ناطور الدير الذي تلجأ إليه ميريام الأشقر دائما في ساحل علما يعترف أنه قاتلها
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/20707/w460.jpg?1321987306)
عُثر على جثة الشابة ميريام الاشقر 28عاما مرمية ومضرجة بالدماء في منطقة حرجية بين ساحل علما وحريصا، ليتبين في ما بعد أن ناطور الدير هو من قتلها بعد أن منعته من اغتصابها.
وفي التفاصيل وفق "المؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال" أن ميريام ذهبت ظهر الاثنين لتصلي لسيدة البشارة في دير بقلوش.وقد اعتادت ميريام على الذهاب الى الدير عدة مرات بالاسبوع.
لكن ميريام لم تعد ذلك النهار الى منزلها وفورأ بدأ البحث عنها في احراش ساحل علما بمساعدة القوى الامنية و الجيش و كل ابناء البلدة. الى أن عثر صباح الثلاثاء على جزء من ثيابها كانت مخبأة قرب غرفة ناطور الدير وهي مغطاة بالدم ما دفع فرق البحث الى تكثيف عملها لتكتشف جثة ميريام مرمية بكيس "جنفيص" ابيض في مكان يصعب الوصول اليه مما استدعى قيام فرقة من مجوقلة الجيش بالنزول بواسطة الحبال الى قعر الهاوية و سحبها.
وتم توقيف المشتبه الرئيسي في الجريمة وهو ناطور الدير ويدعى فتحي جبر السلاطين وهو سوري الجنسية، والكل يعرفه و هو موجود في البلدة منذ حوالي سنة و نصف.
وعلمت المحطة أن "الجاني حاول الاعتداء على ميريام من دون ان ينجح قبل ان يقوم بضربها على رأسها بآلة حادة ثم ذبحها ، و من بعدها وضعها في كيس جنفيص وربط هذا الكيس و رماها في الهاوية" بين شننعير وساحل علما.
وقد اعترف الناطور باقترافه الجريمة و القوى الامنية وضعت يدها ايضأ على الثياب التي كان يرتديها والتي خبأها قرب غرفته وهي ايضأ ثياب ملطخة بالدماء، ويتم اجراء فحوصات الـ"DNA" للحصول على اثباتات قاطعة.
مصدر الخبر: LBC
May God have mercy on your soul and may your memory be eternal. May God grant your family and loved ones patience and steadfastness as now you are praying for them and all who love "His appearing".
These filthy Syrians have never seen a lady in their life, they are so obsessed!!! How can we have them as neighbors? We shouldn't generalise by we have the worst Syrians in Lebanon! Let them go back to Assad their boss, we don't want them in Lebanon. This retarded lunatic should be hanged.
RIP Myriam. I am sure justice will prevail
I shall pray for her soul, for her father, mother, and all her family for their pain, and terrible sufferings.
Mansour, if you believe what you write, you are a psycho and you need immediate help.
Absolutely sick society! Did she know when she woke up in the morning that she would die and at the monestary of all places...wow what a sick sick bastard. May she rest in piece. Live today as if it was your last.
when a Lebanese murders someone do you feel you are a murderor?
Adminstrative arrangements have to take place at the border to prevent criminal Syrians from entering the country regardless of the situation there. Some sort of Visas systems with stringent conditions have to be implemented. The number of crimes committed by Syrians on lebanese soil is staggering. It keeps getting worse. Let a law be designed to impose a background check using the local mayors or officials in Syria before granting employement to any Syrian. It could be called Miriam Ashkar Law in her honor. May she rest in Peace. I cannot imagine how hard it is on her family. What a lovely young lady!!
انت يا منصور ما بتفرق شي عن المجرم اللي اتل الشهيده بازن الله ميريام
Thanks to Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades for supporting the crazy Sunnis regardless of where they come from, and lately, from Syria, the land of their all-time masters.
may god forgive him because he doesn't know what he's doing....
This is a tragic accident that has nothing to do with politics. May God give her parents and relatives and friends the strength to carry on.
RIP Miryam. God help your parents and family
The other thing is Why do we have a Syrian guard in a Lebanese church. I'm not being racist but I'm sure there are plenty of Lebanese men who are capable of doing the same job.
I hope he rots in jail and then in hell
There was a very similar incindent in the north of Lebanon a year or so ago where the Syrian guard killed a Lebanese farmer in the monastery of St Jacob
Can't be trusted
Alla yer7amikn ya myriam , aktar men heik ma ba3rif chou bede 2oul, w yeli 3amel 7al chi, lezim ye3azbout bel 2awal w ba3dem ye2tlou.
To Zeina:
He knew what he was doing....by the way, they were THREE ....
allah yor7amik ya Myriam...
this story is not about politics.
this is a personal time for support to the parents of this young woman.
do not use a personal crime to justify your hatred, and do not accuse people stupidly.
now regarding jumping of a bridge: please note that I am not suicidal, and if you are, so please go ahead and do it :)
I am not a follower of anyone, thus I will not jump from a bridge :)
Disgusted, outraged, revolted against that hideous murder of Myriam Achkar r.i.p.; Those Maronite clergy men have been given the land of our ancestors as free donation from hard working farmers seeking to enter the kingdom of God. And those Maronite clergy men improperly controlled these lands; allowing non-Maronites to foster homes on them (the Lassa case) and handing the keepers keys with non-Lebanese to watch over them. Give the immense lands you own to Maronites migrating from the country, without a penny ya clergy men, better for them to build a house than not being able to afford purchasing one. The country is emptying as you care only about your church fortunes. Who controls the land, controls the country. Resign RAii now! We respect the Maronite archbishop as a rank, each individual that takes the position is to be criticized as to his actions as person…
may this poor victim rest in peace. may God help her family.
the janitor is a syrian officer from the mokhabbarat according to the latest news...........................
The monastery should be held responsible for not doing proper background checks, screening and due diligence before and after hiring the janitor in charge of the monastery.
The interior minister should resign immediately , obviously he is not in control .he is not up to his job.
ala yer7amik ya malek law fi dawle bi lebanon w 2amen ma bisir hek bi cha3eb
i love how my post get deleted!as ive statedabout those Syrian dogs may that man who killed this innocent child of GOD may he ee in his life time the rape,murder and misery of his family and the whole of Syria.May this choas in Syria turn into a civil war that the world has not seen in a thousand years.Praise be To God For the millions about to Die in Syria.Thank you
Geha i do Pray for this poor girls soul but what i will never do is feel anything for those Syrians and the dogs of all dogs the people i hope never see a country of there own grubs of grubs Palestinians.
Am Syrian and I feel sick of what this man has done... May her soul rest in peace and I hope they excute him as soon as possible