"التغيير والاصلاح" يرد على بري: نرفض تهديدنا بحرب أهلية... هذه فتنة وإبتزاز!
Read this story in Englishرد تكتل التغيير والاصلاح على تصريحات رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري من دون أن يسميه، إذ رفض تلويح الاخير "باندلاع حرب اهلية" تسببها الثنائيات المارونية السنية ضد الشيعة، معتبرا الامر "ابتزاز"، وواصفا كلامه بغير المسؤول.
وقال الوزير السابق سليم جريصاتي بعد اجتماع التكتل "إن مشهدية 16 تشرين برمزية 13 تشرين تختصر النهج الانفتاحي والاستيعابي والصامد على الثوابت الميثاقية والوطنية وهذا نهج العماد عون".
وأكد ان "خطاب العماد عون كما خطاب الوزير باسيل فيهما كل الدلالات على العهد في ان يضم مشروع انهاض الدولة كل مكونات الوطن من دون استثناء احد، طالما ان العنوان هو احترام الميثاقية والشراكة بلا كيدية وعزل".
وأضاف "مشررع الدولة هو مشروعنا الذي يعتمد القانون والمحاسبة والمساءلة وتجديد النخب بقانون انتخاب يؤمن صحة التمثيل".
وتوجه التكتل الى بري من دون ان يسميه بالقول "نحن لا نقبل اي ابتزاز لنا لان مرشحنا مرشح طبيعي وميثاقي"، معتبرا أن "أي كلامي عن الثنائية المسيحية السنية هو كلام غير مسؤول وغير مقبول ويصب في فتنة نأمل ألا تكون مقصودة، وسنتصدى لها".
وتابع "نحن نرفض أن يهددنا احد بحرب اهلية بكلام يخرج عن الاجواء السائدة، ونحن لا يقال لنا مثل هذا الكلام، والكل يعرف عصبنا لا تعصبنا فنحن ابناء التفاهمات الوطنية".
وقال "نحن نتهم اننا مع الشيعة ضد السنة لاننا تفاهمنا مع المستقبل ونحن لسنا موضع اختبار ولا نعتذر ولا نبرر بل نسير بخطى ثابتة نحو الوطن الميثاقي".
وخلص الى القول "عل وعسى ان تنتصر الوحدة الوطنية ومن يرغب في تأييدنا فليؤيدنا ومن لا يرغب فليعارضنا، ولا نقبل ان يشكك أحدا بنهجنا الوطني".
وكان بري قال نقلا عن مصادر "ما يقوم به الحريري وعون يستهدف تجربة الشراكة مع الشيعية السياسية بعد اتفاق الطائف، ونحن لن نرضى بالمشاركة في هذه اللعبة(...)".
وقال "مبروك، انتصر خيار سعد الحريري، وأعاد مع عون إحياء ميثاق الـ43. ونحن سنكون خارج السلطة، في صفوف المعارضة". وأضاف: "ما يقومون به سيؤدي إلى حرب أهلية. ونحن سنقاتل دفاعاً عنّا وعن حزب الله ومشهد النبطية سخيف مقارنة بما يمكن ان نقوم به لإسقاط العودة إلى ما قبل الطائف".
Where is tric.portugal now:)) will he tell us about the hariri-daeshi-mecca not wanting his supreme christian leader. I don't know why i remembered him:)
I think the masks have finally fallen :
18 August 2014: Berri denied that holding the presidential elections needed a Sunni-Shiite dialogue, saying “the problem is not with Muslims.”
“Let the Christians agree,” the speaker was quoted as saying by his visitors.
The taqiyah always gets exposed. Shiites usually use their taqiyyah on the orthodox Muslims (sunnis) but in lebanon it's also heavily been used on christians and many christians fell for it just like many Muslims fall for it.
Yalla mystic waynak? How will you appear this time? As a maronite? Hehehehe
i dont see what you're trying to say. taqqiyah means allowing to hide your religion if it would lead to you being persecuted and/or killed (and it exists for all muslims not just shiites).
but trying to figure out your comment, are you saying that shiites are not telling christians they are shiites? how is that relevant? how does that make sense?
Bold and Factual as ever
What can one say, another E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T comment. I particularly enjoyed the part where you said "(and it exists for all muslims not just shiites)"
Thank you for making our lives so much better.
Thank you
Still laughing since January 2015.
"Taqiya (Arabic: تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "prudence, fear, caution") is an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.
This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion. However, it is also permitted in Sunni Islam under certain circumstances.
Taqiyya was initially practiced under duress by some of Muhammad's Companions. Later, it became particularly important for Shias due to their experience as a persecuted religious minority."
Why use buzzwords when you don't know what they mean? Think it makes you sound cool and informed?
you trolls keep whining about the fact that i'm an atheist, let me make this clear: i dont give a duck what you think. i am against your lies and sectarian incitement, your fake claims and rotten propaganda, and i dont need to belong to any sect for that.
of course you do give a duck and more: you posted 7 hours ago, 5 hours ago, 3 hours ago and just now. That is for sure a sign of someone who does not give a duck.
i read this article an hour ago before mowaten got his comment deleted showing he was posting at 4 in the morning:)))
I respect Mr. Mowaten for his thorough understanding of the Muslim faith despite the fact he is religiously independent.
19:56mtv: ارسال جنبلاط لوفد من "اللقاء الديمقراطي" الى عين التينة هو ربما للقول لبري "اننا نقف معك في التصعيد".
"الجديد": الحريري أبلغ كتلة "المستقبل" انه سيتبنى ترشيح العماد عون للرئاسة وانه سيتشاور مع كل نائب في الكتلة على حدة في هذا الموضوع.
the cards are on the table: after accusing hariri of obstruction for the last 2 years and using the FPM to pour their hatred on Hariri and who he represents, reality sets in now and we see who really does not want aoun. Spearheading the rejection of aoun are junblatt and berri while hezbollah sits on the sidelines letting his other half and partner in crime berri threaten of civil war.
Maybe it is time, I dont know what Berri's problem is here and why he is throwing a fit... pretty disappointing
Oh thanks anonyme! I was looking for a spokesperson of the FPM, seems like you're the perfect FIT
When it was Hariri who did not want aoun, mowaten of iran wrote poems, books, essays about why hariri did not want aoun ranging from his saudi roots, to regional and global events, all the way to hariri's financial problems never forgetting his life long sectarian hate for hariri. All of a sudden when Berri does not want aoun, the troll innocently says "I dont know what Berri's problem is here".
Taqqiyah at its best.
Go ask your hezb of terror and iran and you will know.
.mowaten. I'm not a big poster here but I have been using this site for over 40 years and recently I have been liking your posts, you're the only one informing these deluded ignorants. :)
mowaten, FT, and I (the_roar) are the 3 most informative posters on naharnet by 3 country miles. We are different yet similar and people are jealous of us because we are smart.
no, that's simply called "lying", no need to use buzzwords, especially when you dont know their meaning.
Taqiya (Arabic: تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "prudence, fear, caution")[1][2] is an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.[3][4][1][5] Another term for this concept, kitmān (lit. "action of covering, dissimulation"), has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission.[6][7]
This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion.[3][8] However, it is also permitted in Sunni Islam under certain circumstances.[9][10]
Taqiyya was initially practiced under duress by some of Muhammad's Companions.[11] Later, it became particularly important for Shias due to their experience as a persecuted religious minority.[8][12]
you can thank me later
the iranian practices taqiah both in politics and religion. On one hand, he is the most sectarian anti sunni creature the world has known and claims he is an atheist to hide his true feelings. In politics, he tries but fails miserably to hide the truth, distorts it, and puts a spin on everything to make it suit his farsi roots.
He has been caught a 1000 times choking with his lies and propaganda not to mention his daily fake accounts.
As to persecution it is centuries old taqiah practice. They have been on a rampage of killings and bloodshed for centuries and claim to be the victims. They are massacring people in Syria and they say "we are oppressed". They are liberating Mosul because they are oppressed and want to kill the descendants of yazid. In lebanon they have a criminal militia that does what it wants and when it wants and they say "we are oppressed"
Thats is taqqiah not persecution.
Lol mowaten. You sound like a shia. Didn't you try to pass of as an atheist with christian background? What atheist goes to such length to whitewash shia lies?
In Islam, taqiyyah is to hide something while under threat. In shiaism, taqiyyah is to hide things and lie for what they consider beneficial for shiaism. An example of shiite taqiyyah is to tell a Muslim that they respect the wives and friends of the Prophet PBUH, while cursing and slandering them amongst themselves.
Don't even try to whitewash it. Taqiyyah in shiaism is deceivement and lying.
Don't come here with silly wikipedia as if it explains facts on the ground. Anyone can edit on wikipedia. Google taqiyah on taqiyah off to see an example of shiite taqiyah caught on tape.
Only a shameless liar or an ignorant fool can compare protecting ones life to deliberatly deceiving people as shiites do while thinking its halal!
عون يستعجل الحريري.. وبري يرفض إستتقباله: لا داعي لتبلغني ما أعرفه
وفي اطار هذا التصعيد، رفض بري استقبال الحريري امس، حيث كان ينوي اطلاعه على موقفه الجديد الداعم لترشيح العماد عون لرئاسة الجمهورية.وذكرت مصادر لـ”الأنباء”، ان بري ارسل الى الحريري يقول: لا داعي لتبلغني ما أعرفه.
Taqqiyah and Kitman have been so much used in past years to dissimulate the truth in politics that they have become equivalent to lying. We can see that everyday with Ebola and Iranian declarations. There is nothing to be proud of. The biggest specialists are the Alawites. They lie constantly.
Yes I never understood why naharnet never implemented a traditional forum with moderators and PMs... I mean there are so many fake accounts you never know who is who, and who is playing games. Very frustrating. I have made posts criticizing Hariri in the past without any type of profanity, and they were deleted.