my gov is syrian . Go figure.by not voting yes against Syria every one of the lebanese gov is now doomed. THANK GOD. tHEY ISOLATED themselves and got a big target on their backs from the whole wide world....Assad thinks he is a king and owns the syrian people as slaves. he tried to buy time now the last drop of sand fell in the old time clock. He does not want to implement any deals because if he does he would be out. He wants to stay by force and thats going to bring his end soon. once the ochtopus head is dead all his tenticles will go limp too. like the ones in lebanon. It wont be long now before a lybian style attacks but what i am affraid of is assad and his army will retreive into lebanon.