نصرالله: سنصوت لعون بأوراق مكشوفة إذا سمح قانون مجلس النواب
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رأى الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله بأن "المرحلة تحتاج الى الترفع"، وقال: "نحن اخترنا الصمت الرئاسي ليس لأن موقفنا غير واضح بل لأننا لا نريد ان نقول كلمة زائدة او ناقصة. وأردنا الا نقول كلمة تزعج احداً، ونريد ان نبتعد عن ادبيات الربح والخسارة، وأردنا ان نكون بعيدين عن هذه الاجواء".
واضاف: "لا احد من الحلفاء والخصوم يفكر بعقلية الفوضى والحرب الاهلية، وما نسب الى قيادة حركة "امل" بهذا الخصوص غير صحيح وهي نفته بشكل حاسم. لكن ويا للاسف لا تزال بعض الجهات، بالرغم من النفي القاطع، تعمل عليه للتخوين والتحريض لايجاد مناخات سيئة في البلد، علماً ان معالجة الموضوع السياسي تتم من خلال الحوار او تدوير الزوايا".
واكد الامين العام لـ "حزب الله" ان لا احد في لبنان يفكر بالثنائية لا على اساس سياسي ولا طائفي ولا حزبي، ويجب ان نصارح بعضنا البعض".
وتوجه الى الذين يطالبون الحزب بممارسة الضغوط على الرئيس نبيه بري، بالتأكيد على أن العلاقة مع الحلفاء ليست علاقة التبعية.
ولفت نصرالله الى "أننا كنا دائماً نقول عندما كنا نطالب بممارسة جهود معينة لانهاء الاستحقاق الرئاسي: عندما يحسم تيار المستقبل خياره نبدأ العمل"، مشيرا الى انه بعد اعلان سعد الحريري ترشيح النائب ميشال عون "بدأنا جهداً وسنواصله، وما نتطلع اليه هو الوصول الى استحقاق رئاسي هادئ، لكن هل نوفّق ام لا فهذا متروك للوقت".
وحذّر نصرالله من ان "هناك اطرافاً سياسية همها وغمها كيف تستفيد من التنوّع لايجاد شرخ وفتنة بين "حزب الله" والتيار الوطني، وبين "حزب الله" و"امل"، وبيننا وبين "المردة"، وهذا الموضوع يتم الشغل عليه منذ بداية الانتخابات الرئاسية". وكرّر ان العلاقة بين "حزب الله" و"امل" على المستوى القيادي والشعبي هي "اعمق واقوى واصلب من ان تنال منها كل هذه الفبركات السيئة التي يلجأ اليها البعض".
واكد مجدداً دعم ترشيح عون متوجهاً الى للجميع: "عندما تعقد الجلسة ستحضر كتلة الوفاء كاملة الى الجلسة وتنتخب العماد عون. واذا كان قانون المجلس يسمح بأن يفتح نوابنا الورقة ليرى المجلس كله اننا صوّتنا للعماد عون، سنقوم بذلك لأن هناك قلة اخلاق في لبنان". وتابع: "يمكنني ان استغل خطاب الحريري وانا لا تنقصني الحقائق ولا الادبيات وعندها يذهب الاستحقاق الرئاسي، ولكننا نحن لن نتصرف كذلك لأننا نريد ان يصل عون الى قصر بعبدا". واشار الى ان الحزب يقدم "تضحية كبيرة عندما يقبل بالحريري رئيساً للحكومة. كنا نستطيع ان نقول لعون اننا متلزمون معك ولا يوم قلنا له اننا نلتزم بالحريري لرئاسة الحكومة ولكننا قبلنا حتى يمشي الاستحقاق".
وتوجه الى جمهور "التيار الوطني" طالباً منه عدم السماح "لأحد ان يسيء الى العلاقة بيننا وبينكم، وكل العالم يعرف الاسم الاول والأخير لهذا الشخص او هذه الجهة حيث تقول ان حزب الله لا يريد العماد عون، هل تعلم هذا الجهة بالغيب؟". وفي اول موقف واضح من عودة الحريري الى رئاسة الحكومة قال: "لا نمانع بتولي الحريري رئاسة الحكومة وبهذا نكون قدمنا تضحية كبيرة جداً وكتلتنا ستحضر بكامل أعضائها وستنتخب العماد عون رئيساً". واضاف: "سنذهب مع حركة "امل" الى الجلسة المقبلة متفاهمين ومتفهّمين، وخياراتنا وخيارات "امل" لن تفسد في الود قضية".

تناقلت صفحات موالية لـ "حزب الله" اللبناني، خبر مقتل 4 عناصر من صفوفها خلال اشتباكات مع فصائل الثوار جنوبي حلب، فيما بلغ عدد قتلى الحزب شهر تشرين الأول الحالي 12 قتيلاً، إضافة إلى العديد من الجرحى.
وبحسب هذه الصفحات، العناصر الذين قتلوا هم (ضاهر عبد الحق المصري من بلدة حور تعلا البقاعية، وعباس فياض نعمة من بلدة محرونة الجنوبية، ومحسن علي الموسوي من بلدة نبي الشيث البقاعية، وحسين علي حلاوي من بلدة قعقعية الجسر الجنوبية).

We are even prepared to live together, even though Hariri smeared and talked garbage about the Resistance on several occassions this year.
This is the sacrifice the Sayed talks about, Hariri is accepted as Premier so he can represent Saudi Arabia and Tripoli.
The sharing of power is what makes us live together, so stop talking and whining about the Resistance taking power An Nahar.

Another dead Syrian/Iranian bootlicking slave to add to your avatar, and when is your turbaned coward rat that you call your leader is gonna come out the sewer, if this bearded slave believe in Assad so much why doesn't he go and fight in Aleppo himself, it's taking the Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Lebanese slaves,Iranians and the Syrians not to mention the mighty Russians and they still can't touch a poorly equipped rebels, had it not been for Russia the Syrian rebels would've been pissing in the same sewer the bearded coward is hiding in in Dahieh long ago, and with all that, Assad will still be removed from power and hung by his testicals.

what sacrifice! You have been shoving the edict that not electing Aoun who supposedly represents the largest Christian group contravenes with the national pact and co-existence. Hariri like it or not represents the largest parliamentary and Sunni block in the country. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. So, take your sacrifices to Syria and stay there.

As a Christian, I want to thank Sayid Hassan for protecting us from the dangers surrounding Lebanon and for allowing us to have our own churches and allowing us to express our opinions freely.
The Christians and the Shias are basically one religion, same vision for Lebanon, and have the same sense of fashion.

Nasrallah: No one ordered us to go to Syria and we went there after a comprehensive and extensive analysis. It was necessary to bolster our presence in Aleppo with senior leaders, topped by the martyr “Alaa”, who was about to make a military achievement when he was martyred while fighting on the front lines.
Syria’s foreign minister Walid Al Muallem warned on Saturday that any foreign troops entering his country would “return home in wooden coffins"’
February 6, 2016

Which Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah should we believe, Nasrallah #1 or Nasrallah #2
#1 Nasrallah: No one ordered us to go to Syria and we went there after a comprehensive and extensive analysis.
#2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWjgln7EBU0

we can confirm that aoun/hariri will be president and prime minister

The day this iranian sectarian terrorist is brutally murdered is the day we celebrate our independence.

Nasrallah: We sit together with Speaker Berri and we discuss the things that we disagree on. We understand Speaker Berri's stances and he understands our stances.
Not even in Switzerland you would find this level of civilized behavior.
But with his opponents who are not shia, he takes a different role:
Qassem stressed that the only way to Baabda is through electing Aoun as at the president
“The days have proved that there is a specific path for the presidency. Those who want to elect a president have only one route to take and it leads to General Michel Aoun,” Qassem said.
I bet he did not say that to Berri:)

So much cat and mouse. Hezbollah's game to paralyze Lebanese State Institutions by promoting the Aoun Candidacy as the poison pill that no one would swallow has played for over 2 years. The first to see the game was Geagea who broke precedent and gave his support to Aoun, killing two birds with one stone. First, he exposed the hypocrisy of Hezbollah and second he stuck back at Hariri for giving his backing to Frangieh, who Geagea cannot tolerate.
Hariri suffered for his Frangieh gambit by taking a terrible loss in the Tripoli municipal elections to Rifi and Mikati and business was poor too. He needed to get back to the PM office and Aoun seemed the only way with Geagea's endorsement giving him political cover, he went for it, and put Hezbollah in the corner, isolated.

Hariri's people, however gave Nasrallah a chance to save face when they said that they would attend but submit a blank paper rather than voting for Aoun.
So now Hezbollah, seeking to avoid isolation, which is death in Lebanese politics swore to vote for Aoun with their every ballot. Now the party isolated in AMAL for opposing the trend and moving to the Opposition and out of government which is death to Berri who thrives on milking the ministries for his zilm.
It is a paradigm of the power of the Christian parties in Lebanon when they are united. The two large Muslim factions, Sunni and Shia will compete with each other to prove their loyalty to Christian issues so that they may govern with the Christians.

It is called coalition building. When you do not have an absolute demographic majority, you must build bridges and coalitions with those who will give you a majority. Finally, we are seeing this happening around the most unlikely of personalities, Michel Aoun. In 2005, had he remained loyal to his original cause of Lebanese nationalism, then the country could have been spared 11 years of drift, decay and falling back. But then, these were the terms of his return from exile worked out with Bashar al Assad. He was required to do all that he has done since May 2005 as the price of return. He paid and Lebanon paid higher.

Both Geagea and Hariri tried to market their nomination of Aoun based on an agreement that included among other things dissociating Lebanon from the Syrian war/crisis. Today, the chief terrorist of hezbollah gave them both a direct answer.
Nassrallah also stressed that his party's fighters will not "return to Lebanon" before "achieving victory in Syria."

from your spot on diagnosis of Nassrallah, I can tell you will be a very successful doctor.

Nice grandiose speech but Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has a habit of slightly over estimating his power influence and pull on things

Great picture, Nasrallah looks like an unwashed mafioso, and that's closer to his true character than the religious uniform he dishonored for decades. lol... I wonder if they washed that iranian ape before they gave him a turban and made him sayyed.

That's not up for discussion it's a fact. Before the Syrians were kicked out even before March 14 2005 Karin Pakradoni and Emil Lahoud Jr were dispatched to Paris by Bashar with a deal to Aoun. If you think that 99% the March 14 coalition were Syrian agents you resemble the question you asked in your first sentence. I will not say bless you, you cannot be more blessed than you currently are as ignorance is bliss. Brazil is a long way from Lebanon and your ignorance goes even further. Stick with the tric persona it's at least comical.