حزب الله: إنفجارا دمشق من اختصاص أميركا وأصابعها الممتدة في منطقتنا

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رأى حزب الله أن الإنفجارين الذين وقعا صباح الجمعة في العاصمة السورية دمشق هي من اختصاص الولايات المتحدة "وأصابعها الممتدة في منطقتنا" مؤكدا أن هذه الجرائم "لن تفت في عضد القوى المقاومة والممانعة".

وشدد الحزب في بيان أن هذه الحوادث اعتبر "حزب الله" تأتي بعد يوم واحد من التفجيرات المنسقة التي استهدفت بغداد والمدن العراقية الأخرى.

وعليه أكد أن ذلك "يوحي بأن القوى المتضررة من الهزيمة الكبرى التي لحقت في الولايات المتحدة، وأدت إلى خروج قواتها ذليلة من العراق، قد بدأت بعملية انتقام دموية جبانة، تتمثل باستهداف كل القوى والدول التي كان لها موقف واضح من الاحتلال الأميركي، والتي ساعدت المقاومة العراقية البطلة في جهادها لإخراج المحتل الأميركي".

وقتل أكثر من ثلاثين شخصاً وجرح أكثر من مئة آخرين في هجومين انتحاريين بسيارتين مفخختين استهدفا مركزين للأمن في دمشق مع بدء البعثة التي يفترض أن تعد لعمل المراقبين العرب محادثاتها مع السلطات السورية.

ولفت حزب الله إلى "ان هذه التفجيرات "هي من اختصاص الولايات المتحدة أم الإرهاب، وأصابعها الممتدة في منطقتنا، والمتخصصة في استهداف الأبرياء وقتلهم وترهيبهم، لدفعهم إلى الانصياع للسياسة الأميركية الساعية لتحقيق المصلحة الصهيونية التي يضعها الأميركيون فوق كل اعتبار".

واذ دان حزب الله "هذه الجريمة الفظيعة" جزم أن "مثل هذه الجرائم الإرهابية لن تفت في عضد القوى المقاومة والممانعة، ولن تعطي الأميركيين والصهاينة وحلفاءهم في المنطقة الفرصة لتمرير مخططاتهم الخبيثة على حساب حقوق أمتنا".

التعليقات 44
Thumb geha 16:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

no one knows who did this and all accusations are just that. moreover, US are not in the habit of training suicide bombers.
anyway and whatever the reasons or who did this, peacefull people and children are being masscred every day and this is not good. may they rest in peace.

Thumb jabalamel 16:22 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the filthy zionist information war department is trying to put doubt on what is obvious.

it's so obvious that our glorious resistance shouldn't waste time saying it.

Thumb thepatriot 16:53 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the irreversible nutcase department of Deir el Salib let someone slip away...

Thumb thepatriot 16:57 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

How desperate is Hezbollah (cornered in the drug trafficing affairs, the STL, the gradual loss of their Syrian partner their political fiasco in Lebanon, the financial cut from Iran...) to come up with such lame accusations...

Syria suffered over 5000 executioned people during the last 10 months, and now Hezbo gives us "This horrific terrorist crime"...hahaha..ok...

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 17:00 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

mouwaten: You act like you do not have a clue about the Syrian regime: SUCH AS: some of the peaceful protesters that were killed their bodies were stolen by the regime (look at youtube videos if you are intelligent enough to do so) so it would be very easy for them to dump a body in a van and blow it up and say it was a suicide operation). And now we will have CSI Damascus who will of course blame Alqaida in the first 10 minutes of the attack without having even gone to the crime scene.. THINK before you type a reply please.

Default-user-icon FPM (ضيف) 17:36 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Assad is a liar and a killer. He woke up and realised that his people can no longer tolerate dictatorship. That's why he is killing his own people mouwaten

Default-user-icon Pierre (ضيف) 17:37 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Lebanon should raise Hezbollah's claim agoianst the US in the UN GA and seek a resolution condemning the US. This will put to rest claims that Hezbollah is lying about US participation.

Default-user-icon Barhoom (ضيف) 17:45 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Are we to understand that the resistance, protecting the poor Lebanese against daily zionist agression, is taking credit for the US withdrawal in Iraq???

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 17:51 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

The Hezz? They have shabiha killing Syrians there. Who killed the politicians in Lebanon? Who raped Beirut? Who started an offensive war?

The Hezz can shut up now. Their master in damascus is going down one way or another. Let ASSad give more interviews and claim innocence.

Default-user-icon Barhoom (ضيف) 17:52 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

The Irano-syrian dobermans, the so-called resistence are loosing a grip on reality, they think their audience is limited to the blind herds of cattle in Dahye who believe every lie that comes out of Hassan Nasr men Allah's mouth!!! Who are you fooling, bisharafak convince me!? Lebanese minister allied with March 8 declares Alqaida infiltrated Syria through Lebanon, then Ka-Boom, and minutes later they are sure it was Qaeda and they even have a suspect!!! I mean if this is not winning the oscar for best motion picture I don't know what movie will??? And all this when we all know that blowing up things is Hizballa's specialty!!! This is the bginning of the end - they are blowing themselves up in desperate attempt to fool people, they are only fooling themselves to think it's working!!! Hassan Nesralla History will remember you! For the lier you are!!

Thumb jabalamel 18:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the traitor is one of the most active member of zionist information war department. see how mucb stupidities he can say in one post

Missing mark 18:31 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Stupid, you all know that these explosions are 100% made by the Assad regim . We saw 1000s of these type of explosions he sent to both Lebanon an Iraq . This time it is different, no body believe him anymore and he will be executed sooner than he expected, he missed his chance to leave peacefully
And spend the rest of his life with as soma. And you rats will ........

Missing peace 18:40 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

pure propaganda... why then did elmanar report this bombing and never showed images of civilians killed in homs or deraa or else...funny isn t it? and how predictable this bombing is, just when observers are invited to come!

Missing hmorsel 19:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Blah blah blah blah so sick and tired of Hizb blaming everything on US and Zionists. syria and its intelligence agents(syria intelligence? now that is an Oxymoron) and Hiz criminals have been blowing people up and killing women and children for 30 years,this bombing looks noting but their work, Iran's criminal kouds force is all over Syria trying to stir stuff up to prove that alkaeda is causing trouble in Syria, hopfully this time the arans wont be stupid and dumb and fall for all that bull crap. At least half the lebanese now dont fall for their bull. Arabs wake up, its time to wake up the only cause for all your miseries is your own leaders and your own mufties and the great Satan himself IRAN

Thumb thepatriot 19:11 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

yeah well when you hesitate between
1- "5000 executions" &
2- "5000 were executed"

you get... "executioned"...!!

Anyway, I'm sure you got my point ;)

Thumb thepatriot 19:14 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

No one, and I mean NO ONE can beat you at that game :)

Merry Merry ya ahbal!

Missing hmorsel 19:14 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Finally Syria and the Moukhabarat get a taste of their own medicine. feel sorry for all the innocent people killed because of these criminals. I wonder if that will remind these goons and thugs of all the people who they killed and who suffered on their hands

Default-user-icon Curious Lebanese (ضيف) 19:18 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

So, if we belive the Hezbos, the US is working with Al Qaida to bomb the Syrians? WTF?

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 19:41 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Hey Hezbollah......you and Syria used the delay tactis to give time to plan attacks like this to try and convince people of your lies. The "armed gangs" are the Hezz in Syria and the Mukhabbarat of Syria. The whole region knows you are liars.

Change your name to the party of liars and murderers.

Thumb jabalamel 19:54 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the filthy zionist information war department went back into practice of trying to engage in conversation with me.

i don't speak with lower species like worms, lady gaga suporters and zionists

Thumb Marc 20:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

نقلاً عن أحد العناصر في المخابرات العامة بدمشق: تم ابلاغنا البارحة بعدم التواجد يوم الجمعة بالقرب من أي فرع أمني أو عسكري في المدينة وذلك تحت طائلة المسؤولية!!!!


Default-user-icon me (ضيف) 21:54 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

ridiculous picture

Thumb chrisrushlau 22:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Let me assure you all that the US would never invade some country or stir up trouble just to keep the Israel lobby happy (to get the campaign contributions). I think the facts speak for themselves. If they contradict what I just said, they're lying.

Thumb shab 22:07 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Stupid picture, nonsense logo

Thumb chrisrushlau 22:14 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Seriously, every Arab (or Persian) (or Afghan or etc.) state that is destabilized by the US brings the day of Israel's reckoning closer. Lebanon is a good example: the more it denies full democracy to its people and sells its reputation to the US and France, the more Israel feels the pressure. Iraq is now the focus of anti-Israeli power in the region, thanks to the US invasion. When the US leaves Afghanistan, Pakistan will be ready to join hands with Iran to provide a safe future for Afghans. How long can a king in Saudi Arabia keep history from moving forward? What does Qatar have in mind for the future? Will Egypt go back to the 1950's? Will Libya ask Italy to come and govern it again?
68% of Saudis are overweight.

Default-user-icon hassan h (ضيف) 23:03 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the soon as we stop blaming US, Israel, Saudis qatarie etc for all of the problems in the region the better and peaceful our world is going to become. take responsibility of our future, the US is not in the business of destabilization, the're in the business of democratizing countries so they can open more free markets, backward countries such as Iran,syria n korea, venzuela etc.. are in the business to wreck havoc everywhere so their despots stay in power and live off the poor people in those countries.

Default-user-icon kaboom (ضيف) 23:51 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Great now tell us who blew up Mughbieh's head to smithereens inside a highly secured Syrian Mukhasbarat compound umm?

Default-user-icon Name (ضيف) 23:55 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

chrisrushlau, you can't image how much we the lower races appreciate it when you a member of a higher more evolved race feel with us thank you thank you thank you now go back to your lava lamp and incense.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 03:32 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

All these images on sana.sy were bodies cleaned up by the security agents from Idlib massacre 48hrs ago brought to the headquarter and bombed two vehicles to make noise on TV and cover up for the killings the regime had committed. How is it possible for the masters of car bombs to keep their headquarter insecure? How is it possible to drive a car full of bombs to Baabda palace or Yarze? The regime must go away 1- Unable to protect the citizens 2- Had crimes from Lebanon to Iraq and now backfired at them. There is no such thing as Al-Qeada because Bashar and his Dad Hafez created the mother/father of anything close to be named AlQaeda.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 04:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

How amazing that some "Al Qaeda" were in a Lebanese Hezz controlled border town but were not spotted. Then they went through Syrian border guarded areas. Then they travelled to Damascus unseen with two cars full of explosives. Then they stopped the cars in two of the most heavily guarded areas of Damascus and blew them up.....and then the Hezz announced "It was Al Quaeda". Bravo Hezzbolla!!! Somehow people are shooting rockets in the south and they don't know who either.....until afterwards.

Thumb geha 06:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 24


Default-user-icon george khoury (ضيف) 10:36 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

what about the bombing of renee mouawad,kamal joumblat,bashir gemayel,
rafik hariri walid iedo,gebran toueini,elias el-murr ,etc.etc,etc,etc
indefinite etc.

Thumb jabalamel 15:03 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

the filthy zionist information war department is still insisting on assad bombing it's own security building.

it's almost as retarded as claiming that hezb'allah would kill it's best ally, our dear rafiq harriri

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 15:23 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

@Habal: Harriri was the best dear ally of Hizb el saleh that had Tents in downtown Beirut blocking the roads for many months against the government?
Also Harriri was dear ally to Syria when the leader of the latter told him that I will break your neck and hit him for not agreeing on Lahoud as president?

Default-user-icon B (ضيف) 16:30 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

This is the propaganda part of the operation. Syrian intelligence carries out the car bombings and then Hezbollah trumpets that the Israelis did it. The ole one-two punch.
Now, for reality -- the US is not interested in a military action against Syria and it is not interested because Israel wants to keep the Assads in power rather than see the Muslim Brotherhood come in.

The only way that Assad is taken out is by internal domestic opposition. The internal forces cannot pull off car bombings in central Damascus. This was Assad's work to deter the Arab League from looking around too much under their protocol. The internal forces must be gaining strength if Assad is having to do this.

Default-user-icon JoeSchmoe (ضيف) 17:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

@sweating & Jabal
It is funny when the people that used car bombings to assassinate all the M14 leaders have the balls to call others terrorist. When did you hear of the US using suicide bombers? Anyone with half a brain would know that Assad is using this tactic as a reason to keep the Arab observers in Damascus instead of Homs, but again I said half a brain, and that explains why you can’t see that.

Thumb geha 18:41 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

it is a fact the syrian regime and hizbishaitan are expert at terrorism :)

Thumb Bandoul 21:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

LOL, Hzb el Kzb & Erhab is coming to an end and its supporters are running around like chickens with their head cut off. They are in disbelief that their reign of terror is slipping away. Why else would they waste their time spewing their lies and propaganda on this forum?

There is no question that the link between Hzb El Kzb and Erhab and Iran el Shaitan is collapsing, the only question that remains is what awful and unimaginable acts they will commit before they take their last breath and soon thereafter expire forever.

This is really the best Christmas ever. Tyrants fall so decent people can live peaceful and productive lives :)

Default-user-icon Nicolas Premier (ضيف) 23:07 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

The only zionist information war department I hard of recently is the one currently infiltrating the Faqih and his Wilayatul.

Default-user-icon jsinton (ضيف) 23:32 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

What is funny here is that the Syrians themselves say it was al-Qaida in league with the Americans and the Zionists. Oh, the comedy...

Missing realist 03:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 25

MOWATEN, you gotta learn to be fair sometime.. Assad did not wake up and decide to kill people.. the people WOKE UP and decided to revolt against Assad after 40 years of Tyranny so Assad did the only things he knows how to do: kill them. There is no difference between Assad/Qadafe/Saddam except in your brainwashed head. Why did ASsad give an interview to barbara from ABC?? have you wondered?! who is he trying to talk/appeal to? is barbara mumana3a???? she is jewish fyi and pro israel lal moot.. he is trying to shoe-shine to the US, what the Assad and dictators like him care about the most is their throne, their family, their power, the rest is all Bullshit. Be fair man, if you want freedom for ba7rain you cant ask for slavery in Syria!

Thumb geha 07:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 25

the problem of the hizbushaitan followers is that they do not realize they lost yet :)
even if they do realize, then they are suicidal to the point of wanting to fight it to the end irrespective of what will happen to all the people they are endagering.
as in 2006, they never cared for the people who will be killed, their houses destroyed,... as long as their so called band of murderous thugs remains in control.
well I do have some news to you guys: you are definately going down, and the upcoming days will prove it.

Thumb jabalamel 13:38 ,2011 كانون الأول 25

the zionist information war department is spreading their usual hatred, lies, and other typical cia/zionist rethoric

Default-user-icon Free citizen (ضيف) 12:25 ,2011 كانون الأول 26

Same paranoid language