الحريري: استقالة ميقاتي ستكون فقط عند شعوره أن سقوط معلمه بات قريبا
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أن ميقاتي لن يستقيل من الحكومة إلا إذا شعر أن "معلمه" سيسقط بالإشارة الى الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد.
وقال الحريري ردا على سؤال على شبكة التواصل الإجتماعي تويتر عن إمكانية استقالة ميقاتي في حال عدم تمويل حكومته للمحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان: "إذا استقال ميقاتي فهذا سيكون فقط ، وأكررها مرة ثانية فقط لأنه شعر بأن معلّمه (الأسد) سيسقط قريباً".
وردا عن إذا كان سيتحالف مع ميقاتي في انتخابات 2013 في حال استقال الأخير قال الحريري "كلا".
وأضاف: "العدالة ستنتصر والمحكمة بدأت عملها وقريبا سترى المجرمون وراء القضبان".
كما نفى الحريري أن يكون بانتظار سقوط النظام السوري ليعود الى لبنان، لافتا الى أنه سيعود "آجلا أم آجلا".
ورأى أن "إذا أخذ نصر الله لبنان الى الحرب لأجل حماية سوريا وإيران "فهذا اسمه انتحارا".
وقال: "وأشك أنه سيفعل
You better start planning for boats load of weapons because there is only one frequency the terrorist will operate on: "Assassinate, Kill , Terrorize"
If you want to live in peace then prepare yourself for the war. (i.e. Zionist and then later Hezbollah"
No, Jonah, this wouldn't be bad news for Saad only, and not for the reasons you're thinking. Saad is an accidental politician and didn't have the power hunger like an idiot that goes by Aoun the Clown. And, should Miqati and his bosses stick around as you wrongfully surmise, Lebanon would be the biggest loser.
But fear not, Jonah... the die is cast. Miqati's bosses are on their way out.
It won't be too long. The Arab league will sanction the boss on Thursday. The downfall will start on Friday.
Tonyfarris..."Allawites hate Arabs more than they hate Jews"?... Thinking about that comment makes my head hurt.
This is a war between Iran/Shiites and Suadi arabia/Sunni. A Muslim civil war. It's was a cold war and it's now becoming hot. Next, Bahrain and Kuwait. With the saudi Arabia the instigators to pressure Iran from the USA and Israels behalf.
I liked your description of the KSA King...
How would you describe Hassan Nasrallah??
Ooooh.... I see...
A humble man huh??
Hmmmm...I get it now....
Indeed, he could almost be compared to Ghandi huh??
So when is he gonna cut off some arms and legs huh?? While (not) running his business, the charitable man is accumulating a fortune only by screaming "death to Israel, viva la resistance"...but does not much does he??
Hmmm...humble...yeah that's the word I was looking 4...
Shia's are just a minority in the middle east, they should start thinking clearly before they either become extinct or are exiled to their beloved Khomeini in Persia. H.A. will not even be remembered in the history books, without the Syrian they were nobody's, Bashar will be gone its a matter of when and how. The how part is probably the same fate as Saddam or Ghadafi or maybe even milatovich if he is lucky that is. H.A. will then have two choices to become truly Lebanese or face extermination. It can take some time but it is inevitable since minorities cannot rule forever. The same fate happened to the Christians of Lebanon during the civil war they had to give up some power or face being massacred.