الراعي: اعمال السياسيين الطائفية تجعل المواطن تابعا لطائفته لا لمواطنيته
Read this story in Englishرأى البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي أن "إهمال الدولة لواجبها الأساسي في تأمين حاجات المواطنين، وممارسة السياسيين الطائفية، تحملان المواطن ليكون مواطنا في طائفته ومذهبه، ويهمل مواطنيته الوطنية".
وأشار الراعي الى أن "الطوائف تتسابق الى اجتذاب المواطنين، وتقديم بعض المساعدات لهم، وكأنها هي الدولة". في حين أن "المواطنة تقتضي المساواة في الحقوق والواجبات بين الجميع، عبر مؤسسات دستورية قادرة على نشر عدالة سليمة ومنصفة".
وقال أن "الكنيسة توحي الشركة بالتعددية التي تقتضي العمل بمبدأ المشاركة الفاعلة والمتوازنة من قبل جميع الطوائف والمذاهب والأفراد في الحكم والإدارة، من دون تحييد لدور أحد أو إسقاطه من الحياة الاجتماعية والسياسية والثقافية، ومن دون امتيازات لأحد أو لفئة".
وتابع اللراعي أن الكنيسة توحي كذلك "بالعبور من الصراع المفتوح إلى قدرة التفاهم، ومن الاهتزازات الى الاستقرار والاستمرار وانتاج مستقبل جديد، في إطار التمسك بقيمنا اللبنانية التي تجمعت لدينا عبر ممارستنا للعيش الواحد معاً".
وأشار الى أن "للبنان قيمة مضافة يقدمها لأبنائه ولدول العالم، هي أن المسيحيين والمسلمين في لبنان إلتزموا حقوق الانسان والديمقراطية والحضارة الحديثة، وحملوها إلى المشرق العربي. حافظوا على التعددية والتنوع بتفاعلية، بحيث أن الشخصية المسيحية متأثرة بالشخصية الإسلامية، والشخصية الإسلامية متأثرة بالشخصية المسيحية".
وذكر بكلمة البابا الطوباوي يوحنا بولس الثاني "لبنان نموذج للشرق وللغرب"، موضحاً أنه "بالنسبة للشرق لبنان نموذج في التعددية والتنوع والعيش معاً بالوحدة والمساواة، وبالنسبة للغرب يشهد لبنان أن الاسلام دين تعايش، كما يساهم لبنان بتطوير علاقات العالم العربي بالعالم الغربي".
وجاء كلام الراعي جاء خلال تدشين وتكريس كنيسة سيدة الانتقال في الصرح البطريركي بعد إعادة ترميمها.
I will admit; I agree with you about the separation of Church and State approach that the FPM has adopted. But the funny thing is, it is the same FPM that have taken the approach of a State within the State by providing cover for the stateless militia. Go figure. Hypocrisy.
FPM demagogically talks about secularity but in the facts they do the contrary! when aoun says he defends the right of the christians, i don t call that separation of state and church!
but the first to fiercely cling to a sectarian state are people like alrahi and all the clerics (muslims or christians) who benefit from this system and can better control their sheep and make money....
secularity will only come from a revolution of the minds of the people , but so far they are so brainwashed by religion that we can wait another hundred years!
religion is the opium of the people and in lebanon they are very addicted...
"" but now that hariri is out he wants hezbollah disarmed. typical BS from a sore loser""
i guess the same comment can apply to aoun who called the hezb a terrorist militia and now is at their orders... typical BS from a sore loser too!
aoun is not defending the rights of the christians but his own privileges...and if you want a secular state you stop talking about the rights of a sect but talk about the equal rights for LEBANESE... so aoun is a fraud...
"just enjoy your denial and stick to sectarian people you like rather than a laique person you dont like, right?"
it seems you only want to understand things through your binary view!
let me explain then as it seems that understanding a text is not a developed skill with you:
you claim that aoun is a defensor of secularism and i just tell you that you are wrong and give you an example. does that mean that i praised geagea or hariri or whoever??? no...
and if you read above i criticized ALL the clerics of this country that maintain sectarism as a tool for their power (without it they lose a lot of privileges... read carefully my boy!)
but it seems that when someone disgrees with you then it necessarily means that he is blindly with the other side. or worse even a traitor to his country or a sionist!
i guess you should go back to school and work on that understanding skill that you lack...
i do not belong to M8 or M14 for your knowledge and have no leader like you!
oh yes and concerning changes what did the FPM propose to reform the country?
what reforms? what are they proposing now that they are in power?
nobody want true reforms because ALL the MPs are benefiting from the state of dereliction the country is in...
reforms would mean that they would lose money and businesses and money stealing...
so i laugh when i hear your puppet under the orders of the hezb claiming reforms! (oh! maybe reforms that would benefit his friends but not to the state nor the average citizen!)
they only throw crumbles to people to make them believe they are doing something for the nation...
neither M8 nor M14 want true reforms, stop dreaming!
Aoun loyalty is to Hezb + Syria + Iran. No one is talking about religion but about loyalty.
Peace...stop talking about how Aoun changed from being pro US. In the 90"s, M14 Christians attacked Hariri more than any other leader and called him a Syrian puppet. After he was killed, he became their saint.
Aoun is mostly sectarian like most of M8 leaders (how many muslim members does he have?)