إشتباكات عنيفة في مخيم عين الحلوة رغم الاتفاق على وقف إطلاق النار

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تجددت الاشتباكات في الشارع الفوقاني داخل مخيم عين الحلوة بين حركة فتح ومجموعات إسلامية متشددة، رغم الاتفاق على وقف إطلاق النار.

وتتركز الاشتباكات هذه بين منطقتي البركسات والصفصاف حيث تستعمل بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام الاسلحة الرشاشة والقذائف الصاروخية.

وقد طاول لرصاص بحسب الوكالة مناطق خارج المخيم لاسيما منطقة سينيق مسجلا إصابات، كما تسببت الاشتباكات باندلاع حريق بالقرب من مسجدالفاروق، وسجلت حركة نزوح لبعض العائلات وإقفال المدارس القريبه من المخيم.

وأصيب طفل وشاب يدعى زياد.ع. بجروح جراء رصاص القنص في المخيم.

كما تسببت الاشتباكات باندلاع حريق بالقرب من جامع الفاروق داخل المخيم، فيما طاول رصاص القنص المناطق المحيطة بالمخيم في صيدا، ما أجبر المدراس المحيطة على اعادة طلابها الى منازلهم واقفال ابوابها نتيجة تدهور الوضع الامني.

واثر الاحداث هذه، عقد اجتماع في سفارة دولة فلسطين في بيروت، وضم السفير الفلسطيني أشرف دبور والقوى الوطنية والاسلامية وفصائل منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية لتدارس الوضع الامني المستجد في مخيم عين الحلوة.

وكان الاتفاق على وقف اطلاق النار انهار صباحا في المخيم، اثر تجدد الاشتباكات.

ووجه الحراك الشعبي والمبادرة الشعبية دعوات لابناء المخيم للنزول الى الشارع من اجل وقف الاشتباكات.

التعليقات 21
Thumb the_roar 10:11 ,2017 شباط 28

Isn't it time these camps are bulldozed?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:29 ,2017 شباط 28

And what do you propose to do with the people who live inside?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:18 ,2017 شباط 28

Blablablabla ... When you get your facts wrong, speak. Fascist.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:44 ,2017 شباط 28

Blablabla ... Go F yourself and into the hole you came from. I am Lebanese and definitely more human than you are. Fascist.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:55 ,2017 شباط 28

A great contribution to the discussion by a self proclaimed fascist.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:42 ,2017 شباط 28

A fascist is a person that call a group of people (here Palestinians) scum of the earth and who is willing to evict them and make them homeless! (See his idiotic comments below )

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:59 ,2017 شباط 28

What we need is that the Lebanese government publicly accept Abbas request that it (Lebanese government) enforce security in the camp.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:47 ,2017 شباط 28

Really FT. A Lebanese militia can invade and render millions of Syrians homeless but we cannot impose law and order on few camps!

Thumb Southern...... 11:50 ,2017 شباط 28

all these actions sound good, but are they realistic and could be achieved!?, i think not.

getting rid of the Palestinians, Lebanon would be the beneficiary and many problems would be solved, land to explore and less armed conflicts that the Palestinians are originating, besides the civil war which they provoked and the theft of the country's wealth.

therefore, to be realistic, these camps can only be bulldozed when the zionist state accept to make peace with Palestinians in order to build their own country, thus all refugees must be then returned to their's.... but the Israelies instead of facilitating the peace process, they build more and more settlements in west bank in order to avoid such deal....

btw, they are asking to make peace with Lebanon that's not needed, but with the Palestinians yes, this is how Lebanon would benefit.

Thumb Southern...... 17:22 ,2017 شباط 28

instead of making poetry statement, tell me what is the solution, if not the ones i state, the zionist occupier must abandon the occupied territories to let the Palestinians to back to their homes.

btw, the arabs which you praises here, are the obstacle for that to happen, because they ally with the zionist state, work together and support it..... they see Iran as their enemy, a country which support this cause.... demagogue & real FASCIST.

Thumb Southern...... 17:59 ,2017 شباط 28

"Your Iranian Mullahs said they will help Liberate Palestine and return the Palestinians back to Palestine" :

they are not my mullahs, but the Saudi mullahs don't even mention that, but rather they give support to Israel and work togather..... is this the way toward the liberation Palestine!?, surely not.

"Your Nassrallah has declared that the Road to Palestine passes through Qusair, Homs, Aleppo and so on till they reach Palestine":

lie.... but getting rid of ISIS terrorism which was founded by Usa to destroy the axis of the resistance, would help.

Thumb Southern...... 18:06 ,2017 شباط 28

those are the arabs who want to liberate Palestine...


Thumb Southern...... 18:14 ,2017 شباط 28

the title concide with what i said, that getting rid of ISIS in Syria help to liberate Palestine, and therefore this is what Nasrralah said but not as you state above

"Your Nassrallah has declared that the Road to Palestine passes through Qusair, Homs, Aleppo and so on till they reach Palestine. "

you see how inconsistent & liar you are....

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:22 ,2017 شباط 28

You really make little sense. Did you read what I wrote or you simply want to troll. And FYI the Egyptian dictatorship supports your Assad regime! None of them will liberate anything.

Thumb i.report 18:46 ,2017 شباط 28

Yes togather. What are you gathering these days?

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 12:10 ,2017 شباط 28


Do I need say more? Dear Lord, your ability to combine politics, movie stars, human aspects, and finance in one sentence is just a touch of genius!

In other words, you are somesing anazar flamesrower!

Thumb i.report 14:33 ,2017 شباط 28

he is something anazar, isn't he!? He's an alien, but not a legal one.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:28 ,2017 شباط 28

The fascists have spoken!!!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:43 ,2017 شباط 28

FT ... You are a fascist ... Anyone with a brain who read your comments can see the obvious

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:14 ,2017 شباط 28

Time for Lebanon to enforce the State law on every inch of its territory. Else this country is bound to another civil war, worst than what we knew.

Missing bandit 20:33 ,2017 شباط 28

To solve the Palestinian problem for them and more importantly us, the Lebanese. We need to send then back to Israel/Palestine. The way to get them home is to offer a peace treaty with the Israelis as long as they return the Palestinians to their home. The Palestinians have been nothing but trouble to Lebanon. They used us and manipulate us to think we sound fight for them and against ourselves. Look at what they did to the Lebanese army in how they created the Lebanese Arab army. This was their way to weaken us and strengthen them. They did not care who help them Christian or Muslim. They just want to destroy Lebanon and control us. Every Lebanese suffered because of them and continue s to suffer.