جنبلاط لجعفري: نرفض الاملاءات الايرانية على لبنان

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أعرب رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط عن رفضه للاملاءات الايرانية على لبنان.

وكتب جنبلاط في تغريدة عبر "تويتر" الجمعة "كما استهجن اللبنانيون الطريقة غير المألوفة في التعاطي مع الشيخ سعد من قبل بعض الاوساط السعودية، نرفض هذا الاملاء الايراني على لسان محمد علي الجعفري قائد الحرس الثوري".

وأضاف "إن اللبنانيين يملكون الخبرة والدراية الكافية لمعالجة امورهم عبر الحوار، ولا نريد املاءات من عبر الحدود لغير صالحهم".

وأعلن الجعفري أمس الخميس أن سلاح حزب الله غير قابل للتفاوض، قائلا "سلاح حزب الله ضروري لقتال عدو الأمة اللبنانية وهو إسرائيل.

وأضاف "بطبيعة الحال يجب أن يمتلكوا أفضل الأسلحة لحماية أمن لبنان. هذه مسألة غير قابلة للتفاوض".

التعليقات 9
Thumb justin 11:03 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

“The Lebanese have the experience and know-how to deal with their issues through dialogue,” added the MP.

lol @dialogue.

Still waiting for the president to issue a statement on the matter and for Bassil to conduct a tour of World capitals denouncing this blatant intervention.

Thumb lebanon_first 11:43 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

How low did we fall:

A turbanized middle ages character sets policy in Lebanon.
A drunken warlord stands up for our defense.

Our traditional protector, Saudi, is controlled by a pubescent, wet behind the ears, inexperienced kid.

Our prime minister resigns and unresigns and cares more about Yemen war than about fixing our problems of traffic, unemployment, public debt.

And our beloved country controlled by a war loving militia.

Thumb ex-fpm 12:22 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

Saudi Arabia is co-ruled by a young Prince who had the courage to fight corruption head on and take down the most powerful corrupt businessmen and princes in his country. These corrupt powerhouses agreed to pay back the Saudi treasury in excess of $100 billion.

In Lebanon, the sitting president who made fighting corruption his campaign motto and wrote books about the alleged corruption of his political rivals ( who are now his allies ) says after being one year in office:

Aoun: The circumstances are not ripe yet for combating corruption and the anti-corruption minister has submitted reports on corruption.

and to some MBS is " pubescent, wet behind the ears, inexperienced kid."

Lebanese arrogance at its best.

Thumb ashtah 12:35 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

Saudi Arabia’s Arab Spring, at Last
The crown prince has big plans to bring back a level of tolerance to his society.


Thumb marcus 12:30 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

@lebanon_first blames everybody but aoun, strange! Isn't our strong Christian president at least partially responsible for the low and sad state we have reached or is he immune from sharing responsibility in typical FPM style: Finger Pointing Movement.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:58 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

You mean the guy who sclerosed lebanon economy for 2 yrs to become brezident?
Who joined berry and the 40 thieves once he became on top?

To his credit though, in this country of zo3ran, he showed that christians can bark too... dont deny him that...

Happy now?

Thumb thepatriot 17:23 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

What? He barks like a chiwawa! What are you talking about Leb First? Aoun is on the top list of the failures of this country! He wanted the chair at all cost. Promissed to fight corruption, when his son in law keeps filling up his pockets at all given opportunities! He has done nothing good for his country! Has legitimized Ebola's weapons! Did not solve garbage, economy, administartive problems! On the contrary! came up with new taxes! A CA TA STRO PHY! A total failure! Has the respect of almost no foreign country, and is a servant of all! How ridiculous he was the other day when he was praising the army for its great victories....pfff... they barely fought... pathetic.... he would do anything to reclaim his own "glory"... looser!

Thumb barrymore 17:57 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

We don't need to show we can bark. Barking is not a sign of civilization. We need to lead the way in the efforts to fight corruption, build a nation free of outside interference, and most of all rid ourselves of the cancer that is called hezbollah.

We need to make peace with our neighbors, strengthen our economy, and secure a bright future for a children.

Thumb barrymore 18:00 ,2017 تشرين الثاني 24

our children*