جعجع يدعو مجلس الوزراء إلى الاستقالة وتشكيل حكومة تكنوقراط
Read this story in Englishدعا رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع المواطنين إلى المطالبة باستقالة مجلس الوزراء الحالي وتشكيل حكومة تكنوقراط مكانه.
وصرح جعجع في مؤتمر صحافي من معراب اليوم الخميس أن ما جرى أمس في مجلس الوزراء يدعو المواطنين الى المطالبة باستقالة الحكومة.
وأضاف "نحن مع أن تُشكل حكومة تكنوقراط لأنها تعكف على الإهتمام بشؤون الناس اليومية".
كما توجه إلى أعضاء مجلس الوزراء بالقول "إن من يحترم نفسه داخل هذه الحكومة عليه أن يستقيل".
وشهدت جلسة مجلس الوزراء أمس الأربعاء مواجهات عدة عند طرح ملف التعيينات على الطاولة حيث اعترض وزراء "التيار الوطني الحر" على أسماء اقترحها رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي لمناصب عدة، فقام الأخير برفع الجلسة رافضا الدعوة إلى جلسات جديدة حتى يتم حل أزمة التعيينات.
ومن جهة أخرى، انتقد جعجع "من يسمحون لأنفسهم بالصرف من خارج الموازنة وحتى خارج القاعدة الإثني عشرية بالرغم من فتح أبواب المجلس النيابي"، مضيفا "هم انتقدونا عندما صرفنا من خارج الموازنة، ولكن المجلس النيابي كان مغلقا في حينها".
ورأى أن "ما يحصل الآن، إن مجلس الوزراء الذي يجب أن يهتم بالحياة اليومية للمواطن، فهو ملعب كرة قدم وفي داخله بعض المصالح الصغيرة من هنا وهناك".
واعتبر في المؤتمر الصحافي أننا "نحن ندفع ثمن حكومة الفريق الواحد، وأتت شهادة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان لتقول إنه غير راض عن عمل الحكومة".
وكان سليمان قد صرح الشهر الماضي أنه "أكثر من مرة قلت إن الحكومة قليلة الانتاجية، وقد تبين ذلك مثلاً في موضوع التعيينات الادارية".
ومن ناحية أخرى، أكد جعجع أن "لا أحد يستطيع أن يغير شعرة في موضوع التجديد لبروتوكول المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان".
وقد ذكرت المحكمة الدولية أن "الاتفاق بين الأمم المتحدة ولبنان يؤكد أن التفويض الموكل الى المحكمة سيتجدد إن لم ينته عملنا وعمل المحكمة لم ينته بعد". وتنتهي ولاية المحكمة في 29 شباط الحالي.
Suspending sessions until all thronny issues are resolved is wrong, just like when Berri suspended the parlaiment sessions. But the FPM did not object to Berri's action back then, they were supporting it.
A Technocrat Government is the answer.... as long as it is blind to all party affiliations and the focus is appointing the most qualified to deal with the mountain of issues in every ministry.
Who is this punk? He needs to be in jail, where did he get all the money from to build his mansion. Now he wants to guide the country. Country of thieves and stupid citizens. I have no idea why they need a government in Lebanon. It runs on its own.
the filthy zionist information war department is supporting the idea of their mouthpiece in lebanon
Let me paraphrase his statement before I read it.
Geagea is the epitome, the true expression of the whole in a part, the "sole organ" of the Christians of Lebanon (he is worth the rest of them rolled up together) even as the Christians of Lebanon are the epitome, true expression, and "sole organ" of the people of Lebanon. Really, the rest of the people of Lebanon are superfluous. Geagea by himself is Lebanon.
Maybe I'll skip reading it. Yeah.
Hahaha..no one commented on the news..you just spit your venom and hatred..same applies to some m14 supporters, even though they tend to be a little more objective
Come on people, grow up and stop hating just for hate..thats not how a country is built
Comment on his proposal, not his past or whatever..whomever u are affiliated with also has a dirty past, EVERYONE..so lets leave the past where its supposed to be: in the past!!
Yes Dr geagea is the Good guy who defends the real values of the Lebanese....
He is kinda of Lebanese Super hero who help the oppressed and fight the evil..God Bless you Dr Geagea i hope to see you becoming a monk...
the filthy zionist information war department hallucinate about aoun begging for mercy
MARCH14 need to grow some nuts and take the government down. demonstrate like they did against you. otherwise these crooks will continue bleeding the country while more christians and druze leave Lebanon
All the Lebanese politicians have blood on their hands directly or indirectly . At least geagea is one of the very few that has adjusted to democratic thinking and is treating the Lebanese like intelligent human beings and not a bunch of lemmings with guns.
Geagea makes the most scene's of all the current leaders ...and before the M8's get their panties all knotted up. I do not belong to LF or M14, it is just that he is on a better track then any of the others.
All the shit talk about the past, war is fucked up ...and all party's involved did terrible things, and in the so called time of peace other groups are still committing atrocities (let's be blunt about this, I am talking about the Big "H" ... Hezbollah ). Geagea did not run off to France, he did not sell out to the Syrians, he went to prison.
Geagea speaks rationally. He is not ranting like a an imbecile (Aoun) ...or spitting out the same old crap, the Zionist this and the Zionist that, and we will never give up our weapons because of the Zionist (the truth is and every body knows it, they need their weapons to control the Lebanese).
the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating about m14 incompetent crooks to do something to return to power.
keep on hallucinating.
also, they hallucinate about the members of our glorious resistance being forbidden to use computers.
Technocrat a great idea but don't you think again the parties will each one brings his own fellow as long as the parliament chose them? Even a government employer we are unable to replace with all this political conflicts...not a bad idea though but difficult to implement...