الجيش: الاليات التي ظهرت في عرض حزب الله العسكري لا تعود لنا

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أعلن الجيش في بيان صدر عنه الثلاثاء أن الاليات العسكرية التي ظهرت خلال عرض حزب الله العسكري في القصير لا تعود له.

وقالت مديرية التوجيه في الجيش "صور الآليات العسكرية التي يتم تناقلها عبر وسائل الاعلام ليست من مخزون الجيش وغير عائدة له".

ويأتي بيان الجيش بعد اعلان واشنطن أنها ستحقق في ظهور مدرعات أميركية في العرض العسكري الذي أقامه الحزب منذ أيام. إذ قالت إليزابيث ترودو، الناطقة باسم الخارجية الأمريكية بحسب قناة ال CNN أن واشنطن تحقق في الصور وأن وقوع معداتها بأيدي الحزب سيكون مصدرا للقلق.

واوضحت "لقد رأيت الصور التي لم تكن واضحة كثيرا. وأريد أن أقول أننا نعمل مع الوكالات المتعددة الموجودة لدينا من أجل الحصول على المزيد من المعلومات وتوضيح ذلك."

ولدى سؤالها عن الموقف الأمريكي بحال اتضح أن تلك الآليات الأمريكية كانت بحوزة الجيش اللبناني وصلت منه إلى حزب الله ردت ترودو بالقول "نحن نعتبر حزب الله منظمة إرهابية أجنبية. نحتاج لمعرفة المزيد من المعلومات ولكننا بالطبع سنشعر بالقلق الشديد بحال انتهت تلك المعدات بين يدي حزب الله."

وكشفت صور وزعت عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، عن عرض عسكري ضخم لـ "حزب الله" داخل سوريا، في حدث هو الاول من نوعه منذ مشاركة مئات المقاتلين من الحزب في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري قبل اكثر من ثلاث سنوات.

وفي التفاصيل المرفقة بالصور، ان الاستعراض العسكري اقيم في منطقة القصير في ريف حمص الجنوبي والقريبة من الحدود السورية مع لبنان، في ذكرى "يوم شهيد حزب الله"، الذي يُصادف في الحادي عشر من تشرين الثاني.

التعليقات 30
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 16:36 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

and the LAF has the audacity to even comment. These terrorists are parading tanks and crossing the border with the complete knowledge and approval of the LAF.

Thumb justice 18:38 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

the iranian troll says " How are heavy weapons getting into the hands of the moderate "takfiris" in Syria? That does not bother you?"

Are the syrian rebels undermining the authority of the Lebanese state. They are not Lebanese unlike what hezbollah claims to be. So go troll in Koura with your SSNP dinosaurs.

Thumb Elemental 18:53 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

Obama is of you bighassan. Now that Trump's soon to be in power your petty little games and takia will all be over.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:20 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

oh how you love to get lost in pointless details anonyme... bigjohn's point had nothing to do with the terminology used, wether you call them light or heavy doesnt change the fact that the US have been arming terrorists in syria with advanced weapons including TOWs (which are not shoulder-launched btw, i'd love to see you try that one lol) and MANPADs

and PS: just for the fun of it, did you know that TOWs fall in the HAW category (heavy antitank weapons)? lol

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:27 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

and yes terrorists stole a lot of russian-made tanks from the syrian army, just as they stole US-made heavy weaponry from the iraqi army, including
M113 APCs
M117 ASVs
M198 howitzers
FIM92 stingers

and they even caught some black hawk helicopters but they were never seen using them

Missing CFTC 19:42 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

Bold, and Hilarious
Always going where no one else dares
Whip-Smart comment
What can one say, another E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T comment. I particularly enjoyed the part where you said " and PS: just for the fun of it, did you know that TOWs fall in the HAW category (heavy antitank weapons)? lol"

Thank you for making this forum lively and vibrant.
Still laughing since January 2015.

Thank you

Yours Sincerely

Thumb Puppet 19:47 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

I respect Mr. Mowaten because of his military knowledge and terrorism.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:57 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

now jumping to another rethorical unrelated point are we? so nusra front, a branch of al qaeda, is not terrorist? daesh, another branch of al qaeda, is not terrorist? lol, that's a pretty desperate argumentative strategy anonyme.

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 20:49 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

hahahaha! My Sri Lankan maid stormed into my bedroom and said " Sir Sir flamesrower is posting again on nakharnet". I rushed to see and there you are. Yes posting like a beacon of truth in a somesingly anazar way.

My maid bruma loves you flamesrower and always says you are somesing anazar.

Thumb galaxy 16:39 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

There are media reports circulating indicating Hezbollah/Iran bought these American made tanks on the black market through Israeli arms dealers.

Thumb justin 16:56 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15


These tanks are modified versions of the U.S M113 and are Israeli made. There seems to be a lot of truth to these reports.

Thumb ado.australia 16:45 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

The Lebanese Armed Forces are heroic, patriotic and honourable! They would never give up their hard earned and defended equipment! The LAF is non sectarian and defends all Lebanon's borders! Any inclination otherwise is bullshit and treacherous! God bless the Watan... the LAF !

Thumb justin 16:52 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

من يدقق قليلاً بالصور المنشورة للعرض العسكري الذي نفذته ألوية في “حزب الله” “أنشئت حديثاً” (بحسب وسائل الإعلام القريبة من الحزب) في القصير يلاحظ مشاركة مدرعات أميركيّة المنشأ وإسرائيليّة الصنع والتطوير تعرف بـ”Zelda”.تجدر الإشارة إلى أنه يمكن أن تتشابه “Zelda” مع طرازات أخرى من الـ”M113″ إلا أن ما يميزها من حيث الشكل عن شبيهاتها هي الفتحة الأمامية والجسور الحديدية على جانبيها المصممة من أجل حمل أكياس رملية وقائية أو دروع حديدة. وهذا ما يمكن تميزه بشكل سهل عند المقارنة بين الصور المرفقة بالخبر.


also, more info on the "zelda" here:

Thumb justin 17:12 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15


The Israeli withdrawal from the South was an orderly one and I do not think they or the SLA left behind such a large number of tanks. Also, these tanks need to be maintained and kept battle ready. They need spare parts. The most plausible theory is hezbollah or iran bought them on the black market and did not mind dealing with Israeli arms dealers or perhaps Israel provided them to the sectarian militia gratis to help keep assad in power.

Default-user-icon mariano drive (ضيف) 18:29 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

the bigjohn pot calling the kettle black

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 18:40 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

After Michel Aoun's testimony before a U.S. Congressional Committee (September 18/2003 ):

"A Tuesday September 23, 2003 statement, issued after a meeting held at the office of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party in Joub Jannine, described Aoun’s testimony as “false” and accused him of being related to Zionism and its followers in the United States."

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 23:16 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

"Syrian Social Nationalist Party described Aoun’s testimony as “false” and accused him of being related to Zionism"



Thumb justice 18:53 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

Hezbollah's parade is insignificant militarily. It is primarily aimed at the Lebanese internal arena. It carries zero threat to Israel since one airstrike would obliterate all the equipment and 4x4 atvs that the terrorist group put on display. It is a message to anyone internally who might misinterpret Aoun's oath of office.

Thumb Elemental 18:56 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

He's talking about the LAF bighsassan, not your fetish for zionists. I'm counting down the day's till Trumps inauguration, it'll spell an end to your takia, period.

Thumb justice 18:56 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

did you ever read where the Israeli army reached on the eve of the ceasefire that your iranian militia was begging for? Does the Litani river ring a bell? Well hubbub, i hate to rain on your parade but within 24 hours Israel reached the Litani and you were ducking for cover.

Thumb Southern...... 19:12 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15


listen to this and stop giving credit to Lebanon's only enemy, the zionist state... btw, it reminds me when some posters like you defended Israel when it deliberately attacked Qana, slaughtering hundreds of women and childen.


Thumb galaxy 19:50 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15


the end justifies the means. Collateral damage as you always say...

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:01 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

lol elemental youre ont done headbanging if you think you'll be happier with trump president. one of the first thing he's doing is normalizing relations with russia and dumping the syrian terrorists that were breastfed by hilary and obongo.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:01 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

not done*

Thumb walid121 20:18 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

.mowaten. I'm not a big poster here but I have been using this site for over 45 years and recently I have been liking your posts, you're the only one informing and schooling these deluded ignorants. :)

Thumb enterprise 20:27 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

34 minutes ago Hizbullah sources to al-Jadeed: The vehicles that appeared in Hizbullah's military parade were seized in south Lebanon after the withdrawal of the Israeli army.

So the sectarian militia did not use these military vehicles against Israel to "defend" Lebanon in the 2006 war but they are using them to kill the Syrian people.

I doubt the veracity of their claim in the first place.

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 20:55 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15


my maid said you seem to have a dent in your brain.

Thumb Puppet 20:58 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 15

I respect Mr. Flamethrower because he mixes politics and erotica.

Thumb liberty 07:16 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 16

The Hussain Army is now official..... move over Lebanese Army.

Thumb morsel 07:29 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 16

Why every time you can't successfully refute @mowaten, you accuse him of being sectarian? I've been reading this forum for many years and I've never managed to know what @mowaten's religion is. sometimes I think he's christian, sometimes shia, sometimes buddhist, and sometimes jewish.. so I stopped guessing. It's people like you, who are sectarian, mowaten is Lebanese not Iranian or Yemeni or even Iraqi or Somali for that matter.