الراعي: لبناء نظام سياسي عادل من أجل قيام دولة مدنية ديموقراطية
Read this story in Englishأكد البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي "أننا بتنا بحاجة الى بناء نظام سياسي عادل ومنصف من أجل قيام دولة مدنية ديموقراطية على أساس عقد إجتماعي متطور ودولة تفصل بين الدين والدولة."
واعتبر الراعي في خلال عظة قداس الأحد في بكركي أنه "لا يمكن أن يستمر الحكم منقسماً بين طرفين سياسيين والأوضاع الإقتصادية آخذة في التردي والدين العام يتفاقم"، مضيفا أنه "على أهل الحكم أن يتحملوا مسؤولياتهم الوطنية والتاريخية ويعملوا على وضع تصميم إقتصادي واضح".
ورأى الراعي أنه "علينا كمسيحيين ومسلمين أن نؤلف معاً الكيان اللبناني الموحد بالتكامل الحضاري والقيم المتنوعة"، معتبراً أنه "وبهذا النموذج نؤدي رسالتنا الحقيقية تجاه محيطنا العربي وتجاه العالم".
وختم مستنكراً لما يشهده العالم في بعض البلدان العربية من أعمال عنف وتفجيرات متنقلة وإعتبر أنه يقتضي على المرجعيات الإسلامية المعتدلة أن تشجب وتُحرِّم هذه الصورة المعاكسة.
Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi : " It should neither be a religious state nor a secular state that opposes religion "
Sorry Raii that will not do , SHN taught us that " establishing an Islamic government is the only way to bring stability to a society and is the only way to settle social differences , even in a society that is composed of numerous minorities "
What kind of Christian has confidence that this "accord" or "agreement" was voluntary on the part of Muslims in the first place or that it will last?
A brief profile of sweating_demon on wikipedia: 1) a hard-core supporter of the Failed Patriotic Movement aka FPM because according to him it is the only "secular" political bloc in lebanon.2) considers Berri a Mafioso, but Bassil and Aoun reformists.3) studied Greek Mythology when most people were still in diapers which gives him the right to speak down to people.4) watched the movie 300, but NOT in Dahiyeh. 5) owns his "own business", a hight tech start-up Basterma & Falafel stand in Bourj Hammoud, and another more private business selling "lingerie" to russian girls in Maameltein. 6) a "perfectionist" who only owns "original" DVDs and books.7) can read & Write…… hardly. 7) supports democracy in the Arab World, but also supports the Syrian regime coz he is afraid about minorities' future like shia (but he is not shia….)if the regime falls. last but not least 8) a pretentious certified idiot.
to the idiot who speaks with so much knowledge about the Taef accord: If the taef accord gave all the government power to the prime minister as you so confidently claim, then how come Miqati was over powered and over ruled in the cabinet on the wage hike issue. Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification. Apparently, you have neither.....!
profile, actually sweating_demon is still striving to become a pretentious certified idiot, or even a certified idiot at that. But fingers crossed he hopes that with his never say die attitude and all his hard work he will one day be the first in his family to be certified.
Guys! The Taef process was never fully implemented. In agreement, it was halted by all political parties & religious leaders fear’n loss of sectarian power. Part of the process was to prepare 4 a non-sectarian sys. Read the follow’n articles carefully; analyze them as a whole process 2 amend the constitution & exist’n laws. For instance: “Until the Chamber of Deputies passes an election law free of sectarian restriction..”. The Taef gave the authority 2 the council of Ministers & not the PM. C. Prime Minister: The PM is the head of the govt. He represents it & speaks in its name. He’s responsible 4 implement’n the general policy drafted by the cabinet. The prime minister shall exercise the follow’n powers (see Art.). Nowhere, the Taef does states the PM establishes pub agencies solely controlled by the PM (Art. C- 7). D. Cabinet: The exec power shall be vested in the Cabinet. Here’s a link 2 the full document. Read /analyze it in depth: http://www.al-bab.com/arab/docs/lebanon/taif.htm
the filthy zionist information war department is now using every opportunity to twist al rahi's words and attack him in every way.
sweating_demon good one keep trying pal, I have a feeling you will be certified soon.
Aoun was against Taef mainly because it did not have a clear timeline for the withdrawal of the Syrian army (and had a clause forbidding him to become president).
Nasrallah was against Taef because it gave too many powers to the Maronites.
good, so you also feel that you will be certified soon, as Alexander Pope wrote hope springs eternal...