جنبلاط: اطلالة الظواهري هي عمل أمني إستخباراتي بإمتياز
Read this story in Englishاعتبر رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط، في تصريح اليوم الثلاثاء، أن "اطلالة (زعيم تنظيم القاعدة) أيمن الظواهري في هذا التوقيت بالذات هي عمل أمني إستخباراتي بإمتياز".
وفي تصريحه، قال جنبلاط "أن تنظيم القاعدة يطل برأسه مجدداً غب الطلب للتشويش على الثورة السورية ولتشويه صورة المعارضة وحراكها السلمي ومطالبها المشروعة في الحرية والديمقراطية والتعددية والتغيير".
وقد ناشد الظواهري الأحد الفائت "كل مسلم وكل شريف حر في تركيا والعراق والاردن ولبنان أن يهب لنصرة إخوانه في سوريا بكل ما يملك"، مشيراً الى أنه "من حق أهلنا في سوريا ومن حق الأمة كلها أن تستخدم ما تراه من وسائل لاستئصال" النظام السوري.
وأضاف جنبلاظ "أن إستحضار شبح تنظيم القاعدة في هذه اللحظة الحساسة التي تمر بها الثورة السورية بفعل بطش النظام السوري وإصراره على العنف سبيلاً وحيداً في التعاطي مع المطالب المحقة للشعب السوري المناضل والصامد، يطرح أكثر من علامة إستفهام وكأن المطلوب منه تقديم البراهين على الروايات التي يطلقها النظام حول المجموعات الإرهابية وتنظيم القاعدة لتكريس الخيارات القمعية وتبريرها، وهذا لا يستثني أيضاً الروايات التي ساقتها بعض المراجع الرسمية اللبنانية فيما يخص بلدة عرسال".
وكان وزير الدفاع فايز غصن قد كشف عن وجود معلومات واضحة لدى الجيش عن تواجد عناصر من القاعدة في عرسال. وبدوره وضع وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل، البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، في أجواء "معلومات هامة جداً يملكها التيار الوطني الحر حول وجود "القاعدة" في لبنان".
وكانت وزارة الخارجية السورية أكدت وجود "بصمات تنظيم القاعدة" في الاعتداءين، اللذين استهدفا مركزين للأمن في دمشق مع بدء البعثة التي يفترض أن تعد لعمل المراقبين العرب محادثاتها مع السلطات السورية، معانة تبلغها من لبنان بتسلل عناصر من "القاعدة" إلى سوريا.
وحذر جنبلاط "من هذه الخطوات وما ترمي اليه أو تمهد له، وهو ما يستوجب المزيد من اليقظة والتنبه على كل المستويات".
I don't doubt it...They kill their own people, assassinate Lebanese leaders and spread mis-information...What a fascist corrupt regime but amazingly M8 people support it. M8 would love to model Lebanon's government after Assad's...they hate Zionists, wahabis, democracy and progress...what a joke they are!!!
Wow Walid,that is the quickest 180 degree turn I have witnessed for quiet a while, congratulation.Lance corporal Michel Aoun would be full of envy.I wonder how do the brave Druze manage with Walid erratic behavior?
Zawahiri’s a wahabi, of-coarse he supports those fighting against the Syrian regime. once the Syrian regime falls is when the real firworks begin, the wahabi fanatics will want to give back what rightfully belongs to Syria. Mr jumblat and gaega will be wondering where they went wrong once their saudi sponsored allies in Lebanon turn on them and become advocates for the greater Syrian motherland, and guess what, the shias will save there asses and support them as well... heehe cant wait.
well said ya batal. help us save more anguish in Lebanon and please resign from this useless government asap.
and your theory about bad muslims at the origin of the revolts is typically the propaganda syrian regime wants you to believe so that you back them up!
syrian regime wants to make this revolution appear like a religious campaign against them to appear like victims! whereas the people of syria are fed up with being choked by this dictatorship!
the USA and other western countries always had the same motto to keep moubarrak ben ali and co in power: the fear of the bad muslims! you are just repeating the old US policy without even been aware of it!
you are laughable...
Jumblat knows he has reached he point of no return and that he is heading towards the abyss, so he is unleashing his fury like a cornered beast who knows he is finished. Decent Lebanese, REJOICE.
Al Qaeda also called for supporting the revolution in Libya. It doesn't mean they actually have any influence, they're trying to take credit for movements because they've always preyed on people in the middle east hating their dictatorial governments for recruitment.
You have a lot of opposition (5 so far). Can you believe how many stupid people are in Lebanon. This is why these leaders will exist till eternity.
jumblat is going crazy. he's getting close to zionist media war terrorists.
he has long way to go still, as it's not easy to reach their level of madness.
jabalahbal s comedy show is back to make us laugh! nothing to say but sure in dismay!
the new answering software from zionist information war department is sometimes working but not always. it's still beta version.
there is so much to gain from staying in the government (not the least, making sure he has a favourable electoral law), and as they (Hizballah and Aoun) need him badly (if he flips, he can bring the government down) he can blackmail them (Hizballah and Aoun) as much as he wants, and by doing so, he pleases the other side (Hariri/Geagea), to the point of almost being their ally... so he knows he can move their anytime now. He is the master of changing sides.
The Syrian regime would do anything to discredit the opposition. It has this abilities of skewing the truth for its own interest. But this is unlikely to succeed. The only solution of for Assad ro abscond and find somewhere to hide (Iran is an option - Since he loves dealing with turbans and religious people who will take the hell out of him after he relinquishes power.)
the D-day is coming for sure.
This the same kind of declaration as those of Omar Bakri who was senteced to life imprionment in Lebanon before being released thanks to Hezb of Wilayat al-Faqih
This proves to everyone that Jumblat is the "genius" that only fables talk about! He, apparently, has not miscalculated big time, has not lost it to the point of having an almost daily lame blabber show a la Dr. Dajaja, is not hallucinating and does not feel that he has no place else to go to now other than to rejoin the band of losers whose faces are stuck to the eternal wailing wall! Poor hopeless hopefuls.
bigdig, taymour is on patriotic side. there is no problem with him. never really had problems with him, even when his father was bought to betray our country.
and jumblat is demented he doesn't know on what side he is anymore.
Walid baik, You are way over-analyzing. I say have a few sips of arak and relax man. Just quit politics and hand it over to Taimour baik.
the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate something about iran and holes and attacking own people...wow...looks like zionist information war department stoped hiring people with middle lunacy and went on to extreme lunatics.
Same lame blah blah comments just to say I exist .A good advice to you habal go get yourself a gfd or even a boyfd and start getting laid . It will vent out your frustrations .
Et toi, opportuniste, serpillère de Qatar et de Hariri qui est derrière toi. Le sang qui est sur tes mains ne profitera pas longtemps.