الراعي التقى "أبو أرز" في قبرص

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التقى البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي خلال زيارته قبرص رئيس "حزب حراس الارز" اتيان صقر المعروف بـ"أبو أرز".

ووفق صحيفة "النهار"، فإن ناشطين في حزب "حراس الارز" في بيروت أكدوا حصول اللقاء وقالوا أن ظلماً طاول رئيسهم منذ عام 1990 وأنه يدفع ثمن مواقفه سواء تلك التي كانت تعارض السياسة السورية في لبنان، او الطاقم المهيمن على الحياة السياسية في لبنان.

واتيان صقر، "ابو أرز" والبالغ 74 عاماً، يقيم في قبرص منذ العام 2000 عندما غادر بلدته عين ابل في الشريط الحدودي وانتقل الى قبرص مروراً بإسرائيل خلال التحرير عام 2000.

وهو محكوم بالإعدام بقرار قضائي بتهمة التعامل مع إسرائيل اضافة الى عدد كبير من الاحكام القضائية المختلفة التي تتمحور حول التهمة السالفة، ما اعتبره صقر وحزب "حراس الارز" بأنها "اتهامات ملفقة" وهو قال في مقابلة له قبل مدة عن سبب عدم عودته الى لبنان.

واختتم الراعي زيارته الى قبرص بعد جولات ولقاءات عديدة وعاد الى بيروت مساء أمس الاثنين، ومن المتوقع أن يزور طرابلس في 18 الجاري و19 منه.

التعليقات 26
Thumb jabalamel 09:19 ,2012 شباط 14

being anti syrian or anit palestinian does not allow you to collaborate with genocidal zionist militia.

it's like choosing the worse evil.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (ضيف) 13:15 ,2012 شباط 14

Aoun was accused with being a Zionist you filthy moron but then money changed hand and he declared his loyalty to Iranian cash.
Aldo your filthy mother and father threw rice at the Israeli army liberating then from the PLO instead of using this rice to feed you and your filthy twenty seven siblings.

Default-user-icon HK (ضيف) 15:48 ,2012 شباط 14

Jabal you are either ignorant or just talk to talk. remember that you muslims supported the palestinians in 75 and wanted to kill every Christian. If Lebanon was neighboring Finland, than thats who the Christians of Lebanon would have allied with. unfortunately we are surrounded by MUSLIMS and Jews. That limits our allies list big time... Would like to remind you that we have no problem with the Jewish religion. It's you muslims who have problem with all other religions.

Default-user-icon Aziz (ضيف) 10:39 ,2012 شباط 14

jabal amel, where is the 'resistance' to defend against syrian violations of our borders? you can't 'resist' one agressor yet applauce another aggressor.

Default-user-icon George (ضيف) 11:11 ,2012 شباط 14

During war, my enemies enemy is my friend. Its plain and simple.

When and if the Syrian and Iranian regime changes, the same will be said about those the fought to protect them.

Its a vicious circle.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (ضيف) 12:36 ,2012 شباط 14


After listening to you, Collaborating with Satan would be an envy..
Shove a sock in it; Please

Default-user-icon Mar Maroun (ضيف) 12:41 ,2012 شباط 14

God bless you Abou Arz

Missing abou.ali 12:47 ,2012 شباط 14

Liberation? What liberation? The South was taken over and occupied by the THUG Militia of Hezbollah and Amal. Mind you, it STILL is occupied...

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 13:04 ,2012 شباط 14

Regarding the picture, I wonder how his relationship with Michel Aoun is these days?

Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 13:25 ,2012 شباط 14

Hezbollah and Aoun support to failing regimes like Syrian and Iranian is a complete conspiracy against the Lebanese nation, the failure to provide Lebanese people with electricity is another. This behave was tested before by Hezbollah when they drove Lebanon to unwanted war with the Zionist regime and like Aoun's war when he was in power against the Syrian regime loosing Baabda and the killing of thousands of Lebanese people, history has tested the failing policy of these politicians, so lets ask the Lebanese people to ban them from politics.

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 14:37 ,2012 شباط 14

Free Lebanese Army, remember? Hahaha.

Default-user-icon Ali khreis (ضيف) 15:03 ,2012 شباط 14

slash, israel is the root of all this division and internal conflicts. Its an alien and as such collaboration with any arab country is not the same as collaborating with israel.

Default-user-icon libnanie (ضيف) 15:37 ,2012 شباط 14

so this guy, abu arz, is anti syrian but has a picture of aoun on his wall (look at the photo)? doesn't make sense.

Missing hasanzibowawa 16:16 ,2012 شباط 14

what is the big deal, come back to Lebanon. you should get a max of 2 years in prison just like fayez Karam

Thumb jabalamel 19:49 ,2012 شباط 14

the filthy zionist media terrorists are very furious because their friend cannot come back to lebanon, and they also hallucinate about our glorious resistance occupying south lebanon.

why don't you send your incompetent militia and liberate it? after all, you still hallucinate about victory in 2006, so it shouldn't be a problem?

chicken entity.

Missing ayoor 20:30 ,2012 شباط 14

give us the guns and we will obliterate hizballa and jabal's family now

Thumb jabalamel 22:55 ,2012 شباط 14

this answering machine is even more retarded than one that calls itself "peace".

Thumb jabalamel 01:02 ,2012 شباط 15

he has friends?

Thumb sophia_angle 21:27 ,2012 شباط 14

The only thing I liked in this article is the frame picture behind Abu Arz :)

Default-user-icon bou arz (ضيف) 01:09 ,2012 شباط 15

start masturbating to it

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 23:12 ,2012 شباط 14

@Habal, @Cookie: Call Abu Arz a traitor but I would do the same that he did and will work with the Israeli if your hizb and Palestinian try to to burn and destroy the Southern towns. This hero had to put up with all your filth and crap during 30yrs of war, just like you joined Iran he joined Israel, Jordan and Egypt enjoy a peaceful relationship with Israel and so is Abu Arz and his towns that he was responsible for. The time will come when he(Abu Arz) should be recognized and given stars for protecting the towns/citizens in the South for years.

Default-user-icon Nationalist (ضيف) 00:03 ,2012 شباط 15

Sophia, don't get your hopes up, Abu Arz woke up to Aoun's real agenda, he no longer backs him up.
Abu Arz is feared by many because he was the only politician who believed in Lebanese Nationalism at the time.

Default-user-icon Safastak (ضيف) 00:43 ,2012 شباط 15

The great patriarch is now approaching what used to be the red lines. He is holding talks with people whom are great retarded regime (and the dictator regime next door) deems unfit.

God bless the patriarch, and I hope he doesnt meet the same fate as those great people before him; mainly Imam Sader, Mufti Khaled, Bachir Jemayel, Jubran Touayni, and Pierre Jemayel

Thumb jabalamel 07:56 ,2012 شباط 15

he might have aouns picture but he's still a traitor.

Thumb jabalamel 07:56 ,2012 شباط 15

he might have aouns picture but he's still a traitor.

Default-user-icon political (ضيف) 20:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 17

Abu Arz, Sheikh Bashir and Commandant Samaha and many more were all HEROES. There was neither collaboration or non-collaboration. They did what they had to do to insure the survival of Nationalism against NON-LEBANESE Muslim refugees. We invited you in (albeit reluctantly via the Cairo Crap). You were guest in a state that believed in helping it's Arab brothers and sisters, but that was not enough! WE DID WHAT WE HAD TO DO in regards to the Jews. NO LESS AND NO MORE! Because of you, we are now prisoners of Syria (lees now), Iran snd even Israel. Thank you for that, you non educated idiot!