السفير السوري يدعو الى تنسيق أكثر مع دمشق بشأن النازحين: أين مبادرة الحكومة؟

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رأى السفير السوري في لبنان علي عبد الكريم علي أن الحكومة اللبنانية لم تبادر لايجاد مخرج لازمة النزوح السوري، داعيا الدولة اللبنانية الى التنسيق أكثر مع دمشق بشأنهم.

وفيما اعترفا بـ "أعباء النزوح على لبنان"، تساءل علي عن "عدم مبادرة الحكومة اللبنانية الى إيجاد مخارج".

وأعلن عن "رغبة السوريين بالعودة الى بلدهم لأن لا أمان لهم خارجه"، مؤكدا تفاؤله بأن "الازمة الى تراجع وأن الانفراج الى المزيد وأن المصالحات الى اتساع".

وأضاف "ان الدولة اللبنانية دولة شقيقة وننسق معها بالحد الأدنى، والجواب على وجود عنصرية بحق السوريين موجود عند الحكومة اللبنانية، لأن عدونا واحد وهو اسرائيل والارهاب".

ولفت الى أن "المقاومة فهي شريك في التصدي لهذا الارهاب، كما أنها تدافع عن لبنان وعن الاصوات التي هي ضد المقاومة".

وكرر السفير السوري تأكيده وجود تنسيق مع الدولة اللبنانية وانه "حتى في حال وجود أخطاء من السوريين فإننا ندعو الى التنسيق اكثر بين مؤسسات البلدين، لأن في ذلك مصلحة البلدين والشعبين والعائلات الواحدة المنتشرة على الحدود المشتركة".

التعليقات 21
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 12:35 ,2017 أيار 23

Syrian Ambassador: Lebanon Must Look for Solutions for Displaced Syrians

Lebanon must find a solution to end your miserable life ya terrorist. Take your refugees and put them in your and Assad's palaces!

Thumb barrymore 14:33 ,2017 أيار 23

A country that respects itself would kick this arrogant lowlife scumbag out.

Missing humble 20:24 ,2017 أيار 23

1000 000 %

Why is this guy still in our country?

Thumb Elemental 21:26 ,2017 أيار 23


Thumb gigahabib 16:33 ,2017 أيار 23

Lol, so Israel didn't give Lebanon refugees? Are you really that much of a Zionist propagandist to forget the thousands of Palestinians?

Thumb Elemental 21:28 ,2017 أيار 23

I never once see any of your Iranians doing anything to help the Palestinians. Merely you're just attempting to impose your Iranian ideology and use them just as much as Christians. Gigatakia.

Thumb enterprise 06:38 ,2017 أيار 24

the article is about syrian refugees ya troll not palestinian refugees. Typical iranian troll trying to deflect the discussion when it has nothing to offer or refute other's arguments.

Thumb ex-fpm 08:59 ,2017 أيار 24

the giga troll has to defend his masters in damascus and tehran no matter what and at any cost even though it might expose him for the idiot he is.

Thumb gigahabib 16:34 ,2017 أيار 23

That was in Saudi, you stooge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Mecca_girls%27_school_fire

Thumb galaxy 16:50 ,2017 أيار 23

yes you posted the same claim on another article but under one of your other aliases.

Thumb gigahabib 16:53 ,2017 أيار 23

Saudi mouthpiece: pathological liar.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:00 ,2017 أيار 24

so he exposed you and what do you do.... you call him a saudi mouthpiece.

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 18:20 ,2017 أيار 23

lulz @flamethrower
lol @the_roar

Thumb Elemental 21:26 ,2017 أيار 23

How about they go back? Now we have more Iranians and Syrians than actual Lebanese. This "ambassador" is part of a regime that started this hell, very hypocritical.

Thumb gigahabib 21:49 ,2017 أيار 23

Iranians? Shias? If Iranians are Shias because of their faith, then there are no actual Lebanese left. Maronite faith is originally from Syria. Druze faith is from Egypt. And it goes on.

Don't get me started on the Sunnis, half of which were imported by the Ottomans to the Levant to change the demographic balance.

Thumb gigahabib 22:13 ,2017 أيار 23

Lol, all non-pagan religions in Lebanon came from elsewhere, nothing new in that.

Local pagans were converted to Christianity and Islam. None of these religions are indigenous.

As for all Lebanese Shias being from Yemen, yeah, they sure look Yemei today...

Thumb enterprise 06:35 ,2017 أيار 24

"Don't get me started on the Sunnis, half of which were imported by the Ottomans to the Levant to change the demographic balance."

lol @ the heretic!

can you tell us from where they were imported? Sweden, North America or Brazil ?:)

Thumb gigahabib 11:26 ,2017 أيار 24

Lol, that kind of change take millennia, not centuries.

Thumb gigahabib 11:28 ,2017 أيار 24

Enterprise, from other parts of the Ottoman empire, obviously. This is a well known fact. It was done in Syria too.

Thumb gigahabib 12:28 ,2017 أيار 24

Unlike you mental midgets, it doesn't take me much energy to comment here.

I can do it on a bus, from work, on the can. Swatting flies like you is like playing Tetris.

Thumb enterprise 06:36 ,2017 أيار 24

You see the Syrian refugees according to this POS is a Lebanese problem and the Lebanese government must look for solutions.