تركيا تنتقد لبنان حول موقفه من سوريا: لم يتفوه بكلمة للتعبيرعن تعاطفه مع الذين يقتلون
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انتقد نائب رئيس الوزراء التركي بولند ارينج صراحة الاحد صمت لبنان ازاء قمع النظام السوري للمتظاهرين في سوريا.
ونقلت وكالة أنباء الاناضول عن أرينج المتحدث باسم الحكومة قوله خلال اجتماع في بورصة (شمال غرب) لحزب العدالة والتنمية (المنبثق عن التيار الاسلامي) الحاكم تساؤله: "هل تفوه لبنان بكلمة واحدة للتعبير عن تعاطفه مع أشقائنا المسلمين الذين يقتلون؟
وأضاف:"لا فقط تركيا رفعت صوتها".
وكان لبنان أعلن خلال جلسة مجلس وزراء الخارجية العرب التي أقرت العقوبات الاقتصادية على سوريا بأنه "ينأى بنفسه" عن القرار، في حين كان صوت ضد قرار تعليق عضوية سوريا في الجامعة العربية.
وكان وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور قد طالب وزراء الخارجية العرب في كلمة له ألقاها من القاهرة الأحد، بوقف تعليق عضوية سوريا في الجامعة العربية ورفع العقوبات الإقتصادية عنها.
وراى أن تقرير رئيس بعثة المراقبين العرب الفريق أول الركن محمد احمد مصطفى الدابي "يعكس حقيقة ما يجري في سوريا"، واصفا إياه "بالجريء".
هذا، وانتقد ارينج "المجزرة الكبيرة" التي ارتكبها نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الجمعة في حمص، حيث قتل اكثر من 200 شخص مؤكدا ان "وحدها تركيا في المنطقة" اعلنت تنديدها بهذا القمع.
وقطعت تركيا اتصالاتها مع حليفها السوري السابق بسبب القمع العنيف للتظاهرات.

why would the lebanese gvt say a thing, they have so many interests with this regime, they don t want to commit suicide! they just say that nothing is going on in syria and that everything is under control! LOL

"Strong Influence in Lebanon" Of course they do with the armed Shabiha just like the civilian cloth Moukhabarat Shabiha that keeps beating people in the tire until you are dead alive then thrown on the edge of the road because you got hit by a car. The regime is exactly the same as the zionist that shoots at the Palestinians with live ammunition. Hizbollah members are actively shooting from rooftops and those snipers attacks on civilians due to their target miss are done by the Lebanese militia which their flags are flown in the air everytime there is a demonstration in front of the Russian/Chinese embassies in Syria. These are facts since the Syrian Army is not trained for street fights as seen in Lebanon for over 30yrs and they'd rather destroy the entire city to the ground before they enter it. This is why the Leb Government won't speak up because it's supporting the Syrian regime on the ground.

It is none of their business what we say. For once we keep our mouth shut, and this is the best thing for our national interest. When They helped americans invade Irak did we critisize their stance. They did it for their national interest.

the filthy zionist information war department, through the nickname le phenicien, hallucinated a lot, too much for serious analysis.
check his post for a endless river of delusional obssesive hallucinations

Fuck you, when have you ever condemned anyone killing your muslim brothers in Afghanistan and Palestine ?
You picked NATO over us. GTFO. x)

Turkey!! All of a sudden they want to become fair, peacemakers, defenders of human rights and independence??? ya haram el-shoom! Where was Turkey when Syria was interfering and occupying Lebanon for almost 30 years?? Did it utter a word?? Come on turkey the world knows you much better, speciaaly the Arab and Muslim worlds. Up till now you are bombarding your Muslim Kurdish and alawite citizens because you don't want to give them equal rights and freedom the way you give it to the ethnic turks. The turkish government is the worst in the world. Ya mahla Idi Ameen. The least thing turkey should do in cases like this is SHUT UP and clean your own deeds.

Azad, you're so right!!!! turkey in a peacemakers role?????? that's a joke..they are two face liars, openly they fight with Israel and secretly they make love with Israel....they should look at their past history, murderers & killers they are... and they have the goal to talk about human rights....

Has Lebanon voiced a single word to express its solidarity with our Muslim brothers.???? Back to Ottoman days, they planted the seeds of religious bigotry 600 years ago and the Arabs are still suffering from it until today, and now they want to do it again. I wish they just referred to the victims as Syrian civilians or Syrian opposition and not use the religion label.

Its funny how this man has the guts to say what he said. The so called free Syrian army are being trained in his country. They are coming from Jordan,Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya. These are all facts You can see the interview in Libya. The revolutionaries said they were getting rid to come and help Syrian terrorists... Where where they when Israel has for the past 60 some years been killing Palestinians. Muslim Brothers you say ? IF so then go help your friends in Palestine.

The honorable Lebanese condemned the Syrian crackdown when condemning it was the honorable thing to do. But Turkey was at its best behavior then and so was their friend Rafic Syria, may he rot in hell, who was busy handing the key of the capital to Ghazy Loubnan while using he keys of the coffers to rob the decent Lebanese. What goes around, comes around.

they are paid by the syrians and iranians so why say anything about syria???

they are traitors of the state and should be hanged from sleiman to berri, miqati, aoun and co all in downtown beirut with Hassouni at the front

As a Muslim, it does annoy me when people label Lebanon as a Muslim country. I am personally proud of the rich diversity we have in such a small country....
Erdogan....it's not like you have done anything...

what is funny is that people are just waking up to Erdogan's hypocrisy. he detains dozens of journalists under cover of some bizarre coup plot from 10 years ago; he bullies Cyprus because they discover gas; he kills his own Kurds and then condemns Israel; he lauds Palestinians, and then condemns Kurds; he talks about Lebanon and Syria, but watched as Leb Army destroyed a refugee camp in Tripoli; and while he condemns Israel, nothing in their non-military relationship has changed. his ex military cannot explain why their old allies are supposedly enemies. so weird. i could go on but he is not worth it.