داعش لأركان الدولة اللبنانية: سنعبر على أشلائكم الى القدس ... وللمسيحيين: الإسلام أو الجزية
Read this story in Englishوجه تنظيم " داعش" رسالة الى "أهل السنّة"، دعاهم فيها الى "الثورة ومبايعة الخليفة ابراهيم". ووزع المكتب الإعلامي لولاية الرقة" في التنظيم شريطا مصورا يظهر فيه مقاتلان لبنانيان مكشوفي الوجه قال أحدهما إن "أداة الإجرام في لبنان هو حزب الله". وأضاف: "إن النظام السوري اجتاح لبنان بتواطؤ من العرب أولاً وبمباركة من أسيادهم الصليبيين ثانياً". وترافق ظهور صورة الرئيس سعد الحريري مع أحد المسؤولين الأميركيين في الشريط مع تعليق جاء فيه: "من يغدق بملايين الدولارات لشراء الأسلحة التي لا غاية لها إلا قتل أهل السنّة"؟
وتوجهت الرسالة التي حملت عنوان "يا أحفاد الصحابة في لبنان" الى "طواغيت دويلة لبنان". وعلى صور لوزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق، ورئيس الحكومة تمام سلام، ورئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، علّق أحد المسلحين بالقول: "لن تستطيعوا وقف زحف الدولة الإسلامية إليكم". وأضاف: "لعلنا سنعبر إلى القدس على جثثكم وأشلائكم".
وتوجهت الرسالة الى مسيحيي لبنان بالقول: "ندعو رعايا الصليب إلى أن يُسلموا لله ويؤمنوا بنبوة محمد كي يعصموا دماءهم وإلّا فالجزية، وإن أبوا فلن يُعجزوا دولة الإسلام".
وعلى صورة الرئيس السابق للجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى جان الرئيس الاميركي باراك أوباما، علق أحد المسلحين: "اعلموا أن حكامكم هم الطواغيت وأذناب الطواغيت".
Mystic, you're the same brainwashed nonsense, different spectrum. Stop assuming those who disagree with you are "Zionist" or ISIS. You're both garbage, period.
Funny how terrorists are in love with killings.
All warmongers have evil soul and will receive their eternal punishment.
As for killing the Christians, they are most welcome!
@mystic so if anyone thinks differently than you do it's automatically wrong and they are concidered Isis? Damn we definitely don't need that type of mentality in Lebanon... People are allowed to have different opinions, who claimed your way was right? You're Muslim?? Your kind are the biggest killers and drug dealers, you call your self Muslim? Please enough is enough... What is correct is that hizbuallah is at the same level as Isis they are both very similar.
How do you describe your mentality?
Retarded? Terroristic? Totalitarianist? Dictatorial? Expansionist ? Eliminating the other?
Funny that they do not see themselves as they are:
Retarded + Terroristic + Totalitarianist + Dictatorial + Expansionist + Eliminating the other.
Hezbollah uses Christians, so does ISIS. That's just obvious, neither care if Christians are killed for sport, they're seen as pawns for the amusement of both.
Exactly playing into Hezbollah's hands, weakening Sunni moderation and taking us into the abyss. Might as well be re-titled as 'Nasrallah's Subconscious Speaks Out'.
Another fake account, really? And yes, Hezb and ISIS use and abuse Christians, you're both garbage. Take your fake accounts and fake care for Christians elsewhere, it's embarrassing.
Do you not notice I'm getting at both? Hmmm sounds like Mystic or Movaten with another fake account, big man, you must be proud of yourself with your assumptions.
To Ebola supporters:
Look at yourself. Look how you have destroyed our beautiful Lebanon. Look at the hatred you are creating and spreading. Look at the people who has become poorer because of you. Look at the whole world who considers you as terrorists.
Do you see your downfall?
Do you see yourself as losing all your objectives?
No? How come? We all see that. We all see it is the beginning of your end. Go and visit Nahr El Kalb.
We will convert to Judiasim first by tomorrow, all terrorists are Muslims armed with ethnic hate culture.
The Lebanese Christians need hezbollah like it or not it's the truth I would rather hezbollah than those pedophile isis dog's any day of the week to Nasrallah keep fighting the good fight