تعرض قيادي في حركة فتح لمحاولة اغتيال في مخيم المية ومية

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تعرض القيادي في حركة فتح عبد سلطان فجر الاحد في مخيم المية ومية بصيدا إلى محاولة اغتيال فاشلة سقط إثرها جريح.

وفي التفاصيل، وبحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام انه "وبعد انتهاء عبد سلطان من زيارة احد اقاربه في مخيم المية ومية تعرض لاطلاق نار من قبل مجهول ما ادى الى اصابة شقيق زوجته طارق مسرة في يده وفخده نقل على اثرها إلى مستشفى صيدا الحكومي للمعالجة.".

وعبد سلطان هو من مخيم عين الحلوة في صيدا أيضا، وكان أصيب في الاشتباكات الاخيرة التي شهدها المخيم.

التعليقات 4
Missing melita 11:28 ,2016 تموز 10

Naharnet people, how come you cite your source when you take verbatim articles from AFP, AP, and Reuters, but when you do from the National News Agency (NNA), you do not give them credit? Plagiarism galore

Missing melita 12:27 ,2016 تموز 11

Terrorist, I am surprised at your comment. You are usually one of the people whose ideas I appreciate and even enjoy reading. Are you PMSing? If so, please take it out on someone else. And when talking about someone else's "education" be careful not to stumble into your own pitfall of vulgarity. And if you have any "education" yourself, you would know that plagiarism is a crime and my question is valid. And it is a pity that Naharnet is worried about copyright issues with foreign agencies but not with the National News Agency of Lebanon, where EVERYONE gets their source for local news.

Missing melita 17:00 ,2016 تموز 11

@Terrorist..."bite the hand that feeds me"? Freedom to express yourself does not entail the freedom to steal someone else's hard work or cheat that person from due credit.
I will give you examples of when Naharnet copy-pasted articles from the NNA without citing it as a source at the end as it does with foreign news agencies. I do support naharnet, but appreciating the work of your national news agency is also not to be taken lightly





Missing melita 17:01 ,2016 تموز 11

100% agreed!