السفير السوري: على السلطات اللبنانية إتخاذ قرارات جدية في ضبط الحدود
Read this story in Englishدعا السفير السوري في لبنان علي عبد الكريم علي السلطات اللبنانية الى إحترام الاتفاقات الموقعة بين البلدين وإتخاذ إجراءات حازمة لوقف تهريب السلاح والمسلحين من لبنان الى سوريا وقطع الطريق على التدخلات الخارجية وعدم الضعف أمام الضغوط الدولية في هذا المجال.
وقال السفير علي في تصريح لموقع "الانتقاد" الالكتروني التابع لـ"حزب الله" الخميس، إن "المطلوب إجراءات جدية، ويجب أن تسمى الأسماء بأسمائها"، رافضا "إفتعال قضايا غير موجودة مثل قضية اللاجئين في الشمال، وتصوير صور مركبة بعيدا عن الحقائق".
وأكد أن "هذا لا يخدم لبنان وسوريا ويجب أن يؤخذ بجدية كاملة"، لافتا الى أنه "لمس من المسؤولين اللبنانيين حرصا وجدية في العمل لمنع إستغلال الأوضاع في الشمال".
وقال السفير السوري إن "ما كشفه وزير الدفاع فايز غصن عن تسلل عناصر القاعدة من لبنان الى سوريا عبر بلدة عرسال يستدعي تحسسا عاليا للمسؤولية لمنع مظاهر التطرف والعبث بالأمن اللبناني والسوري والحدود اللبنانية –السورية".
وأضاف أن "المصلحة هنا مقسومة بين البلدين، وتقتضي حرصا لبنانيا سواء أخذ الأمر بعد تهريب السلاح أو المسلحين فالفعل الجرمي والإرهابي يكملان بعضهما، لذلك يجب أن يكون الحسم واضحا ولا يحتمل الملامسة الخجولة وقرارات لا تأخذ الحساب الحقيقي للمصلحة اللبنانية والسورية".
وقد كشف غصن الأسبوع الماضي عن تسلل عناصر من "القاعدة" إلى سوريا عن طريق بلدة عرسال البقاعية، تحت غطاء "معارضين وهاربين من النظام السوري".
وربط النظام السوري بين التفجيرين اللذين استهدفا مقرين أمنييين في دمشق الأسبوع الماضي، وبين معلومات غصن، وسارع إلى اتهام عناصر "القاعدة" الذين تسللوا من لبنان إلى سوريا، حسب معلومات غصن، بتنفيذ التفجيرين.
وتابع السفير السوري "نحن ما يعنينا أن تكون القرارات حاسمة في ضبط تهريب السلاح والمسلحين لأن التهاون له بعد سلبي على لبنان قبل سوريا ونرجوا أن تحكم الجدية الخطوات المتخذة على هذا الصعيد".
وردا على سؤال حول قرار السلطات اللبنانية عدم المشاركة في مهمة المراقبين العرب في سوريا قال إن "هذا القرار شأن الحكومة اللبنانية وما يعنينا هو ضبط الحدود".
until when this so called ambassador is going to involve himself in our internal affairs?
what he is doing is just spilling oil on the fire to counter what the PM said yesterday there was no tangible proof of the presence of Al Qaida members.
the syrian defense minister in Lebanon, Gohsn should be treated as a traitor.
Gabby, when (actually, the proper word to use should be IF, but you know better) ASSad's regime falls, what do you think will happen to Ali Abdul Karim Ali? Should he be hanged in Tripoli or in Akkar? Do you have any preference? How about another method of disposing of him? Or will you pardon him? Your feedback will be very much appreciated because we need to know ASAP. Best regards, buddy. And keep up the good work. Salutations to Dr. Mufehmanchimenchi.
Aren't you supposed to apologise for the Lebanese citizens gunned down by your army?? Aren't you supposed to apologise for violating our sovereinty? You talk about cross border, but it is you and the like of you who have maintained blurry borders... well you pay the price now!
How ironic that Syria is crying over arms smuggling over the border - after they have smuggled arms to hizbollah for years in violation of SC res.1701
They are finally getting a taste of their own medicine - with Al Qaida and weapons flowing freely to Syria from Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq - all countries which have suffered over the years of Syrian subversion and meddling.
God bless the brave men of 3arsal who repulsed the hizbollah when they tried to capture syrian dissidents to send them back to Syria for a certain death. What we're seeing now is the final death blows to the terrorist syrian regime, and good riddance to them!
A fanatic yells: Syria gunned down 3 at Lebanese border, they must pay for their crimes! Bomb Syria Now!
A wise man asks: who were the three who were gunned down? whats their background their motivation for being were they were in these volatile times, and above all what were they doing there and why?
Not until such questions are met with investigated answers will a wise man judge the innocent from the guilty or the guilty with the guilty.
until then the true Perpetrators will come out of their holes and try to take full advantage of the situation by pretending they care and aim to cause the death of three to turn into the death of hundreds and thousands.
Habboob afandi, how about having a cup of tea, coffee or mate?
Stop giving us orders and mind your own business, or else return to your bloody country and get lost! And i'm being polite as i don't want to behave like you and your baassist fellows.
the ambassador is knocking on the wrong door , we donot have guns to smuggle, and we donot have terrorists to export.
Hunting guns ,yes we have, but those who need to buy ,must head to some stores here and there.They can buy after they pay.As for terrorists,if the masacres and killings contiue in Syria ,you will have at least 15 million terrorists>males and females.No need to import.
Rustum Ghazali is the source of the information and our minister "Branch" is too naive for the post !!
Yes! I am proud to have emotions ya sweaty! You have emotions too: all your posts are full of spite, venim, insults...
If I am not mistaking we have asked repeatedly to the syrian regime a clear demarcation of our borders...unsucessefully...right stinky??
Several Lebanese farmers have died since March. Right stinky? We are not at war with syria...are we stinky? Thanx for making the 1975 invitation an excuse for the syrian. You are obviously one of them!
You smell like moallem...
This Syrian idiot should be hanged high new year's eve in DT Beirut with a big stick of Lebanese dynamite up his A$$.
tell this piece of shit to stop killing his people in syria and return home asap please
sweating_demon, stick to the point and stop acting like a drama queer. We're not talking about the US, Mexico or others!!! we are talking about our countrymen being killed by the Syrian regime and human life is NOT cheap to just ignore and let bygones be bygone. Someone needs to be accountable. and AGAIN stick to the point and stop over analyzing and playing little miss pink psychologist.
Hey Phardo. You keep changing your name. The correct word is WHEN. There is no way ASSad and Fat Walid will live through this. The people no longer fear them, and they have rejected their existence. You can laugh now, but not for too much longer. All that is needed are anti-tank weapons, or a no-fly zone (or both). Then let's see how you laugh. The cracks evident now will become a collapse. What will you do with your SSNP flag after that? Will you still be pro-Syrian with a new regime? I am still waiting to hear what you will do in the aftermath. Will you change it to ISNP?
@sweating_satan: What happened to the Hezbollah member that was caught by the Marines in Iraq being smuggled from Lebanon to Syria and then to Iraq to ignite Sunni-Shiite war?
Who armed anti-Arafat PLO (Sa3eka)for 30 yrs and sent them from their bases in Syria to Lebanon to ignite Muslim-Christian havoc similar to today's Iraq?
The problem that you have is that you only view things from one angle and ignore what the true Lebanese felt and endured for over 50 yrs from this Syrian jealous regime of the Lebanese soil.
'What goes around comes around',
'who lafs first lafs last'.
LOL all the way from Downunder at the Syrian.
sweating_demon just incase you didnt read my earlier post before admin deleted it i hope your family feel a life of misery that the syrians caused many lebanese.Thank you
the filthy zionist information war department went into berserk madness.
the weapons smuggling in them associates all the rockets that will fall over them and that causes huge fear.
if you read the posts above, you see how is that fear expressed
Tony he can't help it. When you are brainwashed by the filty Hezz information war department. You become the cancer inside Lebanon who rapes Beirut. The Hezz and Assad's heve murdered more Lebanese than even the Israelis, but they want our blind Wiilayet following.
You claim: "because emotions are private. if you display them in public you're a sissy."
hmmmmm, what do you call a person (not sure about that) who every time he/it appears in public is emotional, yells, screams, threatens by raising his famous "finger", or for that matter his herd of supporters who line up and show emotions in public and shout "Labayka Labayka Nasrullah"..... ? I don't expect an answer coz you've already answered it in your post above!
JabalHamrani how old r u? wow Hizb and Amal are now recruiting kids!! i can see now how their fear is expressed....
the zionist information war department thinks, if they are so brainwashed, that others are brainwashed too
Gabby,y friend, as much as I would like to believe you, you keep extending the grace period for your "Assad" and his regime, which you have narrowed down to "Fat Walid" apparently! Forget changing my name. Don't shoot me for that, but focus on your seances and tell us once and for all when this "when" will happen, because since 2005 (and perhaps even before you were born) you have been predicting that "ASSad" cannot live through this, that and the other one. And now you have the nerve to tell us it will take anti-tank weapons and a no-fly zone? Why didn't you inform us back when? Are you keeping military and tactical info away from us? Shame on you because I trusted you all the time. Please get back to us with definite dates as you are known to produce. And if you have some difficulty, I can understand. But you can always reach out to the other genius of a visionary, Dr. Makhassochimenchi. Thanks buddy, and Happy New Year if we don't speak until next week. Bests.