وزير الدفاع: الاعلان عن تسلل عناصر من القاعدة اساسه معلومات توافرت لنا
Read this story in Englishأكد وزير الدفاع فايز غصن "أن ما أعلناه لم يكن من قبيل التكهن والتحليل والاستنتاج، إنما نتيجة معلومات توافرت لدينا وارتأينا أنه من المفيد اطلاع الرأي العام عليها، في محاولة للتنبيه الى خطورتها ولوضع الجميع أمام مسؤولياتهم الوطنية".
وصدر عن غصن بيان اليوم الاثنين اثر تصريح له عن دخول عناصر تابعة "لتنظيم القاعدة" من بلدة عرسال البقاعية "تحت ستار أنهم من المعارضة السورية"، مؤكداً أنه سيطرح هذه القضية على مجلس الوزراء.
وأسف غصن في بيانه "للردود التي صوبت على موقفه وأعطت كلامه بعداً طائفياً وصورته وكأنه موجه الى طائفة معينة أو أنه يهدف الى النيل من كرامة بلدة لبنانية والتشكيك بوطنيتها من خلال زجها في موضوع الارهاب".
وأشار "كلنا يعلم أن اللبنانيين على اختلاف طوائفهم وانتماءاتهم يرفضون الارهاب ويحاربونه اذ ليس للارهاب طائفة ولا دين، ومن المستحيل أن يجد له مأوى في أي منطقة أو بلدة لبنانية".
ودعا منتقديه الى "التوقف عن محاولاتهم الهادفة الى زعزعة الثقة مع الأهالي في منطقة عرسال أو أي منطقة لبنانية أخرى لأغراض سياسية معروفة الأهداف والغايات وهي ليست خافية على أحد".
وقد شن نواب المعارضة حملة على وزير الدفاع ويزمعون عبرها مساءلته في مجلس النواب وربما طلب طرح الثقة به.
وتعتبر المعارضة أن "8 آذار" "قد وفرت من دون حسابات دقيقة خدمة للنظام السوري في توجيه هذا الاتهام فور حصول الانفجارين".
وقتل أكثر من 40 شخصاً وجرح أكثر من 166 آخرين في هجومين انتحاريين بسيارتين مفخختين استهدفا مركزين للأمن في دمشق مع بدء البعثة التي يفترض أن تعد لعمل المراقبين العرب محادثاتها مع السلطات السورية.
وكانت وزارة الخارجية السورية أكدت وجود "بصمات تنظيم القاعدة" في الاعتداءين، معانة تبلغها من لبنان بتسلل عناصر من "القاعدة" إلى سوريا.
وقال غصن أن على الجيش اللبناني والأجهزة الأمنية يقومون بمهامهم على أكمل وجه، معتبراً أن ما قاله "يجب أن يشكل دافعاً للجميع للالتفاف حول الجيش ودعمه في كل ما يقوم به، خصوصاً أن حماية الساحة اللبنانية هي مسؤولية كل مواطن لبناني حريص على أمن واستقرار هذا البلد".
“It’s impossible for terrorist to find any shelter in Lebanon,” noted the minister.
And this is our "DEFENSE" minister...
"we thought was prudent to reveal to the public" it would have been even more prudent to reveal it to the cabinet, if serious it's way more crucial, dangerous and critically important than helping squirmy communist Charbel Nahhass with what minster Guinness Abboud called his illogical proposal that would lead to the collapse of the national economy.
Defense minister Fayez Ghosn in his untiring, unflinching, non stop efforts to boost the Lebanese defenses and security is proud to announce the acquisition of five new Subs from a renowned top US manufacturer especially built to his own strict and specific requirement.
One Roast Beef Sub, one Oven Roasted Chicken Sub (named after ex-Lebanese army commander General Michel Aoun's ), one Big Philly Cheesesteak Sub, one Cold Cut Combo Sub and his all-time favorite a Foot Long Meatball Marinara with three kinds of cheese. The Turkey Breast and Spicy Italian Subs had to be replaced with a different ones for obvious reasons.
You were told to say what you said and not from any bogust information,you are fooling who????
the zionist information war department is trying to suggest that our minister have foreign masters
this is because their mentality is one of slave, fulfilling what their USA masters order. so they think everyone else have a master.
to the marvelous amal supporter and political analyst above : don t forget that your beloved syrians friends are still in place by the will of israel and the usa... :) your heroes who never shot a single shot to liberate the golan heights...
Ghosn, Charbel, Mansour, Bassil, Nahas, ...seems that our government is composed of Nobel Price Winners only...
We seem to have the dumbest politicians in the world, these guys from March 8 who are now running our government must have graduated from Syria where they say lies and have problems because their are so convinced of them.
another brilliant mind in high places or sold out material. Thank God for the benefits of naturally gifted leaders. We are safe. Who says we risk annihilation ?
So those questioning Ghosn's statements about al Qaida infiltrating Syria from Lebanon do so for "political reasons". This guy says this with a straight face when we all know that his early declaration of attribution for the two car bombs in Syria was itself made for political reasons - to exhonorate the Syrian Regime and place the blame on the "terrorists" who are terrorizing the Assad Regime.
Funny how the Assad Regime is terrorized and 5000 terrorists have been massacred by the Assad Regime.
Mr. Ghosn, if you in an official capacity, make political statements to rationalize security breaches, do not be surprised, now that you voluntarily enter the political arena that your statement is accused of being politically motivated.
He does not have to show proof. and if he does who's going to believe him. It will be fabricated by Syria or HA. remember the Iraqi minister of Mis-information?
God bless you sweating_demon for defending the honor of the magnificent Syrian army the bravest and most efficient army in the whole world , they served Lebanon protected it . It's a shame that some Lebanese can't see that .
sweating baby : i shall ignore you given the way you insult people just because they dare say the truth about your syrian coward and terrorist regime...
i wont use the same vocab you and your M8 puppet use them when short in arguments...
i just pity your lack of honesty and your allegiance to a country that harmed lebanon more than your israeli friends ever did....
i just ignore you and won t answer you back anymore, you don t deserve to be addressed to, and i won t lose any more time to talk to such a person who forgot the killings this regime did to your fellow citizens and the hundreds in the jail of this regime , who i guess are nothing in your eyes, and you dare call yourself a patriot... let me laugh, hahaha....
go and keep on supporting your idols and play the strong guy ...
pity is all you deserve, poor you and your poor mother...
to those who praise the regime that killed more lebanese than israel i advise them to look at how democratic and peaceful their idol and its regime is...just to refresh their memories http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafez_el_Assad
a regime which they thanked for the great things they did in lebanon!!!hahaha!
to those who say that syria tried to get the golan heights back may i say that syria lost it during the 6 days war and NEVER did anything to take it back... and they even tried peace negotiations to get them , negotiations that they qualify as treason if the lebanese ever want to do the same!!!!
so i advise them not to speak things they are not sure about so that they dont appear stupid in the eyes of informed people... they better heed this advice for their own sake and stop being ridicule here!
Ghosn, please do us all a favor, and move to Iran, so you can get everything ready for Bashar and Maher, when they arrive from Syria. Lebanon does not want, nor need you and your big, lying mouth. Oh, one more thing, take your boss Nasrallah with you.
So turned out he was right, I wonder what you all have to say now after all this bitching about him :)