السنيورة: كلام عون يشكل إهانة للبنانيين وهو يحاول نجدة باسيل
Read this story in Englishاعتبر رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة أن "ما قاله رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون مؤخراً شكل إهانة لكل اللبنانيين، وإنه بهذا العمل يذكرنا بالطريقة التي اعتمدها عندما تمرد على الدستور وعلى القانون، وعندما اعتصم في قصر بعبدا آنذاك خلافا لما أجمع عليه اللبنانيون، وبذلك السيل من الشتائم والعبارات النابية التي كان يستعملها آنذاك".
ورأى السنيورة الذي كان يتحدث على هامش استقباله وفودا من صيدا ومنطقتها في مكتبه في الهلالية اليوم الأحد، أن "الجنرال عون حاول من خلال تدخله أن يأتي لنصرة صهره وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل الذي وعد الناس في موضوع الكهرباء ولم يستطع أن يفي بهذه الوعود البراقة ولم يقم بأي عمل جدي".
وأضاف أن "موقف باسيل كان منذ البداية رفض الإستعانة بالصناديق العربية والدولية لعدم رغبته في أن يكون هناك من يواكبه في عملية وضع دفاتر الشروط والإلتزام بهذه الدفاتر التي يجب أن تكون متلائمة مع المعايير الدولية، ولأنه لا يريد ذلك، فإنه يهرب الى الأمام ويستعمل العبارات النابية ويستعمل الكلام والصراخ بهذه الطريقة ويأتي الجنرال عون لنجدته في هذا الشأن".
وأمل السنيورة أن "يعود الجنرال عون ويترفع عن هذا الأسلوب ويخاطب الحجة بالحجة، واذا كان هناك من وجهة نظر يمكن ان يقدمها عبر الطرق والمنابر الصحيحة ومجلس النواب"، معتبرا أن "ما قاله عون جاء على الأرجح نتيجة شعوره بهذا التردي في مستوى شعبيته وحتى جمهوره الذي لا يقبل بهذا المستوى من الخطاب، واعتقد أنه لجأ الى هذا الأسلوب لربما يستطيع أن يجيش أكثر".
ومع تفاقم أزمة الكهرباء مؤخرا، كان قد دعا وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل "جميع الذين يدفعون رسوم جباية كهرباء ولا ينالون منها الا القليل، الى الاستعداد للتحرك والنزول الى الشارع للمطالبة بحقوقهم".
يأتي ذلك في ظل استمرار قطع المحتجين الطرق وحرق الاطارات اثر انقطاع الكهرباء في عدد من المناطق.
ومن جهة ثانية، اعتبر أن "البيان الذي أصدره المجلس الوطني السوري هو نقطة تاريخية ومهمة في تاريخ العلاقات اللبنانية السورية، وجاء ليضع الأمور في نصابها ويوضح بشكل واضح طبيعة العلاقة كما يراها المجلس الوطني السوري، وكيف يجب أن تكون هذه العلاقة في المستقبل من احترام لحدود لبنان وسيادته ومكوناته ونظامه الديمقراطي".
وكان قد دعا المجلس الوطني السوري الذي يمثل أغلبية المعارضة السورية إلى "إعادة النظر في الاتفاقيّات الموقّعة" بين لبنان وسوريا مطالبا بإلغاء المجلس الأعلى اللبناني – السوري في إطار ما سماه السعي إلى "مستقبل مضيء بين سوريا الحرة الديمقراطية ولبنان".
it is Basil, Aoun and Frangieh who should be behind bars for the red diesel scandal, not to speak of a lot of other matters....
Mr Aoun the war criminal and his son in law, the family business Alcopone, history repeats itself when Aoun was in charge of Baabda palace, he destroyed it just like his son in law is destroying the electricity in Lebanon, shame to allow tested leadership for failure to come back.
Guys, just be real! ALL POLITICIANS in this country are corrupt. No one is clean. Lebanon should have a military ruler with an iron fist to strengthen things up, not puppets who bow to their outside masters. This is the sad reality of Lebanese politics and it will never change.
this whole bassil plan is just to justify importing electricity from iran... and not looking for proper solutions to deal with this problem! M8 has been holding this ministry for years and what did they propose so far? nothing
Fouad Saniora is a thief, crook and collaborator with every enemy of Lebanon. This is nothing compared to him having been the right-hand man of the filthiest Lebanese-Saudi mafioso of all time, the filthy Rafic Syria, may he rot in hell next to the other filthiest Lebanese of all time Bashir Gemayel. For this last reason he deserves to be stoned to death a la Sadi Arabia punishment of prostitutes. But this is Lebanon, a country where the filthy Lebanese continue to support filthy politicians like this crook and thief and the other embodiments of filth Geagea and Jumblat.
Another prediction by peace, one of the predictors who are yet to predict one minute truth. awham ma ba3daha awham. Talking about geniuses a la Dr. Samir Kherfen Wmou Deryen.
OK we get it Mr.sanioura is a bad person. Do you have any solution other than putting him in jail?
like it or not when sanioura talks people listen and people comment more like what you just did.
by all mean i am defending him!! i am huge critic of Lebanon's political system which is clearly displayed on my blog.
the filthy zionist information war department is using all their resources to defend us puppet in lebanon.
also, shab described his own people, likud and genocidal zionist militia.
Aoun urged all the Lebanese who pay their electricity bills on Tuesday to participate in a peaceful demonstration against rationing.....
This will leave most of his allies out. He is mostly calling on the opposition to demonstrate (which is normal).
oh... cookie come on, you know perfectly well... isn t it strange that suddenly iran proposes its electricity after bassil proposed an electricity plan he knew perfectly well wouldn t be accepted?
iran proposes cheap prices and good conditions, aren t you suspicious of knowing their conditions behind that?
good boy anyway, i guess you need that transplant you are talking about for not seeing beyond your M8 nose...
Jabalkhara u should like the LF they fought against the "evil" Sunnis your enemies... come on lighten up jabalkhara...
it is FPMers and hizbushaitan followers who are in desperate need for a brain implant, especially now the syro/iranan grip is falling apart.
"but if israel suggests sending 'help' to lebanon or a business deal, be the first to welcome the well intentioned israelis without at second thought"
typical stupidity from a M8 paranoid... it seems that you forgot that lebanon is still at war with israel, so your comment is totally irrelevant as usual..
may i remind you like it or not that it is not because M14 or me are against your terrorist militia that it means that we are with israel, poor brianless cookie!
binary thinking as usual from M8 supporter...
if you think that iran is an altruisitic state only wanting the well being of lebanon then you must get yourself checked up...
i repeat, this deal comes at a very convenient time for iran and M8 gvt... that is why it is suspicious,
but keep dreaming of your perfect clean honest thoughtful of lebanese citizen M8 dreamworld.... good boy
we seek justice for ALL...to capture murderers, thieves, traitors...we seek a powerful state governed by the LAW that no one can be above it and to rule with 'Fairness' whoever he is...nobody can make this happen except GMA he is the only person we trust!
everyone is against Michel Aoun because they fear that he will expose them of all their laundering, fraud and corruption. They fear him because he is transparent and has nothing to hide. They fear him because they cannot blackmail and impose anything on him.....he is not depended on them financially and and has no foreign financial interests for them to blackmail him with. Allah ytaeil bee3omrak ya kbeer ya GENERAL
sophia angle : just tell us if you sincerely think your beloved orange puppet will capture murderers thieves traitors if they are among his allies? i really doubt it... so the justice you are talking about in aoun s mouth is called revenge and political demagogy but certainly not justice...
why doesn t he start bringing the hezb to justice, aren t they above the lebanese law with their arsenal?... read the lebanese constitution you ll see how respectful of the law you claim for they are!
It's funny that Aoun accuses others of corruption when his main allies are terrorists, murderers, war criminals, thieves and drug dealers.
@ Cookie monster, its ok we get it, you would prefer an electricity plan where your IMBASSIL wouldnt be held accountable and gets a huge amount of 1.2 billion $ which the lebanese should supposedly shut up and trust IMBASSIL with the money and how he spends it. SPECIALLY on non-renewable energy but on old power-mazout plants which shouldnt cost that much. Bravo Cookie , what a smart move, and do you know why the lebanese army served " tea " ya ja7ech during the 2006 war? did you want them to enter a war the lebanese governement didnt not even want? all because your dumb allies kidnapped on purpose israeli soldiers ? did you want them to bomb all Lebanon for the sake of Hezbollah? and kill army soldiers?
the stupidity of cookie's comments is so blatant, then again .... he is too stupid to see it :)
This a demonstration to lebanese people of Aoun's leadership skills that are none existent. Isn't it one of the qualities of great leadership taking responsibility and implementing solutions. But Aoun is never responsible for anything it is always somebody else's fault. This is ridiculous ....