الراعي للحريري "اهلا برجل الشجاعة والقرار".. والاخير يدعو الى "التعاون لفتح صفحة جديدة"
Read this story in English
دعا رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري الجميع من بكركي، الى التعاون لمصلحة لبنان، لافتا الى أن صفحة جديدة ستفتح الاثنين المقبل مع جلسة انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية.
وقال الحريري بعد لقائه البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي السبت "البطرك دائم الحرص على انتخاب رئيس للبنان والبلد أمام مرحلة جديدة، أتمنى على الجميع ان يتعاون لمصلحة لبنان واللبنانيين".
وأكد "نحن سنتعاون يوم الاثنين واليوم واصلون الى خواتيم بيضاء لفتح صفحة جديدة لخوض المرحلة الجديدة هذه"، لافتا الى أن هناك "تحديات كبيرة امام الحكومة والدولة".
وكان الراعي بادر الحريري فور وصوله بالقول "اهلا برجل الشجاعة والقرار"، في إشارة الى مبادرة الحريري بترشيح النائب ميشال عون الى الرئاسة من بيت الوسط الخميس الفائت.
وبحسب قناة "المستقبل" توجه الحريري الى الراعي بالقول سيكون الاثنين الابيض فقال الراعي إنه الاثنين الكبير.
وتنعقد الاثنين جلسة عامة تتوجه فيها الكتل السياسية الى انتخاب عون رئيسا للجمهورية بعد نحو سنتين ونصف سنة من الفراغ.

Rahi Welcomes Hariri as 'Man of Courage,'
more like spineless man of concessions.

along with M8 who still are collaborating with the very same regime, seems you forget that...

still slogging along eh tricportugal, but you ditched one id and replaced with not just one but two ids, that very "resilient" of you libanobrasil. just to remind you before you let loose on a whole community your attacks were on the right wing. maybe you can explain how did you come to start using the most right wing leader lebanon ever had as your avatar and you did this just around the time you switched your attacks from the right wing to the sunnis, very clever.

They killed his father and now he is licking Hizbullah shoes. Well, it is his right, but to call this courage is a bit senseless.

It is amusing to see you accuse Mostaqbal of being Syrian agents for 30+ years. What about your hezbollah who were and still are Syrian and Iranian tools; are they not traitors? Mostagbal lost their leader Rafic Hariri, Basil Fleyhan, Wissam Eid, Wissam Hassan, Mohamed Shatah, and Mp and Judge Walid Eido to the Syrian occupation ya troll.

Once upon a time there was a general who said : I am a soldier in Assad's Army" and a Sayyed who said " I am a soldier in Wilayat Al Faqih"

I am well pleased to see all the Lebanese people and their leaders coming together
And cooperating with each others for the benefits of all and for the sake of Lebanon who suffered a lot of destruction and neglect. May all who love Lebanon and work hard to rebuild it proper, and may the the Lord give them courage
And wisdom to improve the leaving conditions for all the Lebanese people who suffered so much for so long.

هكذا يتم الترحيب ب ميشال عون في #الضاحية

MP's were accomplices and Syrian agents for 30+ years
wow that's amazing so many started to be Syrian agents before they were born!
libanobrasil when you ditched the tricportugal id i was afraid that the unintentional comic relief you provided was lost forever. but i was wrong, now we have you twice as much with two new fresh ids with twice as much comic relief, stay "resilient"

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If saad hariri can't run his company, cis he eligible to run Lenanon as Prim Minister