الظواهري يناشد مسلمي لبنان لمساعدة الثوار السوريين
Read this story in Englishناشد زعيم تنظيم القاعدة ايمن الظواهري "كل مسلم وكل شريف حر في تركيا والعراق والاردن ولبنان أن يهب لنصرة إخوانه في سوريا بكل ما يملك"، مشيرا الى أنه "من حق أهلنا في سوريا ومن حق الأمة كلها أن تستخدم ما تراه من وسائل لاستئصال" النظام السوري.
وأعلن الظواهري في تسجيل مصور جديد دعمه "للانتفاضة" في سوريا، داعيا "أسود الشام" الى "الجهاد" وعدم الاعتماد على العرب والغرب وتركيا.
وقال الظواهري في التسجيل الذي نشر على مواقع جهادية عدة واعلن عنه ايضا موقع "سايت" الاميركي لمراقبة المواقع الاسلامية "لا زالت سوريا الجريحة تنزف والجزار ابن الجزار بشار ابن حافظ لا يرتدع"، في اشارة الى الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.
واضاف "لقد هب الشعب السوري المجاهد الباسل ولن يقبل باقل من النصر على الجزارين المجرمين ليقيم في شام الرباط والجهاد باذن الله وقوته دولة تحمي حمى الاسلام".
وذكر أن "ابطالنا الاشاوس المجاهدين يزدادون كل يوم ثباتا وصبرا وصمودا واستبسالا ويخوضون معركة العزة والكرامة ضد النظام العلماني الطائفي".
ومنذ منتصف آذار 2011، تتعرض حركة احتجاجية في سوريا تطالب باسقاط النظام للقمع على ايدي القوات الامنية، وقد قتل فيها اكثر من ستة آلاف شخص وفقا لارقام الناشطين.
وتتهم السلطات السورية "عصابات ارهابية مسلحة" ومجموعات سلفية بارتكاب اعمال العنف، فيما يعلن جنود منشقون ينتمون الى "الجيش السوري الحر" عن عمليات ضد القوات الامنية السورية.
ودعا الظواهري الشعب السوري الى "عدم الاعتماد على الغرب ولا على امريكا ولا على حكومات العرب وتركيا فانتم اعلم بما يدبرون لكم".
وتابع "يا اهلنا في سوريا لا تعتمدوا على الجامعة العربية وحكوماتها التابعة الفاسدة فان فاقد الشيء لا يعطيه".
واعتبر ان "كل هؤلاء لا يريدون سوريا مسلمة حرة مستقلة قوية مجاهدة ضد اسرائيل ولكنهم يريدون سوريا تابعة مستضعفة (...) تعترف باسرائيل وتتماشى معها وتخضع للظلم العالمي".
وراى زعيم تنظيم القاعدة ان "النظام (السوري) الفاسد المتعفن قد بدا في الترنح وبلغ فيه الانهاك مبلغه فواصلوا انتفاضكتهم وغضبكتم ولا تقبلوا الا بحكومة شريفة مستقلة تحكم بالاسلام".
وقد شهدت سوريا في الاسابيع الماضية هجمات انتحارية وتفجير سيارات مفخخة ضد مراكز امنية في دمشق وحلب قتل فيها العشرات.
وتوجه الظواهري الى "اسود الشام" قائلا "استحضرا نية الجهاد في سبيل الله لنصرة الاسلام (...) واقامة دولة تدافع عن ديار المسلمين وتسعى لتحرير الجولان وتواصل جهادها حتى ترفع رايات النصر فوق ربى القدس السليبة".
وتوجه كذلك الى "اسود العرب وليوث الاكراد وابطال الشركس وصناديد التركمان" طالبا منهم بان يتوحدوا "تحت راية لا اله الا الله".
el kihil ahsan min el 3ama , between el quaeda and the syrian regime al qua3eda and all their satellite like muslim extremists should go first
and all the countries that are funding the uprising in syria are funding these terrorist
wish the war in syria last untill both terrorists and regime are all dead
Gabby, peace, aragon, thepatriot, shab, allouchi, Dr. Samir Mbanda2 and all the other Christian Sunnis of Hariri Mafia are already helping the Syrian rebels. They do not need any lecture from their friend Zawahiri as these warriors are used to helping the Syrians especially at the hey days of their occupation of Lebanon. We all remember (or maybe not???) how these warriors made of the decent Lebanese a trampoline by continuously jumping on them and landing into the arms of the Syrian occupiers while scheming against ebn baladon.
Phango, don’t confuse me with your religion crap and try to label me as a blind follower of the above mentioned. All are crooks and so are yours. Religion is poison. Lebanon first.
Hariri will answer positively to this call ... hm well he already answered actually by offering weapons as those that were found in Tripoli's depot that blew up !
Who the hell is he, another radical terrorist on the stage, tell him to mind his own crap.
Enfin Shab, tu saisi que le feu Syrien peut embraser le Liban. Que ces abrutis salafistes feront plus tard la peau aux Gemayels et à Geagea le dénommée docteur. Tu a bien raison que ce ZAWHIRI aille se faire foutre ailleurs qu'au Liban et En Syrie. Tu dois être content qu'ASSAD fasse le nettoyage et dératise ces salafistes de merde.
TOZ! another a..hole trying to take advantage of the situation to sell his b...sh...!
Al Qaida is long gone after Asama died. This Zawahri is neither charismatic nor has the face to lead.
Hence, it's better for him to shut up because the lowest Lebanese has more stature and abilities than him.
this guy works for american inerest.. he is only a character.. just like batman n super man... a CIA invention
You are so right and that's why the Iranians admitted to helping them in Afghanistan and Assad was sending his fighter to Iraq, no wait that doesn't make sense but thank you playing.
It's very interesting so batman 'n super man are CIA inventions, not many very many people know that. God I really hope you are getting the medical treatment you so sorely need.
It is people just like you that when applying the eye for an eye, you will take out civilians and innocent people, your blind forward thinking creates no choice and no option but hatred and religious wars. The point is a butcher which we all agree on his bloody deeds cannot be faced with the same thing although this is his language but we'd rather be dealt with in a civilized manner thru sanctions and other peaceful punishments
This is what you will get if they get rid of dr. bashar...al assad or al qaida you choose?
Hopefully he'll follow his "boss soon. We need less garbage and more thinkers. This animal is the reason we're knee deep in sh..it!
Why now!!!!!!! Suddenly he appears as more pressure is imposed on the Syrian government. Al Qaeda is a scarecrow used by losers to change the world opinion...... Back off Al-Qaeda and let the syrians do what they started by themselves.
Finally one topic that unifies us all .... zawaheri is a retarded man who still lives in the stone ages. How nice would it be if we also unite on other things that will fortify Lebanon from all ills (weapons in the hands of the army alone, demarcated borders, treason when a politician accept foreign money (political prostitution), treason to conduct foreign policy outside auspices of the Government and foreign ministry, investigate and try politicians for corruption and treason. Enough for now, you get the picture. A real modern state.
Bravo Love4bashar. Bien dit. Il ne faut plus rester neutre. Soit on est avec Bashar soit avec des abrutis comme Al Zawhiri pour nous gouverner et nous dicter notre façon de vivre. Et là, tout regret sera tardif.
Religious extremism is an overgrowth of sectarian fanaticism. Open minded people who are not obsessed with their confessional belonging should be able to stand and fight all these backwards dark ages barbarians.
We all should unite around the principles of human rights and personal freedoms.
Alzawahery promotes a theocratic totalitarianism which is worse then a lay dictatorship such as Assad's . Both should go.
Not necessarily. Bashar and his father before him had counted on the fear of a Sunni extremists rule to remain in power despite their misdeeds.
The Syrians who are dying today will never replace a despot whith another.
You would be surprised...Syria was the symbol of stability in the middle east now there are bombings and armed extremist...In my opinion anything that Saudi Arabia has its hand in is a dangerous situation. keep Syria a secular society..
zawahri the friend of leo strauss the zionist is calling for lebanese muslims...hahahahahahahahah
now all the masks has fallen.
Excuse me, but what the hell are you talking about? I did a google search on "zawahiri leo strauss" and this comment of yours is the fourth result. Explain yourself.
the filthy zionist media terrorists have posted zillions of retarded posts to somehow divert from the truth.
look at his filthy twin
Tina, what's wrong with Cuba. Beautiful, small, peaceful country that has been raped and bullied by the u.s. For no reason except it doesn't believe in unabated capitalism. Your a tool.