الراعي: أنا مع الغاء الطائفية شرط ان نعرف البديل

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أعلن البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي أنه "مع الغاء الطائفية السياسية شرط ان نعرف البديل (عنها) وذلك من اجل الحفاظ على الميثاق الوطني".

وفي حوار مفتوح بينه وبين طلاب مدرسة سيدة الجمهور، بعد قداس ترأسه اليوم الاربعاء فيها، دعا الراعي الدولة الى "دعم مواطنيها في كل القطاعات السياحية والزراعية والاقتصادية، لان حل المشاكل يكون معها ومع السياسيين وليس مع القطاع الخاص".

وتأتي زيارته الى مدرسة سيدة الجمهور في اطار جولته الثانية الى ابرشية بيروت المارونية، والتي بدأها السبت الفائت.

ثم زار الراعي دير الاباء اليسوعيين في جامعة القديس يوسف في الاشرفية، حيث دعا الى "حمل القيم المسيحية في العالم العربي لان الدول العربية اليوم في حاجة ماسة الى الدعم".

والتقى الاباء في حضور المطرانين بولس مطر وطانيوس الخوري وأجرى معهم جولة روحية ووطنية واقليمية.

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon EL COJO (ضيف) 15:36 ,2012 شباط 08

He is the ANTICHRIST personalised. The enemy of Lebanese Christians.

Thumb jabalamel 18:23 ,2012 شباط 08

the filthy zionist media terrorist just can't digest new patriarch.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19:15 ,2012 شباط 08

The National Pact, he went on to clarify, is based on sectarianism.
When asked about his apparent contradiction, hypocrisy, and racism, he replied that Christ loves all sinners.
Am I wrong? The National Pact means the 25% who are Christian get as many seats in Parliament as the 75% who are Muslims?
Who agreed to that "pact"? Please tell me that is not what he means by "National Pact".
The 1943 National Pact, an unwritten agreement that established the political foundations of modern Lebanon, allocated political power on an essentially confessional system based on the 1932 census. Seats in parliament were divided on a 6-to-5 ratio of Christians to Muslims, until 1990 when the ratio changed to half and half.--Wikipedia
So the Patriarch wants to replace sectarianism with confessionalism?

Default-user-icon rushchrislau (ضيف) 21:01 ,2012 شباط 08

chrisrushlau, how did you get to the 25% figure when the last official census of the Lebanese population was the one you mentioned in 1932. No one has called for one since or plans to because they all would rather keep it foggy the way it is now, that gives pompous ignorant fools such as yourself the chance to throw figures around without any actual acurate figures. The electoral roll puts the Christians numbers in the high thirties and once expats get the voting right those figures should balloon. Funny you seem to only pop up with your idiotic remarks whenever the rights of the Christians in Lebanon are mentioned and to defend the one party family run Syrian system. One last thing Chritians and Muslims are not races moron so stop throwing the word racist around it makes that part of your comment even more idiotic that the rest of it.

Thumb ado.australia 04:04 ,2012 شباط 09

The electoral role published by the interior ministry puts christains at 39.5%. Plus the 90% of diaspora are Christian.

There is an attempt, from the days of Kissinger, to portray Lebanon and the middle east as Muslim, dictators and Israel the beacon of light for democracy and defenders of Christian rights in the holy land. Don't fall into this trap.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19:18 ,2012 شباط 08

No, I'm sorry--he's saying that the Christians want their 6:5 advantage back. That's what he means by "preserved".
Many of his advisors had advised him not to touch this controversial issue: "let the rabble discover where the power lies without our announcing it". He chastened them, "Christ loves all sinners, but we don't have to press our luck."
Really, why did he make this announcement?

Default-user-icon BohemianRapper (ضيف) 23:56 ,2012 شباط 08

chrisrushlau? what is up with you?

Lebanon is blessed to have a Patriarch such as Patriarch Al Rai.

Thumb Chupachups 01:36 ,2012 شباط 09

chrisrushlau, stop talking numbers from your head.

Thumb jabalamel 06:19 ,2012 شباط 09

interesting how chrisrushlau needs to quote wikipedia about national pact that we all know about.

makes you wander if he is lebanese at all.