الحريري عبر تويتر: مستعد لترك السياسة اذا أراد الناس ذلك
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أنه على استعداد لترك السياسة اذا اختار ذلك الناس عبر التصويت.
وجاء هذا الكلام في دردشة مع متتبعيه على صفحته على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"، بعد أن قال له أحدهم بأن والده رئيس الحكومة الأسبق ترك له منصبه تماماً كما فعل الرئيس السوري السابق حافظ الأسد الذي أعطى منصبه لابنه بشار.
وشدد أنه ليس لديه مشكلة مع الشيعة "لأننا جميعنا لبنانيون" في حين أن المشكلة الأساسية هي مع "حزب الله" وتصرفاته.
وسأله أحد متتبعيه عن أمنيته في عيد رأس السنة، فأجاب الحريري "أمنيتي أن أعطي كل لبناني حقه بحرية التعبير وأن أؤمن له كل البنى التحتية من كهرباء واتصالات وطرق".
وأعلن الحريري من جديد أنه سيعود الى لبنان، مشدداً على رغبته بأن يرى "لبنان كما أراده والده (رئيس الحكومة سابقاً) رفيق الحريري.
you are loser hariri, just leave us alone and let us shiites rule you and lebanon from iran
You won fair , Miqati should be voted out for he was imposed on Lebanon . No need to quit politics Mr Hariri for you are truly one of a kind politician and perhaps one of the greatest politician of all times . Why ? because you give back .
you didn't give us our roads , telecommunications and electricity then, why would you give us all theses empty promises now?
don't take it personally lad its just business either you fulfill promises or you don't you had your chance, and i saw nothing as an average citizen.
What a crazy concept called DEMOCRACY!!! If only the rest of the politicians agree on this process. Let the LEBANESE people elect their government without the threats of weapons and direct influence of other countries/ideologies. And DON't EVEN PRETEND that Hibzallah isn't using it's weapons for internal reasons.
I agree with Hariri 100%. If the people don't want him to represent them, he should leave politics. But this goes to ALL politicians because it reflects the policies that the citizens care about.
The Lebanese people already voted you out. The majority in the Lebanese Parliament which is elected by the people didn't vote for you to become prime minister. You wouldn't be playing on twitter in your hometown Riyadh if the people actually wanted you.
We all want Saad Hariri not to leave. The trick is getting him back. Life is so boring without his hilarious stuttering speeches. We lost Choucou, and now we cannot afford to loose Saad. PLEASE BRING HIM BACK, EVEN IF IT TAKES KIDNAPPING HIM.
Why was my comments withdrawn from here? Since I was the one who asked His Excellency Saad Hariri, the question on this article! Naharnet should reinstate it.