جنبلاط من موسكو: على روسيا تفهم مطالب الشعب السوري ولم أبحث موضوع تنحي الأسد

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شدد رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط على أهمية مواصلة الجهود لانجاح "حل سياسي" في سورية لافتا إلى أن "المبادرة العربية للتسوية هي الحل الوحيد" لسوريا آملا من روسيا أن تتفهم مطالب الشعب السوري.

وقال جنبلاط في حديث لقناة الـ"LBC" مساء الخميس "لم أتحدث عن موضوع مجلس الأمن بل على أهمية الحل السياسي الذي يبني على موضوع الخطة العربية ولكن ربم هناك بعض التفاوت في التفاهم".

وأضاف "أعلم دخلنا في العنف والعنف المضاد في سوريا ولكن على روسيا أن تدين العنف من النظام لأنه هو بدأ به".

وإذ أكد ضرورة وجود "موقف أميركي روسي إيراني عربي تركي مشترك لحل الأزمة تابع "لم أتحدث بتكليف الأسد صلاحياته لنائبه ولست مخولا من قبل المعارضة السورية وهي التي تقرر".

كذلك ذكرت وكالة الانباء الروسية "نوفوستي" اليوم الخميس أن جنبلاط الذي يزور موسكو أجرى محادثات مع وزير الخارجية سيرغي لافروف وحذر بعدها من أن بديل المبادرة العربية "مزيد من التصعيد وجر الوضع نحو التدويل بما يفسح المجال أمام تدخل أجنبي مرفوض من جانب كل الأطراف الحريصة".

وتبدي روسيا معارضتها لاي جهود دولية ساعية للحصول على خطوة في مجلس الامن لتأييد العقوبات الاحادية ضد سوريا التي تشهد عمليات عسكرية تهدف للحد من الاحتجاجات ضد النظام السوري أوقعت أكثر من 5400 قتيل حسب الأمم المتحدة.

وإذ نبه جنبلاط من "الانجرار نحو تصعيد مواجهات وتدخل أجنبي مرفوض بشكل حازم" قال "إن روسيا قدمت الكثير لسورية في مختلف المجالات وهي سلحت الجيش السوري وساهمت في انشاء مشروعات استراتيجية كبرى وتطوير البنى التحتية".

إلا أنه قال ان "المطلوب من الجانب الروسي كبلد صديق ومهم أن يتفهم مطالب الشعب المحقة".

وأعرب عن "تفهم" ما وصفها بأنها "مصالح دولية متضاربة بشكل قوي" لكنه شدد على أمله في أن "تنحاز روسيا لصوت الحق".

يشار إلى أن جنبلاط دعا قبل أيام روسيا إلى أن "تقوم بمبادرة سياسيّة مع الدول المعنية لاخراج سوريا من هذه الأزمة".

وفي إشارة إلى التقارير الصحفية المؤكدة التي تكشف عن وصول شحنة أسلحة إلى ميناء طرطوس قال أن "البوارج على أهميتها، ليست هي السبيل الأمثل للتعاطي مع هذه الأزمة الحادة".

التعليقات 22
Thumb jabalamel 16:03 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

russia is understanding the demands of syrian people.

russia know syrian people does not want muslim brotherhood on power.
so russia does what it can: keeps assad alive.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 16:24 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

syrian people like russian people and many syria man marry russia woman and have babies. So, they are like family.

Thumb jabalamel 16:27 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26


Default-user-icon Rodubio (ضيف) 16:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

The criminal, feudal warlord and collaborator with every enemy of Lebanon sees himself in such a position as to give lessons to Russia! His next move will perhaps be the US and then the Vatican and then China and then... back to his den of thieves and collaborators in Mokhtara.

Default-user-icon Toufic A. (ضيف) 16:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

Happy new year! habalkamel and boyfriend are back from a well earned vacation. I hope you boys enjoyed the free Princess Gay cruise tickets you won on gayarab dot com "by Shiites for Shiites" I hear DJ Master M_Nawwaf YoYo put a great show. Anyways welcome back girls.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 16:46 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

Hey camelboy is back dreaming of the old days that are gone. Syria will never be the same, and ASSad is will be gone. You can wake up now.

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 17:19 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

lice mountain please go learn English before commenting in English.

Default-user-icon hanna azziz (ضيف) 18:00 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

i miss president saddam hussein and his arab socialist ba'ath party, like president assad and his arab socialist ba'ath party, he protected the christians.
the syrian sunni muslim brotherhood will deport them just like the iranian shiite brotherhood in power in iraq and the sunni muslim brotherhood hamas in gaza have done.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:11 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

high level critical negotiations, kasparov chess game...russia has two lucrative conditions to drop bashar:
1)keep the contracts between russia and syria till they expire...(the financial contracts will never expire..without the help of a rich country)
2) to have a long lease for the naval base in tartous.
but there is numurous traps around the problem,bashar is transferring the heavy arms to lattaqieh, creating the foundations of an alawi state thus dividing syria which automatically divide the region including lebanon..
is russia trying to convince jumblat??????is jumblat convinced by a ministate for himself from the golan hights to chouf to khalde??????/the russian bear dont invite jumblat without a purpose and receive him like a head of state,where is ras-putin in all this?.. it is very interesting to read jumblat after the visit,especially between the lines.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:22 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

breaking news: jumblat from russia.... against taking the syrian problem to the U.N. OR ANY INTERNATIONALISING.

Default-user-icon lebanon4brazil2014 (ضيف) 20:13 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

MARK the only people worse than murders and terrorists are sectarian fools like you who thrive on incitement and insults...only uneducated scum like you use enjoy ridiculing a great region such as jabal amel and which such language dont be surprised my friend if you feel alienated by a large percentage of your own people

Default-user-icon hanna (ضيف) 20:28 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

mark is stop on.

Default-user-icon Aziz (ضيف) 21:27 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

To Jabalamel...Who are you to determine what the Syrian people really want? have they ever had a free election or referendum in the past 5 years? If the demand of most syrians as you claim is muslim brotherhood (which I doubt), let it be! who are you to decide on their behalf?

You and your camp should stop labeling everyone who disagree with ur Hizb philosophy as zionist: it only shows that you have no credible arguments! If most lebanese want your beloved armed militia as you claim, let's have a referendum. If you win, lebanon is yours and feel free to call it " wilayat el fakih- dahieh chapter" and "7alel 3aleik", then you have the right to tell people who don't like it to leave. Until then most of us feel like taken hostages by ur armed militia.

Default-user-icon lebnani (ضيف) 23:24 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

Russia has blocked western attempts to have the United Nations Security.Council formally condemn Syrian President Bashar Assads.

Thumb arzz 00:06 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

Walid. Retire. Hand it over to Taimour baik.

Missing jimbei 00:14 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

I agree with Mustapha on the issue of the issue of arms trade between Russia and Syria. It is possible to make the claim that Russia is trying to stall any UN based decisions that would speed up Bashar's downfall.
One has to take into consideration the geopolitical imperatives of Russia... The current syrian regime is a powerful regional ally of the soviet state and as was previously mentioned by Mustapha the naval base in Tartous plays an important factor on the decision making process of the Russian state.
However, Russia will not be able to stall for much longer because the western forces are constantly pressuring them to take a stand and oppose this tyrant.

Thumb jabalamel 01:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

the filthy zionist information war department is still holding to the "when assad falls" hallucination

Default-user-icon Nick Choukor (ضيف) 03:45 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

How could such a great politician like Mr. Jumblat be so out of touch with reality on this issue, or is this a Lebanese thing? now his concern for the people of Syria is commendable, but why does he seem to be so non-pragmatic and impractical? we all hope for the best for the Syrian people, but to seek to resolve complex issues one must be practical. I think he should write a long editorial with facts and analyses if he really have something of substance, and want to convince the people who think so highly of him. I am not taking sides in the Syrian Conflict, but would like to see politicians make pragmatic approaches to the issue in order to help facilitate a solution. Mr. Jumblat's stance unfortunately does not give that impression.

Missing maakroot 08:34 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

habal your protector is not falling, he is on the ground and very soon will be dead, Next will be hassouni and you

Thumb sophia_angle 11:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

Democracy must privail in all arab world and towards building goverments away from religion so nobody can be above the law. however to reach this it is a very big giant step, regarding the ignorance of majority of people, so the best way to achieve this goal as first step must be in "education". If not doing that killing each other will not end.

Missing realist 20:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

Habal Amel, you know nothing about history. the USSR (not russia) supported the najibala of afghanistan for a decade with weapons and money and what have you. Google it and you would find out what happened to najibala. Russia can only prolong the problem and actually cause thousands more to die but the mathematical end is the same: bashar will be gone. In fact what russia is doing is horrbile news for hizbustan in the long term as this will definitly produce fundamentalist armed suni party in syria. What russia is stupidly doing is agitation of the suni-she3i war.

Missing realist 20:52 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

Christians on here need to learn from jumblat the art of politics. NO ONE will deport any christians or harm them or any bullshit as long as they stay on the right side of history and the demands of the people and not stupidly support a dying regime. Follow jumblat and learn how to switch sides, you can not endure by supporting 10 percent alawi against 80 percent sunis, it is mathematical suicide.