مجهولان يسلبان جابي كهرباء أربعة ملايين ليرة لبنانية

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وادعى الجابي في مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان ا.ح.ي. أنه اثناء قيامه بوظيفته لجمع فواتير الكهرباء في منطقة الرويس اعترضه شخصان مجهولان لدى خروجه من بناية "الورد" قرب محطة "مدكو".

وأفاد أنهما أجبراه بقوة السلاح على الدخول الى مقصورة المصعد، حيث سلباه مبلغا قال انه يزيد عن اربعة ملايين ليرة لبنانية.

كما أضاف أن الشخصان طلبا منه البقاء داخل المقصورة ثم فرا.

وبدأت قوى الأمن الداخلي التحقيق بالحادث بعد أن أعطى الجابي مواصفات السالبين.

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 14:10 ,2012 شباط 03


Missing jabal 14:36 ,2012 شباط 03

I am as surprised as hell!! not that he was robbed, but there actually was a collector in the southern suburbs!! I don't know what he was thinking :D

Thumb thepatriot 14:43 ,2012 شباط 03

the 4 million LL represented the entire collected amount for the southern suberbs for January...

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 16:45 ,2012 شباط 03

Is it the 1st of April already???!!!!
What is a bill collector doing in that area to start off with??? and how was he able to collect that much money??? I think the ppl there realized that they have been tricked and should not have paid and simply took their money back!
I think they just wanted to get it to the news that they do pay their electricity bill, and robbing the collector was the only way they knew how!
Thieves will always be thieves.

Default-user-icon Abdul (ضيف) 16:52 ,2012 شباط 03

I think Aoun will say he is a Zionist invading the south.

Default-user-icon Edward VIckers (ضيف) 17:08 ,2012 شباط 03

We are so smallminded that we are racist to one another in Lebanon. Racism??! in a country THAT small?? insanity that is to be laughed at... the rest of the world laughs at the racist lebanese..
we should have a 'mock a racist lebanese' day.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 17:33 ,2012 شباط 03

Another example of outlaws areas that no People, Army and except so called Resistance can impose their will and hegemony. This is like a lesson learned for these government employees to avoid this area, same as when you get beaten and throw rocks at you when the Gov inspectors ask them to illegally build on public property.

Thumb shab 17:42 ,2012 شباط 03

Theft occurs everywhere

Default-user-icon اوبنا (ضيف) 17:57 ,2012 شباط 03

this is how hizbullah preserves safety and security, ya Sayed Hassan صح؟

Missing youssefhaddad 19:10 ,2012 شباط 03

I agree with previous comments. " Ashraf Al Nass" do not pay electric bills this " Zionist" collector was definitely out of wack and he needed to be taught a lesson!

Thumb sophia_angle 19:13 ,2012 شباط 03

An assumption could be taken rudes...4million with no escort this guy is suicidal his family could rob him:p

Missing ayoor 08:59 ,2012 شباط 04

i saw jabal do it

Thumb jabalamel 11:08 ,2012 شباط 04

the filthy zionist information war department is making a huge story out of common theft.

pathetic. as only they can be.

Default-user-icon Mehdi (ضيف) 13:09 ,2012 شباط 04

and who would know about common theft more than jabalamel a common thief and member of the Zionist spies infested filthy bee3at al hadinat and Iranian Islamic revolution in Lebanon.

Missing ayoor 19:13 ,2012 شباط 04

jabal do not deny it please

Default-user-icon LebCanada (ضيف) 22:43 ,2012 شباط 04

Anywhre and anytime someone can be robbed. but the question is why the hell since 10 years no one thought to have online payments, point of sales, bank payments or any method to stop sending "Jebe" to each house to collect money, it's a dangerous job, these people put their lives in danger to get 500$ at the end of the month for what? carrying millions on them and getting robbed. If in Canada or Australia there were "jebe" collecting money, they would rob them too, so stop involving politics in everything. Poor guys, of course they will be robbed, they have cash on them.