ساركوزي: لن نساهم بإخضاع لبنان ومن يهاجم جنديا لنا فيه سيتحمل تبعات ذلك
Read this story in Englishأكد الرئيس الفرنسي نيكولا ساركوزي مساندة فرنسا للبنان والدفاع عن سيادته واستقلاله محزا من أي هجوم على الجنود الفرنسيين العاملين في إطار قوات الطوارئ الدولية العاملة في جنوب لبنان "اليونيفيل".
وقال ساركوزي في خطابه السنوي امام السفراء والبعثات الدبلوماسية المعتمدة لدى فرنسا بمناسبة العام الجديد " فرنسا لن تساهم في اخضاع لبنان سواء من الداخل او الخارج".
وذكر أنه "لدى فرنسا جنود في لبنان تحت مظلة الامم المتحدة منذ حوالي 30 سنة وهم في خدمة الامم المتحدة" محذرا من ان "كل من يهاجم جنديا فرنسا سيتحمل تبعات ذلك".
وفي 9 كانون الأول الماضي، استهدف انفجار دورية لجنود فرنسيين عاملين في "اليونيفيل" قرب صور ما ادى الى اصابة خمسة جنود فرنسيين واثنين من المارة بجروح.
وهو ثالث اعتداء في عام 2011 على دورية تابعة لليونيفيل. ولم تتبن اي جهة هذا الاعتداء.
وأكد وزير الخارجية الفرنسي حينها آلان جوبيه أن سوريا تقف "بلا شك" وراء الإعتداء.
وقال ساركوزي اليوم الجمعة "لضرورة احترام سلامة المسيحيين في الشرق قائلا "انهم يمثلون جزءا من كنز الشرق وفرنسا وبكل حزم ستقف بجانبهم".
That's funny!
"warned that anyone who attacks a single French soldier will have to suffer the consequences of their action."
If you know that Syria and Hezbollah were responsible for the last attack, what happened to suffering the consequences? Or is it just talk???
I agree with you Leo. The French are all talk and no action. I am surprised they haven't surrendered to Syria already and handed Assad the keys to Paris. the Syrian regime is about to implode. If Alwaites are smart, they would join hands with the Sunnis, now. Later may be too late.
Sarkozy, although i like you as president of France , stay out of this, your troops are way overrated, they suffer in Afghanistan like no other, they are perfect mokery, even for the US . You better start buying American or Russian, your mirages werent any good in Libya. By the way, i agree with @ Leo, if you knew Hezb and Syria were behind this, and you support lebanon and blablabla why didnt your troops reply? do they even have proper equipment or are they still using weapons from world war 2? all western powers know how to do is think people are fools, and Iran make them think that they've got balls. All this is a big comedy, and we are beeing always laughed at by all of them.
Paris is no longer the center of democracy and civilization that's why I now winter in Damascus the real center of democracy and summer in Tehran the only center of civilization .
This Lebanese (and christian one) likes to see you leave Lebanon alone. Take your filthy troops with you. Stupid French Imperialist.
To all the awesome comments above... the French are under no obligation to take those chances to have their men killed, only to preserve you people from the provocations of Israel or Hezbollah! Instead of being thankful, a primate has the nerve to ask for weapons to help a Hezbollah government...
Shame on you! You don't deserve much!
here is the problem, to whom it may concern :) I believe the only reason ISF is better organized & better equiped because Ashraf Rifi doesen't take crap from M8 thugs. He is true Lebanese. unlike our beloved army is lickin Hezziz beyond.
thank you Patriot, great comment. with all do respect to the shiite brainwashed sect. when Israel invaded the south you guys greeted them, when US / UK invaded Iraq you guys greeted them. You do not appreciate others help. If UNIFIL was not in Lebanon probably by now south of Lebanon villages were nothing but ghost towns. you think your beloved resistance will be able to resist Israel air power? you don't deserve the help.