مناورة اسرائيلية داخل مزارع شبعا المحتلة

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نفذ الجيش الاسرائيلي صباح الثلاثاء مناورة واسعة بالذخيرة الحية داخل مزارع شبعا المحتلة.

واستعمل خلالها بحسب الوكالة اولطنية لاعلام المدفعية الثقيلة والمروحيات. ولقد وسمع دوي القذائف حتى القرى الحدودوية في العرقوب.

وأفادت إذاعة صوت لبنان 93.3 أن "الجيش الاسرائيلي استقدم ورشة عسكرية تؤازرها جرافة ضخمة الى محيط بركة النقار في خراج بلدة شبعا، وباشر باستكمال شق الطريق العسكري".

التعليقات 11
Missing humble 10:56 ,2016 أيلول 27

Strange that the people of Shebaa voiced that they want to stay with Israel and not return to Syria or Lebanon...

Missing humble 13:34 ,2016 أيلول 27

I have two distant relatives who live there.
Why don't you ask and try to find out if it is true or not?

Missing humble 13:42 ,2016 أيلول 27

Most probably the Shebaa farms belong to Syria and not Lebanon. The inhabitants speak with a syrian accent and my distant relatives are Syrians. It seems that for them that they can choose between Syria and Israel like the druze villages did in the Golan. The Druze are now staunch allies to Israel and many of them are in the army.

Missing humble 13:48 ,2016 أيلول 27

Another important consideration is that the Lebanese Government has requested several times Syria to delimitate the borders in the Shebaa area. Syria has never answered with the purpose of maintaining the doubts...

Thumb Southern...... 14:05 ,2016 أيلول 27

"distant relatives" wow!, so i guess that you're of a Syrian origin like @terrorists who claims that he admires Israel, i guess he is of Jewish origin... and you both are commenting about a Lebanese matter! come on vanish on.

Thumb Mystic 17:35 ,2016 أيلول 27

It all makes sense now, they are jews.
They want Lebanon to be part of Israel aswell.

Thumb Southern...... 13:30 ,2016 أيلول 27

after the south Lebanon liberation by the resistance, the Shebaa farms is the nightmare for the filthy zionists..... only Lebanon among all the arab countries is qualified to retrieve by force of what was taken by force.

btw: some "people" who live in Lebanon and claim to be citizens, must leave the country and settle in the occupied west bank, let them test the flavour of ocupation.

Missing humble 14:54 ,2016 أيلول 27

I am proud to be a S3oodisto-zionisto-americanisto-takfiristo....anything low in this world but not as low as the Butcher-Ebola-Iran crime club...

Missing humble 14:55 ,2016 أيلول 27

Uncivilized people...

Thumb Southern...... 15:34 ,2016 أيلول 27

both coincide in repeating, the term "uncivilized ", it matches your status!?, i'm sure of it... just one has look at what you defend and what you advocate for.. this is how qualification are gained, not by words but by intentions and acts... little brown thing.

Thumb shab 18:17 ,2016 أيلول 27
