اشتباكات في مخيم برج البراجنة بين فلسطينيين وآل جعفر
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اندلعت اشتباكات بين آل جعفر ومسلحين فلسطينيين في حي الجورة - المجاور لمخيم برج البراجنة.
وامتد الاشتباك بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام الى حي آل صقر، وطال رصاص القنص الطريق المؤدي الى فرن الولاء.
وتستخدم في الاشتباكات مختلف انواع الاسلحة والرشاشة والقنابل اليدوية. وناشد الاهالي الجيش اللبناني التدخل.

we're communicating with the army and with AMAL Movement and Hizbullah and we've informed them that the gunmen have been pulled from the streets,"
If the Jaafars, Zoaiters, and Meqdads are not part of the iranian militia why is the negotiations taking place with hezbollah?

3 people have been killed so far, any arrests have been made or will ever be made?

can you imagine how difficult the army job to control those outlaws? the politicians that allowed them to carry weapons should be in jail. Hit the head of the snake in iron fist.

Don't confuse ashraf al nass with bee2a al 7adinat, the Jaafars and similar are part of the bee2a al 7adinat. Ashraf al nass are the one who execute the religious edicts of our lord Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regardless how silly, ridiculous, hateful and ISIS like they are.

lool @ "regardless how silly, ridiculous, hateful and ISIS like they are."