مقتل 26 شخصا ونجاة 12 فيما الحكومة تقر تعويضات لعائلات ضحايا مبنى فسوح وتشكل لجنة للتحقيق
Read this story in Englishقتل 26 شخصا على الاقل في انهيار مبنى عطاالله في منطقة فسوح الأشرفية في حصيلة مرشحة للارتفاع في الساعات المقبلة بسبب وجود مزيد من الضحايا تحت الانقاض، في الوقت الذي ارتفعت فيه اصوات منددة باهمال السلطات.
وأقرت الحكومة 30 مليون ليرة لعائلة كل ضحية في مبنى الأشرفية وبدل إيواء تدفعه الهيئة العليا للإغاثة.
وقال وزير الإعلام بالوكالة وائل أبو فاعور بعد انتهاء جلسة للحكومة مساء الإثنين "هناك اكثر من تقرير حول سقوط المبنى، وحمل رئيس الحكومة تقريرا اوليا ولا نستطيع التكهن قبل تقديم التقرير النهائي".
وعن دفع 30 مليون ليرة لكل متضرر من حادث المبنى، أوضح أن "هناك آلية معتمدة من هيئة الاغاثة، ومنذ الصباح ستبدأ باتخاذ الاجراءات المناسبة".
وشكلت الحكومة لجنة برئاسة وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل لاجراء تحقيق حول أسباب انهيار المبنى، وتقديم دراسة حول الابنية المعرضة للإنهيار.
ومن مسؤولية اللجنة تقديم اقتراحات لتزويد الدفاع المدني بأجهزة للتعامل بمثل هذه الحالات.
وأكدت المعلومات الواردة حتى الساعة أن عدد القتلى في انهيار المبنى في فسوح الأشرفية هو 26، بينهم 13 لبنانيا و8 سودانيين، 3 فيليبينيين و2 مصريين و3 أردنيين، أما عدد الجرحى 12، وعدد المفقودين هو حوالي عشرة في تقديرات للدفاع المدني من الأقارب والجيران وبالتالي العدد غير مؤكد.
وتتابع فرق الانقاذ حتى الساعة البحث عن المفقودين تحت الأنقاض.
وأكد بيان للصليب الأحمر اللبناني نقل عدد من الضحايا من تحت انقاض المبنى مشيرا إلى أن الفرق "قد تمكنت حتى الساعة 7,30 من مساء اليوم (الإثنين) من احصاء 26 جثة و12 مصابا من الضحايا تم انتشالهم من تحت الركام ونقلهم جميعا الى مستشفيات:الروم، الجعيتاوي، رزق الجامعي، اوتيل ديو، بعبدا الحكومي ورفيق الحريري الجامعي، احدهم تم اسعافه في المكان لان حالته لم تستدع لنقله الى المستشفى".
وأكدت وزارة الخارجية الاردنية الاثنين مقتل ثلاثة اردنيين هم شخص وزوجته وحفيدهما في انهيار المبنى.
وقال محمد الكايد المتحدث الرسمي باسم الوزارة ان "وزارة الخارجية ومن خلال السفارة الاردنية في بيروت تتابع تطورات حادث انهيار احد المباني السكنية والذي ادى الى مقتل المواطن الاردني فرح خليل بقلة وزوجته بالاضافة الى مقتل حفيدهما المواطن الاردني ليث شارلي بقلة".
من جهته، صرح الأمين العام للهيئة العليا للاغاثة العميد ابراهيم بشير أن الحكومة ستتخذ قرارا بالتعويض عن المتضررين وبطلب مباشر من رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، وتأمين مأوى لجميع العائلات، مؤكدا "سنقوم بإستئجار مساكن للعائلات المتضررة".
وأكدت هذه المصادر أن "ملف السلامة العامة سيفتح على مصراعيه وستتخذ الاجراءات الممكنة والعاجلة نظراً الى وجود مئات بل ربما آلاف المباني القديمة التي تستدعي كشوفا دورية تجنبا لتكرار مثل هذه المأساة".
وتحدثت إحدى سكان المبنى صباحا، غلاديس نعيم، للـLBC وكشفت أن صاحب الملك ميشال سعادة الذي لا يزال قيد التحقيق كان قد نصح فجر الأحد السكان بألا يناموا الأحد في المبنى.
كما أفادت نعيم أنه في 25 كانون الأول الماضي سمع سكان المبنى صوت انفجار صغير واكتشفوا لاحقا أنه كان صوت انهيار إحدى عواميد المبنى. وأضافت أن المبنى مؤلف من 6 طبقات ويسكنه أكثر من 35 شخصا من جنسيات مختلفة.
ووصف شهود لحظة انهيار المبنى بانها كانت "اشبه بزلزال".وقد فاقمت الاحوال الجوية والامطار الغزيرة في الايام القليلة الماضية من حالته.
وقالت امرأة تمكنت من الهرب مع والدتها بينما لا يزال والدها واشقاؤها الثلاثة تحت الانقاض للتلفزيون ان المبنى كان متصدعا الى حد ان المالك انذر السكان قبيل الانهيار بضرورة مغادرته.
وابدى عدد من اقرباء الضحايا واصدقائهم استياءهم من غياب الاجراءات الرقابية على المباني القديمة ومن اداء المسؤولين.
وقالت سيدة تنتظر الحصول على خبر عن اقربائها الذين ما زالوا تحت الانقاض "انطروا الى المباني القديمة المجاورة، لن تحرك الدولة ساكنا بشأنها الا عندما تسقط هي الاخرى على رؤوس سكانها".
كما أشارت شابة تنتظر اخراج اقربائها احياء او امواتا من تحت الركام "أين هم المسؤولون في هذه الدولة؟ لا يفكرون بنا الا في مواسم الانتخابات عندما يكونون بحاجة الى اصواتنا".
وقالت ميليسا التي نجت شقيقتها اليز من الحادث فيما بقي خطيب شقيقتها وعائلته فيه "المسؤولون أتوا أمس (الاحد) وتفقدوا الحجارة فقط، اما البشر من اهالي الضحايا فلم يتصل بهم احد ليقول لهم نحن معكم".

Since the crash of the Ethiopian flight a couple of years ago, the government had vowed at the time to create a special authority for natural disasters and catastrophes. How many more victims need to die before such an authority be put in place????

The lebanese governments don't have the first clue about building regulations, inspection, zoning etc
I suggest that they copy the code of some other country (Europe/USA/UAE/Qatar) and learn how to apply it strictly and honestly.
My prayers go to the wounded and the families of the victims.

No problems when for the past 20+ years we have had Rafic Syria, may he rot in hell, and his band of thieves, crooks and collaborators with every enemy of Lebanon run the farce. This is another reason why they should be thrown in jail pending their hanging. Also, our great president, may God bless him, tries continuously to remove the zeer from the beer, but one hand cannot by itself clap.

Any1 willing to donate blood to help the Achrafieh residents, pls contact @DSCLebanon and don't forget to fill the doc http://bit.ly/A4jN4p

Tragic, very sad may god rest the souls of the passed ones and give strength and hope for those under the rubble.

To Mr. Cookie_Monster
The Lebanese traditionally THINK they are excellent in everything!
They also think that the International standards and the Cosmic laws do not apply in lebanon!
This is why we will keep having disasters like this one!

Very well said Slash.
Also, Wood is far less brittle and much more flexible than concrete and therefore reacts excellently to lateral loads like wind and/or earthquakes.
In any case, lets keep the comments section civilized. Every time I sign in here the quality of discussion gets more and more degraded. shame

As an Israeli would like to convey my condolence to the deceased families and quick recovery to the injured.
In such time of sorrow would suggest to put aside all hostility and to approach to IDF for assistance.
As IDF has special trained squad with dogs who can handle such cases.
Same they did in Turkey during 1999 and recovered injured from the ruins.
I'm sure that if an official request will come from Lebanese government and with assurance to their safety the Lebanese request will not be refused.
As in this case might help saving human lives.

Our thoughts and prayers goes to the families and friends of all those who died in his tragedy. We pray for those who are still under the collapsed building.
I grew up in Achrafieh and currently live in Florida; I wish that those comparing the building codes of Lebanon ( inexistant) to those in the US and western world will stop doing so. It is not the proper avenue for that...There is people that are still missing under the building and many families are mourning their deads.....It is not the time to compare the engineering marvels of Lebanon versus the world....
May God have their soul...

would you stop blaming the government , if a dog shits you blame it on the government, give them a break .. I wonder what would 14 march do?? enno those deputes who came yesterday to the scene, let them throw some extra thousand dollars to have new rescue materials instead of just tenzir!!
the owner may be right and that he ordered evacuation so why can't us human beings take responsibility for once in what we do and take actions?? may the victims's souls be at peace, it is a lesson for us to learn ...

Note to slash and Cookie....
1. The Americans build houses from wood not major structures such as buildings
2. Deforestation is happening everywhere, even if we decide not to cut down trees at all and only use concrete.... the production of concrete is very harmful to the environment... If we want to preserve the environment then we should either live like Buddhists or we should just roll over and die....
3. Lebanon actually lies on 2 major plates and we do get a major earthquake every 1000 years or so... chances are a well built house in Lebanon won't be destroyed twice, by a natural disaster, during the same generation
get your facts strait guys

I have never seen a country, where such a disaster happens and no one gets blamed for it !!! so you retarded politician shits....it was god's will that the building collapses?? not your ignorance? not your indifference for human life?
This is beyond infuriating that the same negligent politicians now walk in the funerals and give support to the people. what a bunch of hypocrites !! retards wake up- or wait- no dont wake up.
I hope a politicians house collapses like this. i hope their children and mothers die like this.
I hope all the retarded politicians lose loved ones (that is if they are capable of love), in order for them to appreciate the live of the ordinary citizen.
To those who died and to their relatives. I hope you do NOT rest in peace. I hope you come back from the dead and haunt the dreams and minds of the negligent politicians.

I have a civil engineering background, but work and live in N. America, and I had a chance to visit/inspect some of the buildings in different parts of Lebanon on different visits, sometimes asked by aquaintences, and sometimes by curiosity. I am not registered in the Lebanese Eng. Syndicate, but I remember visiting their offices in Beirut in the late nineties and complaining about the standards of some of the buildings, but to no avail. This tragedy came as no surprose to me, and I expect more to happen, as many buildings, some of which are high-rise, do not meet the min. requirements of the building code - any bldg code. I expect unfortunatley that more of these buildings will collapse - some with age and some due to unexpected conditions (earthquake, etc.). There is a little that the govenment can do now for these buildings after they had beeen covered and decorated with natural stone and marble.

To Mr. Cookie Monster
FYI I don't live in the US. I live in Lebanon like you do. But that does not prevent me from seing the sad reality as it is. It's not a matter of competition between the US and Lebanon. If structures collapsed in the US this does not make the lebanese situation right. Beleive me something is seriously wrong in the lebanese system of issuing building permits and I too would like to see Lebanon back on its feet, but that couldn't be farther from the truth right now.

Slash, fair points (regarding lateral load), I agree, but I didn't want to go into the if/ands or butts in a message board.
And if you want some advice, dont bother yourself with needless argumentation (no offense mr.cookie)
I dont think he wants to be constructive. so save yourself some energy.
Are you a (or studying) structural engineering or architecture?

Mr cookie why are you so angry and vicious?
take it easy lol

yalla!! and the government keeps on giving licenses for construction with no recognition of such old buildings!! the only thing this government cares about is its pockets!!.....i just want to point out a question...if God forbid an earthquake happens in Lebanon, what will be of all such unsupervised old buildings all around the country???imagine the extent of disaster that wwould take place!!!!!!!!!!!

The building was already in bad shape, but what made.worse and caused this free fall was because of the wind load. Wow sho Hal ballad el ta3ees. We are like a 4th world country now. Lebanon is like a version of the worst areas in brazil or Mexico.

Heavy rain, building collapses and kills 26+ and the emergency services are facing trouble. Imagine what would happen in an earthquake + tsunami situation. Alla Yestor.

To slash
You seem to be an educated person. That's a good start!
I don't understand why no 2 lebanese can have a civilized conversation without turning it into a fight. I thought this happens only when we discuss politics. But no! you and cookie master were just having a technical conversation and you couldn't help insulting each others!
Sadly this is another factor which contributes to the repeated disaters we keep having! we can never work as a team!