انفجار عبوة بدورية للجيش في وادي عطا وسقوط شهيد
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قتل جندي الخميس في انفجار عبوة بدورية للجيش في وادي عطا في جرود عرسال.
وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام ان "عبوة انفجرت بدورية للجيش في وادي عطا في عرسال مما ادى الى وقوع شهيد".
وهذا ما اكدت عليه أغلب وسائل الاعلام التي أفادت عن سقوط شهيد بانفجار عبوة بدورية تابعة للجيش.
لكن قناة الـ LBCI لفتت الى أن لغما انفجر بالدورية في وادي عطا ما أدى الى سقوط شهيد وثلاقة جرحى.
عقب ذلك، اتسدف الجيش مواقع المسلحين في جرود عرسال البقاعية ورأس بعلبك.
وتتمركز المجموعات المسلحة في الجرود بعد انتهاء معركة عرسال التي اندلعت في آب 2014. ومنذ ذاك الحين والجيش يرصدها ويقوم بقصفها ما أدى الى مقتل العديد في صفوف هذه المجموعات.

The Saudis must've given greenlight to the takfiri groups so they can target the army more heavily now.

The Saudi Kingdom has indeed given the takfiris the tools and the means to fight the army in Arsal.
Now the army should be given greenlight to cleanse Arsal once and for all.

but ofcourse Mostaqbal and the Lebanese Cowards wont allow this to happen, they love ISIS and Nusra more than Assad and Hezbollah.

You've always been trying to cloud the truth, and the more you keep doing that, the more corrupted you will become.

Donald Trump is Lebanon`s only hope. He is the only one that will scare the shit out of IS and Hezbollah. Secularism is a concept that Muslim extremists will never comprehend, not because of religion, but due to their ignorance regarding the Islamic religion. Christians and neutral Muslims and Druze must unite against Berri Saad and Nasralla. Weaken the proxies of Iran and KSA, strengthen the relationship with the west. Let secularism prevail. FOLLOWING A POLITICAL PARTY BASED ON RELIGION IS WRONG!! Keep your religion to yourself it is THE REPUBLIC OF LEBANON....NOT ISLAMIC REPUBLIC...NOT KINGDOM
Lebanon is for its people. not for the religions that it holds.

yeah god bless the lebanese army as long as it is doing what the iranian militia wants it to do. The minute the army acts as a national army which it should, the iranian troll above would be cursing it.

poorfarce aka flamethrower: what kind of life do you have that you spend it on a forum making more than 100 fake accounts per day? You are unstable sick person.