بلبلة في عكار بعد أنباء عن مقتل لبنانيين في حمص ومعلومات تتحدث عن مجموعة قائدها عراقي
Read this story in Englishوصلت أخبار بالتواتر الى عائلات في بلدتي مشتى حسن ومشتى حمود عن مقتل لبنانيين اثنين وثالث سوري وجرح سوريين اخرين اثر تعرضهم لاطلاق نار عند جسر الجعفريات في مدينة تلكلخ السورية، فيما تحدثت معلومات أخرى عن مجموعة من تسعة لبنانيين قائدها عراقي.
وقد اثارت هذه الاخبار غير المؤكدة حتى الان بحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" بلبلة كبيرة في كلا البلدتين الحدوديتين اللتين تقاطرت اليهما وسائل الاعلام المرئية والمكتوبة والمسموعة الاجنبية والمحلية في محاولة لتقصي صحة هذه الاخبار".
وأفادت هذه المعلومات عن مقتل كل من" السوري م ع د الذي يملك فرنا لبيع المناقيش في بلدة مشتى حسن اللبنانية، اللبناني خ ن ص من قرية مشتى حمود، اللبناني م د من بلدة مشتى حسن".
اما الجريحان الاخران فهما سوريان ولم تعرف اسماؤهما بعد وهما قيد الاعتقال من قبل السلطات السورية وفق المعلومات .
وبعد اتصالات مع عدد من ابناء هذه العائلات في كلا البلدتين اللبنانيتين مشتى حسن ومشتى حمود، فان كل المتوافر لديهم مجرد اخبار تم التداول بها، وهم يحاولون تقصي حقيقة هذا الموضوع، مع الاشارة الى ان الاشخاص الواردة اسماؤهم متوارون عن الانظار منذ فترة ولم يجروا حتى الان اي اتصال بأهاليهم.
أما معلومات قناة الـ"OTV" فهي أن "مجموعة من تسعة لبنانيين تسللت من الحدود اللبنانية السورية إلى الداخل السوري قائدها عراقي تصدى لها الجيش السوري على مفرق تلكلخ – صافيتا ما أدى إلى مقتل أربعة على الأقل من المجموعة وجرح آخرين".
هذا وقال رئيس بلدية مشتى حمود ناجي رمضان في حديث لقناة الـ"LBC" مساء الأحد أنه "من الطبيعي أن يقتل أناس لبنانيين في سوريا نظرا إلى تداخل المناطق اللبنانية والسورية هنا وازياد حدة القتل هناك".
وأكد رمضاني مقتل لبناني وسوري دون إضافة المزيد من المعلومات.
ويشار إلى أنه منذ اندلاع الإحتجاجات في سوريا ضد النظام تزايدت الأحاديث عن تهريب السلاح من سوريا إلى لبنان كما كثرت الإختراقات السورية للحدود اللبنانية.
وفي 19 الحالي، أوردت وكالة الأنباء السورية الرسمية "سانا" أنه "اشتبكت عناصر من الجهات المختصة مع مجموعة إرهابية مسلحة الليلة الماضية أثناء محاولتها التسلل عبر الحدود السورية اللبنانية بمنطقة تلكلخ بحمص وقتلت ثلاثة من أفرادها بينما فر باقي أفراد المجموعة باتجاه الأراضي اللبنانية".
وقبل يوم من التاريخ المذكور، خطف صيادون من العريضة شمالا من الجانب السوري وقتل أحدهم خلال وجودهم في البحر قبالة شاطىء بلدة العريضة الحدودية المحاذية لسوريا، وهو فتى في السادسة عشرة.
Could this be the beginning of the end of the game that Gabby & Co. have been predicting since their mothers delivered them? Dr. Samir Abou Hazzeh must be proud of them, and more so must be their mothers.
when an army has been killing people by the hundreds since a year, don t they expect people to take arms? now they call these people "terrorists"...
which people would let himself killed?
ah! maybe M8 as they seem to side with this regime and deny people to defend and claim their rights....
and cookie will of course let his family get killed without saying a thing...
@Cookie_blind:Ghalyoun and his bunch of Army Generals are outside same as why Harriri/Khadam are outside for the exact reason of you heard few days ago about Riffi and Hassan plots...When you have Armed Vs unArmed then you get assassinated by the Armed period because the moment you think of Arming then you bear the responsibility of security.
Over 50yrs ago whenever Syrian/Lebanese relations were getting lukewarm the Lebanese side was always paying the price thru shutting down the borders on the Syrian side, attacking the towns at the Borders and etc...this is fact and prior to any 1968 or 1975 wars.
Too bad they didn't volunteer to die for their country by fighting the Syrian occupation here at home, when fighting was the honorable thing to do. But they chose to kowtow to the occupiers because this was in Rafic Syria's best interest as he was preoccupied with scheming against other Lebanese while filling his pockets with filthy money together with the other embodiment of filth Walid Jumblat and handing the key to the Beirut to Ghazy Loubnan, his friend, may both of them rot in hell.
@Cookie_kid: Why Shah Iran is in exile? why Khadem is in Paris, Why Harriri is in Paris? you won't know the answers because you're either busy saying :"Me Eat Cookie" or blind. Because Riffi and Hassan were about to follow those assassinated by HA and Syria.
Cookie ... from your logic let's finally agree that since: "what do Lebanese people have to do in a syrian conflict" ... then what do Lebanese people have to do in a palastinian conflict. As such, your resistance should stop saying that they will keep resisting till palastine is freed!
Stop measuring with two scales ... syrian people and palastinian people are coming under oppression and they need to be helped. Why is what is permitted in the south forbidden in the north??? We either condemn it on both fronts or support it on both fronts. They are all arab brothers and are being killed by an opressor.
Didn't Hariri's Al Qaida - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades chant: bel ro7, bel dam, nafdik ya cheikh sa3d? I didn't think their were joking, and this is proof for the cynics among us.
@ Cookie monster, as usual , an FPM dumb response, Mustaqbal behind this... this is an automatic reflex observed in typical sheep FPM followers that cannot analyse something according to what their brains is capable of producing of answers, instead, taking back the answer of a cowardly , insane and extremely senile old man. You never heard of men wanting to fight for a cause that wasnt theirs and died for it? let me give you an example, Che guevara, was also paid by the Russians ( according to your logic ) , to try to help the oppressed in African countries against US imperialism. He did not have a mind of his own. So as the millions of international soldiers during the WW1 and WW2, are all paid by their politicians , to screw up the world ? You are the only one in this world that fights without beeing paid ya grandizer
@ cookie_monster, lol , Che Guevara had a regular army perhaps? and maybe the syrian cause is not a cause for you at all? and what were the syrians involved for 30 years in the lebanese civil war? Heroes? you are completely out of touch with reality and have no respect for people's decisions. The northern people, whether HELPED by mustaqbal or not, have the right to defend themselves when the Lebanese army doesnt act and let the syrians blow up villages and kill our people. By the way, Hezbollah sent many fighters abroad, like Iraq and Egypt. THEY WERE CAUGHT and Nasrallah admitted their existence. What were they? nothing more than mercenaries if i use your definition of mercenary. Trust me im growing up, good thing that your not my role model :) neither is your master the runaway bride :)