الحريري يضع 3 شروط لسحب استقالته نهائيا
Read this story in Englishوضع رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري ثلاثة شروط للعودة عن استقالته، وذلك رغم "التريث" في الاستقالة الذي اعلنه أمس الاربعاء إثر عودته إلى لبنان؛ إفساحاً في المجال أمام الحوار والمشاورات التي يُفترض أن يبدأها رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون.
وعزَت مصادر تريث الحريري إلى رغبته في "إحراج "حزب الله"، وتأمين أوسع دعم ممكن في صفوف اللبنانيين لمطالبه الوطنية".
وقال مصدر مطلع لصحيفة "الشرق الأوسط" إن "شروط سحب الاستقالة، هي صون اتفاق الطائف، والتطبيق الفعلي للنأي بالنفس، وعدم الإضرار بالعلاقات مع الدول العربية".
وشدد المصدر على أن وجود الحريري في الحكم مرتبط بهذه الأسس.
وذكرت مصادر مقربة من الحريري أن الحكومة ستستأنف عملها، مؤكدة أن "التريث يعني تعليقاً مؤقتاً لاستقالة الحكومة، بعدما بحث رئيسها مع الرئيس عون خلفيات موقفه، ولمس منه جواً إيجابياً لبحث مطالبه".
وأبدت مصادر مقربة من عون والحريري تفاؤل الرئيسين بإمكانية التوصل إلى نتيجة إيجابية.
بدورها، أكدت مصادر مطلعة على موقف "حزب الله" لـ"الشرق الأوسط"، استعداد الحزب للحوار مع التأكيد أن "سلاح الحزب سيكون خارج المعادلة، وأن بحثه سيكون مرتبطاً بالاستراتيجية الدفاعية".
Yeah right; hezbollah and its regional sponsor Iran are just going to roll over just because hariri threatened to resign. Sure, they need him to legitimize their terror activities and have been keeping happy with some scraps but he can dream of hezbollah making any concessions.
After bullying lebanese for 15 years, with their yearly billion $ stipend from iran, Hezballah promoted itself to regional bully. Started its yemen operations.
MBS new leader in Saudi.
MBS upset he is losing in Yemen.
MBS blames, amongst others the HA militia.
MBS threatens puppet Hariri.
Bassil tells Europe. If no govt in Leb, we'll send 1M refugees to Europe.
Merkel and Macron slap MBS on hand.
MBS understands there is only so much he can do in lebanon.
MBS backs up.
Hariri's new demand: pls stop interfering in f...ing yemen, i'll withdraw my resignation.
Absurd situation. Absurd demand. What about "disarm the f...ing HA militia" like the LF disarmed. Like all militias disarmed?
Both chiites and sunnites, especially chiites, in lebanon have to gain more patriotism, let them be more like christians, and start thinking lebanon first. Not Iran.Not Saudi.
Fascinating indeed....
"Merkel and Macron slap MBS on hand."
and while they are doing it, MBS does the following:
Saudi Arabia recalls ambassador to Germany over Gabriel comments
Saudis summon ambassador from Germany over Lebanon comments
"MBS upset he is losing in Yemen. "
اليمن.. الميليشيات تبحث عن خروج آمن من البيضاء
الحوثيون يحاولون التوسط مع آل حميقان للبحث عن ضمانات لهذا الخروج
Janoubi. Saudi is a G-20 country. One of the richest in the world. Yemen one of the poorest. In their oen backyard. They destroyed the country and could do dittly. Keep that in mind before assessing who is winning.
"Both chiites and sunnites, especially chiites, in lebanon have to gain more patriotism, let them be more like christians, and start thinking lebanon first. Not Iran.Not Saudi."
Yes the Sunnis need to be more like the Christians and think Lebanon First just like the Christians did when they insisted on hezbollah's nominee for the presidency.
yes, we all know how aoun was elected to the presidency. The Christians ( mainly the FPM ) were demonstrating on the streets for 2 1/2 years demanding the election of their strong Christian president accusing those who do not want Aoun of abandoning the national pact. Hezbollah was saying 'Aoun or no president'.
I hope you are not saying the Christians did not know their president in waiting was/is an iranian puppet.
Each country has its problems. We have hezbollah. Lets live with it"
Yeah, hezbollah is just a 'minuscule' problem and an annoyance much like traffic in Jakarta or pollution in India people tend to live with and adapt to it.
Yes @eagledawn. What do u want us do? Sclerose the country with no govt? Some people have to keep the country running with HA, and some have to lobby US congress to pay up 1.5 billion $ to antihezbollah shias and outspend iran in buying shia votes. So another option exist for shias than the party of weapons and the party of stealing.
you can't say let's live with hezbollah and at the same time demand to disarm it. That's not how it works. You take a stand and stop making concessions to hezbollah under the slogan" we care more about Lebanon and we will make concessions for the sake of Lebanon" to a iranian terrorist militia that does not give a damn about Lebanon.
Revisit/Reassess your slogan of " let's live with it" and where it led us for the last 10-15 years.
Yes it led us to mediocrity. But we, the people of lebanon had semi normal lives.
You know the alternative? If we fought them head on? Or u are safely abroad 3am tnathir?
I m living in lebanon and I dont really want a civil war. Maybe if I was living outside, I would have wanted the problem to "be taken care of" whatever the cost.
I live in Beirut, Lebanon and have seen hezbollah's evil and destructive deeds first hand.
Who said the Christhians are being Exterminated in Lebanon they are not Tric.
Stop tricing the masses and scare mongering and your biased views are the same.
They are well represented in Lebanon and the Lebanese army is doung an excellent job to protect all of Lebanese citizens.