الطيران الاسرائيلي يطلق من "المجال الجوي اللبناني" صاروخين على ريف دمشق

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أطلق الطيران الاسرائيلي صاروخين على ريف دمشق فجر الاربعاء دون ان يحدث إصابات، حسبما نقلت وكالة الاعلام الرسمية (سانا) عن مصدر عسكري.

وقال المصدر "أقدم طيران العدو الاسرائيلي فجر اليوم على اطلاق صاروخين من المجال الجوي اللبناني سقطا في منطقة الصبورة بريف دمشق الغربي دون وقوع اصابات".

واعتبر المصدر ان الهجوم جاء "في محاولة لصرف الانظار عن نجاحات الجيش العربي السوري ورفع معنويات العصابات الارهابية المنهارة"، بحسب الوكالة.

وياتي اطلاق الصاروخين بعد يومين من اعلان الجيش الاسرائيلي ان طائراته شنت غارة ليل الاحد الاثنين في الجولان، غداة قيام مسلحين على صلة بتنظيم الدولة الاسلامية باطلاق النار على جنوده في الجزء التي تحتله اسرائيل من هذه المرتفعات السورية.

كما استهدفت طائرة عسكرية مواقع للجيش السوري في ايلول بعد اطلاق النار على المنطقة المحتلة بشكل غير متعمد.

ويحمل الجيش الاسرائيلي الجيش السوري مسؤولية اطلاق النار على الاراضي السورية المحتلة أيا كان مصدره.

ومنذ حرب حزيران 1967، تحتل الدولة العبرية حوالى 1200 كلم مربع من هضبة الجولان السورية (شمال شرق) واعلنت ضمها في 1981 من دون ان يعترف المجتمع الدولي بذلك. ولا تزال حوالى 510 كيلومترات مربعة تحت السيادة السورية.

ووجهت اسرائيل منذ 2013 سلسلة ضربات طاولت اهدافا سورية او اخرى لحزب الله الذي يقاتل الى جانب النظام السوري.

التعليقات 28
Default-user-icon ado.darta (ضيف) 11:25 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

I have always said that now with the Russian S-400 deployed in Syria, even a fly cannot fly without Russian permission.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:55 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

as underlined in the article, the missiles were fired from long range. the israeli warplanes never entered syrian airspace. i guess the only solution now would be to take down any israeli plane flying within 200km from syrian soil, (note that this includes most of occupied palestine's airspace)

Thumb justin 12:24 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

how many hours of sleep did you get in the last 24 hours? hardly any.... i know.

Default-user-icon mowatendareet (ضيف) 12:33 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

You never cease to amaze us with your knowledge... even in military and aerial combat you seem to know it all. well said

Thumb Mystic 12:38 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

Only reason Israel "supposedly" bombed isis was because they wanted to act like they are fighting them but in reality the Resistance is the real target.

Missing un520 12:46 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

In case anyone wondered

Thumb Mystic 12:46 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

Russia will not allow their anti air weapons to be used against Israeli jets.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:49 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

justince: thank you for your concern about the quality and quantity of my sleep, it is much appreciated, but stick to relevant subjects please.

Thumb Puppet 14:03 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

I respect Mr. Mowaten's need for privacy when it comes to his sleep and posting patterns specifically in the areas of quality versus quantity of sleep.

Missing CFTC 12:30 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

Strikingly Knowledgeable
Strategically inclined

Always going where no one else dares

What can one say, another E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T comment. I particularly enjoyed the part where you said " the only solution now would be to take down any israeli plane flying within 200km from syrian soil "

Thank you for making this forum lively and vibrant.

Still laughing since January 2015.
Thank you

Yours Sincerely

Default-user-icon Vader (ضيف) 22:34 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30


Default-user-icon Sharpe (ضيف) 22:41 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

Actually, you wouldn't know the difference. All it did was elevate the israeli's weaponry/practices/capabilities. Not like they're going to downgrade in response.

Thumb justin 11:26 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

غارات اسرائيلية على مواقع سورية… واستهداف قافلة لـ”حزب الله”


Thumb EagleDawn 13:57 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

"استهداف قافلة لـ”حزب الله
I hope they find their body parts in 44 different places;) all i care about is that they get what they deserve, like all foreign troops on any arab soil.

Thumb Southern...... 13:24 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

"...were launched from Lebanese airspace."

for Lebanon, the next step is to acquire air defence systems!!! there is a little hope that the army could achieve that due the Israeli boycott.... the resistance must go ahead.

btw, America, France or England could help the amy by providing bullets and obsolete machine guns, the zionist lobby chooses the harmless weapons.

Thumb Southern...... 14:25 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

the world doesn't end at S400! try to think although it is hard for you, right! you little brown thing....

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:46 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

hahahaha FT, that's a smack on the nose i believe :D

Thumb EagleDawn 14:13 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30


trolls will speak of everything except the points that matter.

“Irony is wasted on _mowaten_” Oscar Wilde

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:14 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

"Instead we see Israel lobbying Obama not to bomb Assad, and Israel encouraging Russia to save Assad and then Israel mediated the Russian Turkish rapprochement to align Turkey to Russian view on Syria"

and where did you... "see" that exactly? I thought you were going to stop taking psychoactive drugs...

Default-user-icon flamethrower groupie (ضيف) 16:53 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

As the great flamethrower wisely noticed why haven't Iran been attacked by their own supposedly mortal enemies the Takfairi terrorists of ISIS, luck I guess too busy attacking Iran and the Syrian regime's other enemies.

Missing arturo 16:57 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

When you say "zionists" do you mean Jews?

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:46 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

no when we say zionists we usually mean.. zionists! you know, those stinking, murdering, plundering, ethnic-cleansing, hating sobs.

Thumb i.report 21:03 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

It has been reported that —mowaten— never takes a break. He wakes up and reads Naharnet before taking the morning leak, for breakfast he starts harassing the community, and it goes on and on like this all day and night long till he collapses and falls asleep in his bed holding his phone....Instead of talking to his wife, he talks to us!

Thumb warrior 21:19 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

the troll never sleeps, never works, his whole life is trolling the forum. He posts at 3 and 4 in the morning like clockwork. Pitiful creature

Missing arturo 16:59 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

I'm confused. SOme say Israel is allied with nusra and isis. Now you claim they are allied with Syria. WHich one is it?

Thumb kanaanljdid 19:43 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

Good, they strike back on behalf of Lebanon. So it is a brotherly missile from Lebanon to our brethen Syria.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:47 ,2016 تشرين الثاني 30

hahahaha anonyme, really?? you make random claims and when i ask you for any sort of evidence you ask ME to prove the opposite? you need therapy!

Missing cedars 05:10 ,2016 كانون الأول 02

Ever heard of friendly fire bonehead? Ever heard of the Syrian army in Lebanon bombing their own soldiers while advancing in Tripoli during tawheed, or bombing hamra or west Beirut from mount Lebanon to ignite internal divisions.