الحريري يطلب من باسيل إعداد رسالة الى مجلس الامن بشأن التهديدات الاسرائيلية للبنان

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أوعز رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري لوزير الخارجية جبران باسيل إعداد رسالة مفصلة الى مجلس الامن بشأن التهديدات الاسرائيلية للبنان.

وقال الحريري في مستهل جلسة مجلس الوزراء "التهديدات المتكررة على لسان مسؤولين في الحكومة الاسرائيلية وفي وسائل الإعلام، والموجهة إلى المدنيين في لبنان وإلى مؤسساتهم الشرعية وبناهم التحتية، هدفها التغطية على انتهاكات اسرائيل الدائمة لقرار مجلس الأمن الدولي الرقم 1701، بينما يلتزم به لبنان ويدعو دائما إلى تطبيقه بكامل مندرجاته".

علبه طلب الحريري من باسيل جردة بهذه المواقف الرسمية الاسرائيلية المعلنة في وسائل الاعلام.

كما طلب منه اعداد رسالة مفصلة الى مجلس الامن الدولي بشأنها، "ليتحمل المجتمع الدولي مسؤوليته في مواجهة هذا التوتير المقصود وهذا التهديد العلني للاستقرار الاقليمي.

التعليقات 14
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:33 ,2017 آذار 13

Tonto .... No one needs a lesson in patriotism from someone who supports the occupation of Lebanon from an Iranian militia

Thumb gigahabib 20:18 ,2017 آذار 13

Lol, SaudiDemagogue compares a fully Lebanese group that defends Lebanon from Zionist and Wahhabist invasion with foreign occupation?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:45 ,2017 آذار 13

GigaLiar ... I did not make a comparison because every case is different. But we are under occupation by an Iranian funded and commanded militia that usurped the power of the state

Thumb gigahabib 21:34 ,2017 آذار 13

So can you tell us which party in Lebanon is not funded and controlled by a foreign power, oh genius?

Thumb warrior 21:58 ,2017 آذار 13

" a fully Lebanese group that defends Lebanon from Zionist and Wahhabist invasion"

lol @gigaheretic

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:30 ,2017 آذار 13

Gigaliar .... There is one militia in Lebanon that is funded and led by a foreign state and the usurp the authority of the state.

Thumb gigahabib 23:42 ,2017 آذار 13

Just because the Mustaqbal miltia funded by the US and Saudia fell apart out of incompetence in 2006 doesn't mean it wasn't there. The militia lives on in the Salafist gangs of Tripoli.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 02:04 ,2017 آذار 14

GigaLiar .... Keep lying. May be someone beside the Iranian Amen corner will believe you.

Thumb gigahabib 11:47 ,2017 آذار 14

Ugh, 2008, got it wrong too, but it's hard not to confuse the Israeli onslaught in 2006 with the attempted attack by their minions in 2008... The Halba massacre against unarmed men was a disgrace, showing the true colours of Mustaqbal.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:00 ,2017 آذار 14

You are both confused people. Claiming that Mustaqbal had militias is patently false. Your side lies have been shown clearly in 2007. Yes - many politicians and institutions had bodyguards to protect them from your sides thugs but these hardly qualify as militias.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:01 ,2017 آذار 14

And yes the Halba massacre was a disgrace but it was not organized and all involved are wanted by the state. None of the killers that have participated in the invasion of Beirut are wanted by the state. They are now the state.

Thumb gigahabib 16:50 ,2017 آذار 14

Lol, we may have our disagreements, but we're all equally shitty with dates, it seems...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:59 ,2017 آذار 14

Using cute words such as weaponized show the lack of argument you have. There is a fundamental difference between having a militia with command and control and a group of supporters of a party with individual weapons.

Thumb justice 19:40 ,2017 آذار 13

“Lebanon has always called for the implementation of UNSCR 1701 and all its stipulations,” Hariri added.

lol @Hariri and would the honorable prime minister tell us how is Lebanon implementing 1701?