الأسد أكد لوهاب حرصه على استقرار لبنان لما فيه "إيجابية" تجاه الساحة السورية
Read this story in Englishأكد الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد حرص سوريا على "استقررار" لبنان جازما أن "سوريا تكن المحبة لجميع ابنائها دونما تمييز او استثناء".
وبحسب بيان لأمانة الاعلام في حزب التوحيد العربي استقبل الأسد رئيس الحزب وئام وهاب وعقد معه لقاء مطولا استمر ثلاث ساعات تم خلاله عرض الاوضاع على الساحتين اللبنانية والعربية.
وقال وهاب اثر عودته الى بيروت اليوم الأربعاء "ان الرئيس الاسد اكد امامه حرص سوريا على ضرورة الاستقرار في لبنان لما لهذا الاستقرار من تداعيات ايجابية على الساحة السورية ".
وتشهد سوريا منذ 15 آذار الماضي احتجاجات ضد النظام فيها أوقعت أكثر من 5400 قتيل حسب الأمم المتحدة وبحدود السبعة آلاف حسب الناشطين الميدانيين.
ويتخوف العديد من المحللين أن أي توتر أو حرب أهلية في سوريا سيكون لها تداعياتها دون شك على الساحة الداخلية اللبنانية في حين يؤكد الأسد نفسه أن أي تدخل دولي على سوريا سينعكي على المنطقة برمتها.
وأضاف وهاب "اكد الرئيس الاسد المحافظة على وجود الطائفة الدرزية في المشرق العربي، مشيدا بالدور الوطني والقومي الذي لعبته ماضيا وتلعبه اليوم والتاريخ خير شاهد على انجازاتها".
كذلك نقل رئيس حزب "التوحيد العربي" عن الرئيس السوري قوله أن "سوريا تكن المحبة لجميع ابنائها دونما تمييز او استثناء".
واوضحت امانة الاعلام في الحزب أنه "ذكرت بعض وسائل الاعلام ان استقبال الرئيس الاسد في دمشق لرئيس حزب التوحيد يحصل لأول مرة" مضيفة "يهم امانة الاعلام في الحزب ان تؤكد ان هذا اللقاء ليس هو الاول من نوعه بل هو الاول العلني في الفترة الاخيرة" .
يشار إلى أن وكالة الأنباء السورية الرسمية "سانا" لم تنشر خبر اللقاء.
"Wahhab quoted Assad as saying that “Syria loves all its children, without any discrimination.”"
If this quote weren't pathetic, it would be hilariously funny.
Insular murderous dictators were famously satirized by Mel Brooks in his movie History of The World, where king Louis XVI showed his affection to his people with the following line:
King Louis: They are my people! I am their sovereign! I LOVE Them. Pull! (the king shoots a peasant flung into air)
Of course, we all know what happened to King Louis!
Nassrallah should prepare two extra spaces in his rat hole, one for Assad and one for Wahhab... but not for long, as the Arab Spring will certainly reach the Shia in Lebanon and Iran and they'll be demanding accounting from their brutal leaders for taking their communities to the abyss! As Mubarak and cronies are brought to trial to answer for their crimes, so will the leadership in Syria, Iran and Hizbollahstan. Those who believe otherwise are the same ones who still believe 9/11 was a CIA conspiracy and its best to leave them in their ignorance.
Assad stressed to Wahhab “Syria’s keenness” on “stability in Lebanon,”... in Lebanon?
Does Bashar have a TV set up in his palace? he's worried about Lebanon? Check the status of his own people!
Lebanon's doing fine, just make sure not to interfere in our affairs, and we won't interfere in Syrias
wahhab just went there to receive his paycheck, he is going to fall soon with his master, good riddance
Poor bashar, if his only foreign visitors are people like Wahab (did I call him a person actually...???) it shows you the level he has fallen to.
the end is near my fiend you'd better resign and go to The Hague otherwise your end will be harsh
I just love it! Wiám Wahhab and Bashar!! What a duo! On is in deep s. in his own country and he worries about the situation in Lebanon and the other is in deep denial and continues to lick his master...
Bashar has all the time in the world now to meet with a guy like wahab for three long hours, shows you how popular and important of a president he is these days lol hhahahahaha... next thing you know he will start meeting with the makhateer of lebanon, might as well. The main enemies of bashar, those who will bring his eventual demise, are bashar himself (terrible IQ) and his lebanese friends who have been telling him for month "khilsit" and "next tuesday" and and.. hahahaha
Yes Lebanon's stability is because of Syria..... ha ha. Lebanon needs Syria like a pizza shop pays the mafia for "protection". How funny this is when Syria is collapsing.
Lebanon would be lot more stable if the border was demarcated, arms held only by the army, Syrian meddling in Lebanon’s affairs ends, and if Syrian Government conducts Policies only through the proper channels (not through bought and paid for political prostitutes).
Hopefully his 'children' will soon hang Bashar. People like Wahhab, the SSNP, Baath (in Lebanon) and other puppets of the Syrian regime are going to disappear with the crumbling government in Syria soon.
the filthy zionist information war department is using huge efforts to spit on irrelevant figure
@ jabalamel: do you mean by filthy zionist information war department BASHAR?? because he just spent 3 hours with the irrelevant figure???? please clarify...
on May 10, one of Assad's close kinsmen, the international tycoon Rami Makhlouf, warned: "If there is no stability in Syria, there will be none in Israel. No one can be sure what will happens after that. God help us if anything befalls this regime."