مسؤول سوري: السكوت عن جنبلاط لن يدوم طويلا

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لفت مسؤول أمني سوري رفيع الى أن "دمشق تجنبت حتى الآن إثارة أي مشكلات أمنية لرئيس جبهة النضال الوطني النائب وليد جنبلاط وخصوصاً في مناطق الجبل ولكن السكوت عنه لن يدوم طويلاً".

وخلال استقباله وفداً درزياً لبنانياً أفادت صحيفة "السياسة" أن المسؤول السوري شن حملة عنيفة على جنبلاط بسبب تصريحه الأخير الداعي لتغيير جذري في سوريا.

وكان جنبلاط في بيان صدر عنه الثلاثاء الفائت قد رأى أنه على روسيا وايران الاعتراف بأن الوضع في سوريا لا يحل سوى بالقيام بتغيير جذري في النظام.

وأضافت "السياسة" أن المسؤول قال لزواره "إن جنبلاط التحق نهائياً بحليفيه رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري ورئيس حزب القوات سمير جعجع بالتآمر على النظام في سوريا، بإيحاء مباشر من صديقه مساعد وزيرة الخارجية لشؤون الشرق الأدنى جيفري فيلتمان، وعندما يحين موعد تصفية الحسابات سيتم التعامل مع جنبلاط على أساس أنه الجزء الخفي والأخطر في هذا المثلث".

ورأت مصادر سياسية مواكبة لمجريات الأحداث في سورية عبر صحيفة "الحياة" أن لجنبلاط رؤيته الخاصة وأنه يسعى ما أمكن الى تحييد الساحة اللبنانية عن ارتدادات الأزمة السورية، لأن البديل سيكون المزيد من الاحتقان المذهبي والطائفي".

وأوضحت أن دعوة جنبلاط لاستئناف الحوار بتأييده موقف رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في هذا الخصوص هي في محلها الآن ليس لرهانه على أن المشاركين سيتوصلون الى تفاهم حول القضايا التي ما زالت عالقة وأبرزها الاستراتيجية الدفاعية للبنان وسلاح "حزب الله"، وإنما لاعتقاده بأن العودة الى الحوار يمكن أن تشكل شبكة أمان أمنية وسياسية للبلد تخفف من وطأة الأزمة السورية على لبنان".

وأردفت المصادر أن "معظم حلفاء سوريا وأولهم "حزب الله" لم يكونوا مرتاحين لموقفه الأخير من الأزمة في سوريا، لكن الحزب تحديداً يحرص في الوقت ذاته على إبطال الذرائع لتبرير جر البلد الى أزمة حكم جديدة وهو يلتقي مع رئيس المجلس النيابي نبيه بري ولو من موقع الاختلاف في شأن التطورات المتسارعة في سوريا حول ضرورة الحفاظ على الحد الأدنى من التهدئة".

التعليقات 51
Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 08:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

anybody who is against our glorious resistance and our allies will be dealt with at the right time.

Default-user-icon Starsky (ضيف) 09:03 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

any syrianian security mishap in mount lebanon will turn the syrian druze against the regime. Not a good time for asad to upset his few remains allies. Even empty cowardly threats like this are not advisable at this stage and w would rather he shuts up.

Default-user-icon Starsky (ضيف) 09:16 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Any security mishap in the mountains will turn the Syrian Druze against the regime.. not something the faltering dictatorship needs right now.. in fact, even empty cowardly threats like this are not advisable at this stage and we would strongly recommend Asad shuts up.

As for the dahye sewage rat, jabal amel, and his glorious drug dealing and money laudering miltia, your days are numbered and you would do well to start looking at establishing good relationships with fellow lebanese before its too late for you

Default-user-icon libano (ضيف) 09:17 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

no my friend anyone who is against lebanon and the whole population will be dealt at time ;D

Default-user-icon George H (ضيف) 09:38 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

were you a parrot in a previous life???????

Default-user-icon Samantha Fox (ضيف) 09:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Jabal Araf, you disgust me with your comments, with your zionist information war department bull cr@p you carry on about, and your negative comments against naharnet (the only non-biased forum) this makes you nothing less than a d*** h***

this is excactly what el hizb is all about, intimdation...It doesnt surprise me that Syria and el Hezb are in bed with Israel...and guess what, bachar will never fall for one main reason: Its not in the interest of you zionist state for the baath regime to fall....it doesnt take two to figure that out

Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 10:01 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Jabal terrorist you will be delt with in conspiracy and support for terrorist organization network. Look how much Lebanese suffered in the past from people and regimes you already support, my advice is that nothing last long other than the good work, your terrorist friends their time is up and the clock is ticking, like it or not.

Default-user-icon ghourab (ضيف) 10:09 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

you are not god to deal with people according to what they believe only dictotors do so and they will deal with you one day when you dont follow instructions. good luck

Missing marie 10:36 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Unfortunately we are living with Jabal and his shit community of killers hassouni and co. This is their democracy, anyone that opens their mouth they kill them. We need to destroy hassouni and his killers now. as soon as the assad regime persihes it is time to wipe out hassouni and jabal and co

Missing marie 10:37 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

habal , hassouni and co need to be treated the same way they treat others...

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 10:49 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

I'm a Maronite L.f supporter and I strongly respect Walid jumblatt current stance.
You are doing a great job to keep us out of the Syrian quagmire.
Also my respects to the brave Free Syrian army....

Missing peace 11:49 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

"Hizbullah however is seeking to maintain the calm in Lebanon at the time being, they stated."

meaning these terrorists will bring chaos when the time comes, when they will feel cornered... and forget once again their promise not to use their weapons against lebanese!

Missing peace 11:51 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

"Hizbullah however is seeking to maintain the calm in Lebanon at the time being, they stated."

meaning these terrorists will bring chaos when the time comes, when they will feel cornered... and forget once again their promise not to use their weapos against lebanese!

Thumb formidilosus 12:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

"anybody who is against our glorious resistance and our allies will be dealt with at the right time."

Day after day, it becomes clearer and clearer how democratic your resistance is, how much you respect other's thoughts and opinions.
You have started with Bint Jbeil and other districts in the south where in the last elections, "resistance" have amassed 98%. Yes 98% of the votes went to Hizbullah. This is not democracy, this is Qaddhafi regime, Assad regime and Kim Jong Il regime again and again and now you want to implement this on the rest of Lebanon. NEVER. We are not Bint Jbeil, Nabatiyeh and Sour. Our Shia brothers and sisters have been taken hostages by your treacherous and murderous party and will be liberated soon.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 12:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

2 major things are ennemies of democracy
- bullets
- $$$$$$$$$
a bullet will kill you if u say no to oppression but in this case u still have a stand
$$$$$$$$ will buy ur soul and the oppressor rule but in this case u cannot have a stand ur stand is bought by $$$$$$

(Braveheart the movie can stop watching it )

Thumb jabalamel 12:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

lol....get in line...i guess there are thousands of people wanting to settle score with jumblat

Thumb jabalamel 13:14 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

the filthy zionist information war department is unable to distinguish my fanclub from me.

also, they want to liberate the shia in the south from themselves.

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 13:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Again surprised that Bashar and Co. have time to deal with whatever is happening in Lebanon. Clean your own laundry before washing other's.
Reading between the lines, are the neighbors planning for new assassinations to divert attention?

Missing marie 13:24 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Lebanon has to be liberated from hasouni, Syria and Iran, until then there will never be a lebanon! We do not want Hassouni and co to keep us hostages. They need to dissappear with their paymasters the syrians and iranians...

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 13:25 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Reading between the lines, are the neighbors planning for new assassinations to divert attention from their local mess?
Bashar and Co. will never cease to amaze me, with their local puppets.

Missing marie 13:26 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Hassouni and his friends deserves a better ending than Gaddafi and co. They should hang him from the tallest tree in down town beirut and let him scream for help and slowly disssappear off the face of this earth. An Israeli Bomb is too nice a death for this piece of shit.

Thumb shab 13:36 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Desperate regime on the brink of collapse

Missing peace 13:56 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

@formidolosus : have you heard about the testimony of the wife of a former hezbi cheikh who wanted to reform the party and wanted it to come back to a lebanese chiism like before and no more iranian. he was accused of treason and being an israeli spy... he was sent to syria and never heard of so far...this is what happens to those of the hezb who want to change the party and bring reforms to it: they are accused of treason or even kidnapped to be shut up...
if you want to stop pledging allegiance to iran you are threatened!
so how can lebanese chia be against the hezb? they cannot or have to shut up! or else they face big problems!

democracy the hezbi way...

Default-user-icon keba (ضيف) 14:30 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

ya jabal el ahbal, syrian regime or any of your tools...you always understand the hard way and never learn from history or your mistakes...you settle scores like kids using non brave ways...as always...come near jumblat and we will settle things the men way. Cowards ya hassona and your filthy team

Default-user-icon Fardawssi (ضيف) 15:15 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

First of all, everybody knows Al Siyassa is a piece of filth outlet that only the filthy enjoy reading and believing the stupidities that it publishes. As to Jumblatt, this piece of filth and killer should have been hanged many years ago together with the other piece of filth Geagea and the epitome of filth Rafic Syria, except that Rafic Syria got the ultimate punishment that all mafiosos deserve, may he rot in hell.

Missing peace 15:50 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

poor sweating boy who mixes everything to look clever but doesn t know how to read...
the difference is that jumblatt and the others you mentionned do not threaten people who are oppose to them, they didn t kidnapp and sent to syria or accuse the opponents within their parties of being israeli spies to get rid of them! the hezb established a rule of terror to make people support them!

but if you approve the doings of the hezb you are free, it just shows what kind of person you are...

Missing peace 15:56 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

and all those who wanted a true lebanese chiism independent from iran like before have all been put aside by different means to shut up...it just proves that hezb pledge allegiance to iran and not to lebanon!

you cannot deny this even if you try your best!

and piss salutes you my little dung...

Missing peace 15:59 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

poor sweating boy who mixes everything to look clever but doesn t know how to read...
the difference is that jumblatt and the others you mentionned do not threaten people who are oppose to them, they didn t kidnapp and sent to syria or accuse the opponents within their parties of being israeli spies to get rid of them! the hezb established a rule of terror to make people support them!

but if you approve the doings of the hezb you are free, it just shows what kind of person you are...

Default-user-icon Profile (ضيف) 16:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

A brief profile of sweating_demon on wikipedia: 
1) a hard-core supporter of the Failed Patriotic Movement aka FPM because according to him it is the only "secular" political bloc in lebanon.2) considers Berri a Mafioso, but Bassil and Aoun reformists.3) studied Greek Mythology when most people were still in diapers which gives him the right to speak down to people.4) watched the movie 300, but NOT in Dahiyeh. 
5) owns his "own business", a hight tech start-up Basterma & Falafel stand in Bourj Hammoud, and another more private business selling "lingerie" to russian girls in Maameltein. 
6) a "perfectionist" who only owns "original" DVDs and books.7) can read & Write…… hardly. 
7) supports democracy in the Arab World, but also supports the Syrian regime coz he is afraid about minorities' future like shia (but he is not shia….)if the regime falls. 
last but not least 8) a pretentious certified idiot.

Default-user-icon banger (ضيف) 17:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

to habal and his fellows. keep your sisters and mothers away from us . they are coming to our homes starving needing money . they want us to bang them for a piece of bread. and you got guts coming on here talking while your family have their legs up to any one who can give them a piece of bread. shame on you.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 17:38 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

the filthy zionist information war mechanized infantry division starting to use medical terms thinking they impress us with their stupid words. It is just empty words and stupidities because they have nothing else to say. Our glorious resistance is same like lungs for the body not tumor.

Thumb grigori 17:38 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Violence is good for those who have nothing to lose...

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 17:41 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

oh, one more thing...... dream on

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 17:45 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

who is this insect grigorious trying to be Confucius

Default-user-icon John Williams (ضيف) 17:52 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Whoever expects consistency from Jumblatt has not been paying attention. If the Sunni terrorists & Western Backed Mercenaries triumph in Syria who will protect the powerless? Who will rebuild the state? Who will bury the bodies?I still remember Jumblatt's "Bomb Hezbollah" act on American Television . It wasn't the long ago. Apparently he has already forgotten that Hezbollah showed his people mercy when the Amereicans and March 14 abandoned him. He is shameless.

Missing mansour 18:14 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Jumblatt is a pathetic old man and deserves what he gets,i hope his end is slow and painful and that he sees his son go first and the rest of his family then maybe then i might forgive him and pray for his rotten soul.thank you
and 1 more thing long live the Syrian Civil war,this is payback 1000 times over.have fun :)

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 18:33 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

The fact that the anonymous Syrian security official would issue such a public threat to Jumblatt is a sign of growing despiration on the part of the Syrian regime. When it was strong, it never telegraphed its intentions in this fashion, it merely acted without notice.

Now the dog barks. All barking dogs bark because of fear or they are calling out for help, unable to handle the situation in which they find themselves.

This is similar to the Iranian futile and empty threat to the US to keep the USS Stennis out of the Persian Gulf or else.... or else .... What? They will hold their breath until they turn blue??

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 18:51 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

bullet and dollar are against freedoms and democracy , bullet will kill u , but worse, money buys ur soul and zombify you

Thumb shab 19:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

The Syrians are scared, Soon game over

Thumb jabalamel 19:52 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

the zionist information war department made a big story out of this, and whoever read this article carefully, there's no name of syrian official, and the whole story could have been made up

Default-user-icon Michael (ضيف) 20:06 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Jabalamel, Go get bent you an Iranian freak!

Default-user-icon You Can't Handle the Truth (ضيف) 21:04 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Lebanon should be corrupted from all corrupt politicians who ruled the country for the past 30 years and did nothing but steal its resources and make the lebanese people poorer. If you are a true Lebanese and you want to make change you should start with yourself first. Prosecute Seniora nad Hariri for stealing billions of dollars from the treasury. Elect honest sunni representatives to the office. When you do that then you ask for concessions from the other parties.

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 21:17 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

joumblat said once
el mouarneh cha3eb nijiss
this word shows the state of mind of walid beik and who ever get along with him

Default-user-icon You Can't Handle the Truth (ضيف) 21:27 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

For all of you freedom fighters you should start by freeing our government from corruption. Prosecute all corrupt politicians. Appoint instead dignified and honest people who love Lebanon and not their pockets. Stop dealings with all countries till we clean house first.

Default-user-icon Tambouz (ضيف) 01:22 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

@shab, between you and the other idiot Gabby, your "soon game over" will not be over before you roll over in your graves, may God give you a long life, seriously. Are you that enamored by Dr. Samir Mounajjem? His latest te2ri2a is the the Assad regime "will PROBABLY" be over this year! EWEEEEEEHA what a bunch of farts. And you three idiots have the nerve to continue with your typical stupidities. Have some decency and stop sounding like a ridiculous broken record. 3ayb

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 02:16 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

everybody has scores to settle, its a question of timing

Thumb Chupachups 02:52 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

One two three,,,Lebanon wants to be Free

four five six,,, lebanese need to fix

seven eight nine,,, hezbollah and syrias neck line..

Missing youssefhaddad 03:01 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

When the time comes the Syrian regime will be worrying about the necks of Assad and his clan and gangs. This time it is the end of these criminals and they know it.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 09:10 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

Soon, soon, soon...hear that clock ticking ya Bashar? Hear that bell ringing? For whom does that bell toll? For you, and it's getting louder, and louder and closer and closer. Soon 50+ years of tyranny by one family, will be over...very, very, very soon....sooner than most people think....actually it is so soon, it could literally be any day we wake up to good news, AND, it won't be weeks, nor months, for sure....it's coming you motherfxxker, right between your fxxking eyes. You, your entire fxxking family, including that pig, your sister, your brother...all of them and oh, please, don't let us forget that Bastard Butcher of Lebanon: Rustom Ghazali....lak, ya Rustom, way'nek ya ibnil khalib? Come out, come out, wherever you are, you motherfxxker....Bouthaina Sharmoutha....you too....and that fat pig, Walid.....sweating ya Walid?

Missing marie 15:49 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

hizzy in its current form will disappear of the face of this earth no matter what hassouni says, it does not matter if he likes the changes but he , yazbeck,berri, aoun and kanaan will have to go somewhere and hopefully iran will take them all, good bye

Thumb jabalamel 11:54 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist information war department keeps repeating their old halucinations unrelated to the article