جنبلاط يعلن أن كتلته ستسمي الحريري لتشكيل الحكومة: لحكومة وحدة وطنية تتسع للجميع
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أن كتلته ستسمي الرئيس سعد الحريري لتشكيل الحكومة.
ودعا جنبلاط في حديث صحفي الى "تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية تتسع للجميع، حتى تكون قادرة على التصدي للتحديات التي تواجه لبنان".
وتعقد اليوم الاربعاء ويوم غد الخميس استشارات نيابية مع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون لتسمية رئيس لحكومة العهد الجديد، وصتت غالبية الكتل للحريري.
وانتخب عون رئيسا للبلاد الاثنين لتطوى صفحة فراغ رئاسي استمر لاكثر من سنتين. وصوتت كتلة "اللقاء الديمقراطي" التي يترأسها جنبلاط لصالح عون.
وسحب مرشح اللقاء هنري حلو ترشيحه قبل أيام من انتخاب رئيس.
Walid Junblatt and Nabih Berri are the only two world leaders that are not sectarian and are working for the benefit of Lebanon. The rest.... not sure.
Sure, Tayyar al Mostaqbal was working for Syria 20 years before it was established, you are such a sectarian genius. And keep trying you might one day convince one person that you are a Christian, but I won't hold my breath as it did not work all the previous times.
طهران "تخطف" الرئيس اللبناني... فوز عون انتصار لـ"حزب الله" وإيران والأسد
اعتبرت وسائل اعلام ايرانية ومعها مستشار المرشد الأعلى للجمهورية الإسلامية علي أكبر ولايتي انتخاب العماد ميشال #عون رئيساً للبنان، انتصاراً لايران ولـ #حزب_الله وللرئيس السوري بشار الأسد، مدرجة فوزه في خانة صراعها مع #السعودية، ومعتبرة أن المملكة منيت بخسارة في هذا الاستحقاق. وركزت الصحف خصوصاً على تصنيف الرئيس الجديد في محور المقاومة المعادي لاسرائيل.
وبدت مستفزة الصورة التي نشرتها صحيفة "وطن إمروز" الايرانية وفيها الرئيس ميشال عون يستعرض ثلة من الحرس الجمهوري، فيما يسير أمامه عسكري كتب تحت قدمه "خسارة سعودية".
but i haven't seen you congratulating Aoun!...even hostile countries such as Usa and the wahhabi state did.
be sure of it... since Hariri have learnt that relying on foreign entities not useful anymore, thus the oil project, arming properly the LAF from Iran and Rusia and not betraying the resistance are the way to have a strong state.
Define terrorist fake brasil Christian.
Are Hezbollah terrorists?
How about the left wing militias in Africa, South and central America, Asia, are they terrorists?
Are nationalist groups fighting in Asia, terrorists?
How about the right wing and hard-line Christian militias in the US, are they terrorists?
All these are called terrorists by someone
"Citizens might respect and acknowledge their president "
that's what southern and his likes did with ex-president suileman.
Christians lives freely under Assad, and don't use Bachir Gemayel as an example for Christians, he was loyal to Israel, we are officially at war with Israel remember.
How well does Christians live under your Wahabi rebels in Syria?
They all flee to Assad controlled areas.
you are officially at war with Israel?:) The only war you are at is with the Syrian people and the Sunnis of the Arab World.
texas, you say Lebanon is not at war with Israel? Be my guest, come to Beirut and take your Passport full of Tel Aviv stamps to the
Beirut airport, and you will see.
Also, Lebanon is recognized by Israel as an enemy state.
There is a blue line agreeement by the U.N a ceasefire that is, don't mistake that for peace you mossad.
Long time no see flamethrower,, I thought you left Naharnet for good.
Well, it's a good timing you came back my friend.
"those who constitute 80% of the SAA and are still holding syria against your wahabi US-backed mercenaries"
That is why you have more than 150,000 shias from Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bahrain, Iran helping Assad because the 80% Sunnis that are with Assad are not enough. You are the filthiest of filth, but again we all knew that.
then the other troll says "we are officially at war with Israel remember."
What is this "officially" all about? You are either at war or you are not. If you are at war, go and show us how you can liberate palestine and sheba farms instead of killing women and children in Syria, Iraq, yemen and god knows where.