تقارير: اليونيفيل قد تنقل من الخط الأزرق الى الخط الأحمر مع سوريا

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أفادت تقارير صحافية أن مبعوث الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة لمراقبة تطبيق القرار 1559 تيري رود لارسن يرى أن إرسال قوات من "اليونيفيل" إلى الحدود اللبنانية-السورية سيزيد من عزلة النظام السوري ويمنعه من أن يتخذ من لبنان "سوقاً سوداء"، ولا سيما على "الصعيد الإرهابي".

وبحسب صحيفة "القبس" الكويتية فإن القوى الحليفة لسوريا، تعتبر أن هذا الإجراء يحد من تهريب السلاح إلى سوريا، والذي يشارك فيه كثيرون.

وأشارت الصحيفة الى أنه "قد يتم نقل قوات "اليونيفيل" من الخط الأزرق مع إسرائيل إلى الخط الأحمر مع سوريا، مشيرة الى أن رود لارسن قد يلتقي في هذا الطرح مع قوى 8 آذار التي طالما وقفت ضد أي اتجاه لنشر قوات دولية مع سوريا".

وسيركز رود لارسن، خلال مرافقته الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون في زيارة الى لبنان، وفق الصحيفة، في تقاريره الدورية حول تنفيذ قراري مجلس الأمن 1559، الذي ينص على بسط القوى الشرعية سلطتها على كل الاراضي اللبنانية وعلى نزع أي سلاح خارج الجيش، وأيضاً 1701 الذي اقتضى بنشر الجيش اللبناني واليونيفيل على الحدود مع اسرائيل.

ويزور بان لبنان في 13 الشهر الحالي، يرافقه رود لارسن، للتأكيد على "تشجيع الحوار اللبناني لحل مشكلة السلاح، وأن الوجود الدائم للسلاح خارج السلطة اللبنانية هو مشكلة".

التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon Larson (ضيف) 09:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

The forces of evil hizb of terror and their sidekicks, have always refused border demarcation with Syria. The basics for any state is to have defined borders, protected by its armed forces. These terrorists and murderers want a shia farm where they control everything. Having a controlled border with Syria is not part of their "resisting" plan.

Thumb jabalamel 13:24 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

that was the guy that said shebaa i not lebanese.

zionist sponsored UN envoys have very strange ideas.

Thumb shab 13:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Yes please help Lebanon against it's enemies Syria and Israel

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 17:56 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

Stop the arms flow from Syria to the Hezz too. The problem is the border is not marked because Syria and the Hezz do not want it marked.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 18:00 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

our glorious resistance in the past called this blonde larson a zionist. So, no need for more comments on our part. oh, one more thing..... dream on

Missing youssefhaddad 18:33 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

The UN is irrelevantat this point, what will end the Syrian threats is a serious military campaign by the Arabs to uproot the despot and allow the Syrians to build a new Syria.
The questions remains could the autocratic Arab regimes sponsor a democratic revolution in Syria?

Thumb jabalamel 19:31 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

the filthy zionist information war department is using every opportunity to appeal to their usa masters to bomb syria, but the usa won't do it.

the filthy zionists don't understand that usa won't send soldiers to die for them. zionists must die for usa not other way around.

Missing peace 23:44 ,2012 كانون الثاني 07

"gabby, the US/mexico border is clearly marked. does it stop the flow of mexican migrants to south USA? idiot..."

so why draw a border with israel then? isn t syria a foreign country like israel? then why shouldn t the borders be clearly defined?

oh, i know: if syrians steal part of our land it is no problem it s theirs anyhow for M8 people...
if syria shoots on lebanese it is no problem, but if israel does so oh la la!
those who want lebanon to be independent and sovereign say that it is the same thing! those who prefer syria to still rule our country accuse the others of being sionists...

funny the double standards of M8 people...

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 04:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

Agreed, everything Roed Larsen has said over the years has not been music in Hezbollahs ears, but this particular quote "Chebaa is not Lebanese" is not accurate. After all, his fellow countrymen served as UNIFIL-soldiers in Chebaa for about 20 Years. The first hurdle that needs to be overcome to get the Chebaa FARMS under Lebanese control (the virillage of Chebaa already is) is for Syria to cooperate with demarcating the border with Lebanon.

Thumb profile 18:24 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

A brief profile of sweating_demon on wikipedia: 
1) a hard-core supporter of the Failed Patriotic Movement aka FPM because according to him it is the only "secular" political bloc in lebanon.2) considers Berri a Mafioso, but Bassil and Aoun reformists.3) studied Greek Mythology when most people were still in diapers which gives him the right to speak down to people.4) watched the movie 300, but NOT in Dahiyeh. 
5) owns his "own business", a hight tech start-up Basterma & Falafel stand in Bourj Hammoud, and another more private business selling "lingerie" to russian girls in Maameltein. 
6) a "perfectionist" who only owns "original" DVDs and books.7) can read & Write…… hardly. 
7) supports democracy in the Arab World, but also supports the Syrian regime coz he is afraid about minorities' future like shia (but he is not shia….)if the regime falls. 
last but not least 8) a pretentious certified idiot.

Thumb profile 18:28 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

Brief search of jabalamel.fanclub on wikipedia.com 

1) "Your search has yielded no "results". Sorry, we don't keep records on derivatives of scum, either."

Thumb jabalamel 22:03 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

the filthy zionist information war department would like to compare themselves with syria.

and they keep repeating they old retarded "profile" joke

Missing peace 22:59 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

shebaa is considered syrian according to international laws until the syrian give the proof that it is lebanese... why don t they want to draw the borders? because it will oblige them to show that shebaa is lebanese! but they don t want to so that the hezb can still justify his weapons and its sheep to follow them....

Missing peace 23:06 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

if your hezb were soooooo patriotic they would give their weaponry to the army to reinforce it and obey the state not iran or syria...
not obeying its state and obeying a foreign country is the definition of treason...
but i guess that you and M8 have a strange conception of what a state is and that ALL citizens must obey it...

Missing peace 23:41 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

no if you knew a little more you would know that the UN is still waiting for the OFFICIAL syrian documents proving that shebaa is lebanese and no more syrian... so for the israeli it falls under UN 242 and not UN 425 ...

that is why the syrians do not want to draw the borders , so that they can still use hezb and its arms and the hezb claiming that they have to keep their arms ...got it?

Missing peace 23:43 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

but your hezb will ALWAYS find a lousy excuse to keep their arms and weaken lebanon .. that is their strategy. when shebaa is freed you ll see that they will say they need their weapons to free palestine or whatever! without arms hezb is NOTHING , so are they going to suicide themselves? you are naive....

Missing lemaalajab 05:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy iranian information war department would like to compare themselves with significant countries but they fail because they are increasingly insignificant

and they keep repeating old retarded propaganda

Thumb jabalamel 12:22 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist information war department is using my language (iranian information war department) because they are out of stupid ideas.

Thumb jabalamel 13:38 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist information war department is still trying to deny that shebaa is lebanese territory.
they say tha¸t our glorious resistance will not give up arms after the liberation of shebaa.

of course they won't. there is 7 villages area that we need to liberate.