أردني يعمل في الموساد "يعترف" بتفجير الطائرة الأثيوبية وإغتيال المبحوح في دبي

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كشفت معلومات موقع موريتاني معلومات عن كشف أكبر شبكة تجسس إسرائيلية في موريتانيا تورط أحد أعضائها "تفجير الطائرة الأثيوبية" التي سقطت في الحدود البحرية اللبنانية في الخامس والعشرين من كانون الثاني 2010.

ونشر موقع "الحرية" الموريتاني معلومات عن كشف أكبر شبكة تجسس إسرائيلية في موريتانيا، يقودها رجال أعمال من جنسيات عربية.

وصباح 25 كانون الثاني سقطت طائرة تابعة للخطوط الجوية الأثيوبية في الحدود البحرية اللبنانية وكان على متنها أكثر من 50 لبنانيا وأظهرت التحقيقات الأولية التي قام بها فريق تحقيق دولي في باريس وسلمها للحكومة اللبنانية آنذاك أن السبب "بشري وأخطاء بشرية داخل قمرة القيادة".

وأوضح الموقع أن تم الكشف عن الشبكة بعد ملاحقة أحد أعضائها ويدعى "فارس البنا"، وهو أردني الجنسية من أصل فلسطيني، بتهمة السرقة ليُعثر بعدها في منزله على مسودة رسالة بخط يمينه موجهة إلى سفارة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بموريتانيا.

وكتب في المسودة "أنا المدعو فارس البنا أردني الجنسية أعمل مع الموساد الإسرائيلي، شاركت في عمليتي قتل "المبحوح" في دبي و تفجير الطائرة الأثيوبية في لبنان والتي كان على متنها هدف من حزب الله".

وطالب البنا بعدم تسليمه إلى المخابرات الأردنية مقابل الإدلاء بمعلومات مهمة عن قضية قتل" المبحوح" وتفجير الطائرة الأثيوبية في لبنان، والكشف عن تفاصيل شبكة التجسس الإسرائيلية العربية الموجودة في موريتانيا.

ومحمود المبحوح هو قيادي في حركة حماس اغتيل في دبي في شهر كانون الثاني من العام 2010 واتهمت شرطة دبي حينها الموساد الاسرائيلي بارتكابه.

وكشف البنا معلومات عن تجهيزات لإنشاء شركة على الأراضي الموريتانية تهدف إلى زرع عملاء في المملكة العربية السعودية، وهو ما تجسد لاحقا في " المتحدة للخدمات السياحية" التي تعمل بنظام "التايم شير" للحج والعمرة، وكشفت الرسالة من ضمن ما كشفت عنه مواقع استلام وتسليم الأموال لصالح العملاء المفترضين، حسبما جاء في الموقع.

وأفاد مصدر صحفي موريتاني للموقع عينه أنه عندما تسلم رسالة البنا سلمها لصالح جهاز أمن الدولة الموريتانية، التي باشرت التحقيق بالموضوع. كما سلم نسخة لسفارة المملكة العربية السعودية عن طريق سفيرها في موريتانيا، الذي أبدى اهتمامه بالموضوع، كما قابل السفير الاماراتي الذي تعامل مع الموضوع بقدر من اللامبالاة، على حد وصف المصدر.

التعليقات 28
Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 19:16 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

Both Hezbollah and the Zionist will do anything to harm the future of the people in the region, both are war criminals and playing dirty games for their race of power from the future of the young generation. Whether the Zionist nuclear stock pile or the Hezbollah rocket stock pile both waiting it to happen any minute, only to serve their desire of power and war games.

Default-user-icon Pinto (ضيف) 20:00 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

Gabby, thepatriot, allouchi, shab, peache, majrouchi... DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD THAT APPEARS IN THIS FAKE REPORT. As you and as the famous French police investigator, Jacques Clouseau, know, Syria or Iran or Hizbushaytan or General Michel Aoun or Nasser Qandil or Michel Samaha or Wi'am Qahab or Nabih Berri are behind the blast. I repeat: DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD... Bests.

Default-user-icon ethiopian maid (ضيف) 20:38 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

well done for getting this terrorist from hizb of thugs

Default-user-icon Guest (ضيف) 21:32 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

the story is incoherent, but a job well done to down this well known target who had been a hizb of thugs financier. Congratulations on making Lebanon and the world safer.

Default-user-icon K N (ضيف) 22:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

Well well well and these israeli call the arabs "terrorists"?
If this proves to be true, it changes the whole equation in the region as to which country is using terrorist activities.. I'd like to see the reaction world wide.. Maybe they'll finally condemn israel in the UN Security Council.. Oh wait, the americans will be there, so no way in hell.. At least this shows that the israelis are no less disgusting than al qaeda ;)

Default-user-icon boro (ضيف) 22:51 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

lash ma 7adan 3emel comment ??wen al lebnaneye li bi hebo baladon w lama ye2ro khabar khaso bi hezeb allah bi noto w bye7kona bel seyde wel este2lel wel sle7 40 lebnene twafo bel teyara aked ma bye2rabo hadan menkon wala wahad menon men jama3etkon fa aked ma ha ye3nelkon al mawdou3..

Default-user-icon Anonymous3 (ضيف) 23:08 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

well well well, what do you know the worms come are starting to come out of the can, this is one added puzzle piece which supports all the major conspiracies goin on and went on regarding this crash.
if they could bring down an entire plane for one target without any thought, then i wonder what else they'd be capable of doing.. Hariri.. cough cough..

Default-user-icon Fakhr (ضيف) 23:36 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

Silly story....why would a spy expose himself? Even if he thought his identity is compromised he will probably escape to Israel rather than hand himself to whichever authority.....

Default-user-icon K N (ضيف) 23:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 04

Well well well and these israeli call the arabs "terrorists"?
If this proves to be true, it changes the whole equation in the region as to which country is using terrorist activities.. I'd like to see the reaction world wide.. Maybe they'll finally condemn israel in the UN Security Council.. Oh wait, the americans will be there, so no way in hell.. At least this shows that the israelis are no less disgusting than al qaeda ;)

Thumb jabalamel 00:36 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

and the filty zionist information war department talks about crimes of iran.

can you imagine how sick they are?

Thumb jabalamel 01:05 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

the filthy zionist information war department*???

where are you?????

don't be silent now...defend your genocidal criminals...come one...don't be shy...

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 02:17 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

I trust the international plane-chrash investigators on this one, not a palestinian thief based in Mauritania whos willing to come up with whatever it takes to make a good deal for himself. And no doubt it there really was a high level Hizbollah-target aboard that ethiopian plane then I am sure that Hassan Nasrallahs organization would have been open and acccurate about it like when Imad Mugnieh passes away.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 06:03 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

the filthy zionist information department are silent now and have no response to our online glorious resistance. I agree they are silent because they have nothing to say and they are probably shy trying to defend their genocidal criminals and the lies israel wants peace who would never do such atrocities....LOL

Thumb jabalamel 12:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

after my several attempts, the filthy zionist information war department has spoken defending the terrorist act.

i knew they couldn't restrain from barking.

Default-user-icon Fuziyad (ضيف) 13:30 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

ha ha nice one, of course the spy wrote a confession...and Israel blows planes to kill HA officials and never manages to blow one of them in dahyaieh or the south or or or...

Default-user-icon paul (ضيف) 13:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

RE Neon
Better off not writing that "confession" at all, eh? In my country we get all kinds of asylum seekers claiming to be all sorts of things to get a deal/protection etc. Two Libyan guys that robbed and killed a 85-year old lady here claimed they had been close friends and football mates of one of Gadafiis sons before they had got into an arguement and tried to stab him. First they got protection because this country never sends asylum seekers back if their life is at rism (death penalty), but after the killing of the lady the police and newspapers started dig deeped. Guess what? All lies. But of course, let this big moth palestinian back up his claims with proof.
Choose to disregard the international aviation expert group that investigates plane chrashes like that. Of course a plane charsh could never happen in Lebanon without the all the conspiracy theorists popping up.

Thumb jabalamel 15:06 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

the filthy zionist information war department is calling the truth "a conspiracy theory".

that's very old. find a new phrase

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 15:13 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

the filthy zionist information war department is obsessivly repeating same stupidities about cospiracy theory which only exist in their twisted mossadic minds. Henceforth, their theories will fail like everything else they tried before..... dream on

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 16:17 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

I am just fed up with the conspiracy theories virus thats so widespread in the Middle East. In addition to that theres a great deal of paranoia, like when you try to put everyone with an opinion different to yours in the zionist/mossad cathegory. Just to put the record straight, I have deep symphaty for the palestinians who have been robbed of their land by the Israelis. I regulary voice my opinion about this in various media. But I have no symphaty with Hizbolla who currently operates as a state within the state, and we all know that this has been tried before in Lebanon.
The plane chrash two years ago was a national tragedy, and certain groups should stop trying to exploit the loss of lives for their narrow cause.

Default-user-icon dark (ضيف) 19:30 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

Israel you are terrorist, how could you kill innocent people to target one person? you are killers.

Missing amani_lebanese 22:20 ,2012 كانون الثاني 05

So paul, a thief will lie and claim he has murdered on a mossad mission wiich is the worst crime one could make in the arab world? Why not just say your a thief instead of coming up with a million times worse crime? Every time mosad is exposed or israel is exposed, you call it conspiracy theory. Give us a break. As if the mossad has no interest in murdering, attacking and creating chaos. People like you have even denied things that the mosad themselves didnt deny. Its getting boring.

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 00:45 ,2012 كانون الثاني 06

So according to your logic he speaks the truth and just randomly decides to hand-write a confession without even having been interrogated? So why would he do this, is it his concience thats nagging him? Read the article again guys, he tries to make himself interesting to the Mauritanian authorities to avoid being sent back to Jordan where he probably faces trial for other crimes. I am sure that Dubai police in cooperation with the Mauritanians can quickly expose the lier when he starts talking about his alleged involvement in the killing of the Hamas commander which definately was a Mossad operation. There amani_lebanese, you see, no conspiracy theory from me.
And back to the airplane crash, neither you or Hizbollah has come up with any name or position thats so important that Mossad had to blow up an airplane. Hizbollah admitted the fact when Mugnieh was killed (by Mossad), and wowed revenge. After the plane chrash there has been nothing simular. Go figure it out.

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 00:52 ,2012 كانون الثاني 06

re sweating demon:
I agree, mossad and cia is certainly behind this, an undercover war is ungoing. The only reason we havent seen iranian agents doing the same is probably their lack of skill or the fact that for Iran it is not a priority to kill key scientists because Israel already posseses nuclear arms so those kills would not be so valuable.

Default-user-icon fred (ضيف) 02:07 ,2012 كانون الثاني 06

The weather was awfully bad that day, we all know Israel has committed many massacres in the past but in regards to this tragic plane crash I choose to blame God.

Default-user-icon Heavy (ضيف) 12:49 ,2012 كانون الثاني 06

Regardless if this info is true or not (time will tell, or it won't). The most shocking aspect of reading this article, and the ensuing comments, are the stupid f**ks who are going "good job on killing the Hizballah target", and what about the rest of the people who were killed, are you guys that blinded by hate?? You are scum!! I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, you are a bunch of idiots who should be thrown to the dogs, and what's worse is that most of you are Lebanese, this country would be much better off without you cause you are much worse than the people you are preaching against!

Default-user-icon Ethio-Boy (ضيف) 15:54 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

F**k those filthy inhuman mosad members!

Default-user-icon Edossa (ضيف) 20:12 ,2012 أيار 23

\*God put heven ther soul. Yes, cia and mossad include olf involved crash of ethiopia air plane; what you think alquaida group in unit kingdom ; may Isreal pateralic and Hilary Clinten by head kept its' secrate. Also ask Iran and Iraqu spies or spy include star acadamy.*/

Default-user-icon Edossa (ضيف) 20:27 ,2012 أيار 23

\*God put heven ther soul. Yes, cia and mossad include olf involved crash of ethiopia air plane; what you think alquaida group in unit kingdom ? May Isreal pateralic and Hilary Clinten by head kept its' secrate. Also ask Iran, Iraqu and Eritrea spies or spy include star acadamy and magician manage ocenic evils. Super game*/