خطاب نصرالله الخميس يحمل ردا على 14 آذار

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من المتوقع أن يأتي الرد على مهرجان 14 شباط من الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله، ممثلا قوى 8 آذار، الذي يطل الخميس المقبل في ذكرى شهداء الحزب.

ولم يصدر عن 8 آذار أي تعليق رسمي حتى الآن على الحملة التي شنها احتفال البيال أمس الثلاثاء على الحكومة ومكوناتها وعلى سلاح حزب الله.

وذكّر رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أمس أن "هناك سلاحاً حزبياً، محدد الهوية السياسية، يتخذ من جغرافيا الانتشار المسلح، غلافاً واقياً لمذهبة السلاح، وهو ما نرفضه ونعترض عليه بالكامل، ونجد في استمراره خطراً كبيراً على المشاركة بين اللبنانيين".

كما دعا قيادة حزب الله إلى إجراء مقاربة جديدة لتعاملها مع المحكمة الدولية "لأن التشبث بحماية المتهمين لن يلغي قرار الاتهام".

أما رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع، فرأى أنه لا مستقبل لأي سلاح غير شرعي ولا لأي دويلة، متوجها الى حزب الله بالقول "لا تخطئوا الحساب. أنتم شركاء أعزاء، فلماذا تصرون على إقصاء أنفسكم بأنفسكم عن بقية اللبنانيين؟".

وقال إن هذه الحكومة هي "حكومة الموت السريري، تنضح شللا وعتمةً وفسادا وهدرا وابتزازا وتلاعبا بأمنكم ومستقبلكم .إنها حكومة الفضائح، تفوح منها كل يوم روائح المازوت، وصفقات الكهرباء، وملهاة الأجور ومأساة التعيينات".

وبدوره، أكد رئيس حزب الكتائب أمين الجميل أنه "لا يعقل أن نرفض سلاح الأنظمة العربية ونبقي شعبنا تحت سلطة السلاح".

وطالب "بتنفيذ قرارات الحوار الوطني والقرارات الدولية، فيتم حصر السلاح بالدولة، وتفعيل المؤسسات الدستورية والإدارية لتتمكن من النظر إلى الناس فتعمل على حل مشاكلهم اليومية".

واعتبرت مصادر سياسية بارزة عبر صحيفة "النهار" الأربعاء أن اندفاع قوى 14 آذار الى إعلان تحالفها مع المعارضة السورية من دون تحفظ يشكل تطوراً داخلياً مهماً قد تكون له انعكاسات واسعة وعميقة على مجمل الوضع اللبناني.

ومن ناحيتها، أفادت صحيفة "الجمهورية" أن "حزب الله" لم يجر بعد تقويماً داخلياً لخطابات "البيال"، ولكنّ الأمين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله سيتحدث مساء غد في ذكرى شهداء الحزب يتوقع أن يلامس في كلامه موضوع بروتوكول المحكمة، كذلك سيركز على التطوّرات الجارية في سوريا، وعلى حوادث طرابلس.

التعليقات 26
Missing people-power 10:22 ,2012 شباط 15

Stay in your rat hole, you murdering terrorist.

Tell us again why you support the blood thirsty dictator in Damascus, who is mass murdering his own people. What is the reason to send mortars into residential areas? You want us to believe that you support him because of his "resistance" stance, and not because he is your arms supplier?

Tell us more about Hezbollah and Iran's terror activities around the world, like in Thailand, Azerbaijan, and India. Your employers really botched that job in Thailand, and they are your A-team? Yikes.

Your world is coming crashing down on you. Assad, your partner in crime, is in the middle of a civil war, and the numbers don't look too good. Then your employers get caught plotting to kill Saudi ambassador in the US. Then the whole Arab world is united against you and your terror sponsors in Iran. Soon the STL trial will start. If I owned stock in Hezbollah, I'b be selling right now.

Thumb Chupachups 12:05 ,2012 شباط 15

You have to admit he does have a cute turban

Default-user-icon Talal (ضيف) 12:14 ,2012 شباط 15

Are you afraid to write in Arabic, I will answer you in the language you are proud of , the real rat is hiding outside Lebanon and by the way he is bankrupted.
We also welcome the world to come and crash us as you said as they crushed us before during the 80s and ran away from Beirut like rats, you will never learn from history

Missing thewizrad66 13:35 ,2012 شباط 15

عـفواً فيروزٌ ونزارٌ

فالحالُ الآنَ هو الأفظع ْ

إنْ كانَ زمانكما بَشِـعٌ

فزمانُ زعامتنا أبشَع

من عبدِ الله إلى سَـعدٍ

من حُسْـني القـَيْءِ إلى جَعجَع ْ

أوغادٌ تلهـو بأمَّـتِـنا

وبلحم الأطفالِ الرّضـَّع ْ

تـُصغي لأوامر أمريكا

ولغير "إهودٍ" لا تركع

زُلـمٌ قد باعـوا كرامتهم

وفِراشُ الذلِّ لهم مَخدع ْ

Default-user-icon abed kataya (ضيف) 15:07 ,2012 شباط 15

it seems u are very smar and ....STL will be as all UN decisions..at the roof..and hezbollah weapons will be always ready to fight ur masters in IsraeL...

Default-user-icon ashraf al nass (ضيف) 10:31 ,2012 شباط 15

تستمر منذ شهرين عملية تشييد خيم حديد عند ضفتي نهر الليطاني على الاملاك العامة في بلدة قعقعية الجسر، وتعدى عدد الخيم التي تم تشييدها 20 وتغض البلدية النظر، فيما تتجنب القوى الامنية قمع المخالفات. وعلم ان هذه الخيم قد تستخدم استراحات سياحية في الصيف من دون اي ترخيص، ويتخوف الاهالي غير المستفيدين من توسع الظاهرة وتحولها امراً واقعاً يصعب تغييره.

Default-user-icon jam (ضيف) 10:33 ,2012 شباط 15

a thug of a rare caliber

Thumb Chupachups 12:06 ,2012 شباط 15

His turban will go for a few dollars at least on ebay

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 12:25 ,2012 شباط 15

Let's be honest. This guys days are numbered and he knows this. So, let him go on TV and give us his bullshit as usual. Illegal arms have always been a penalty for Lebanon. These same arms brought Israel inside Lebanon and dweeled for decades. Why should they have entered in Lebanon to start with if the arms were not the cause. Nasslalah could surrender his arms and become a political leader on same footing with all others and let him through convincing attract people not by putting weapons to their heads like the Syrian regime did in Syria and Lebanon.

I for one would buy the Turban for a sum that I will not disclose. I will hang it in the living room for my kids to get blessing from it.

Default-user-icon Talal (ضيف) 13:11 ,2012 شباط 15

The arms that brought the Israelis to Lebanon are different from the arms which forced them out, just try to remember that in the future and days will come and prove who is finished.
the one who is already finished is your childish leader that does not have any more money to attract idiots like you to follow him

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 13:11 ,2012 شباط 15

I'll restrict my comment by quoting MP Hikmat Dib who said this morning: The scene at BIEL was laughable yet lamentable as those who have a past full of crimes were talking about preventing strife and those who bankrupted the state through political Harirism were talking about the state.

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 15:41 ,2012 شباط 15

@Georges, was Hikmat talking to all the Lebanese politicians because I couldnt find any whom where immune to this...

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 15:52 ,2012 شباط 15

Remove Bachir's picture as you don't deserve to be associated with him. At least he was an honest and straight leader, not like your fake Hakim who is now "leading the syrian uprising"!!!

Default-user-icon Hassan Hajj Ali (ضيف) 19:59 ,2012 شباط 15

Watching Aoun the other day a paraphrase of Hikmat Dweeb's quote came to mind, why is the cowards army deserter talking about bravery?

but still Hikmat Dweeb and his boss had no qualms going into the 2005 election on the same side as those who have a past full of crimes and those who bankrupted the state through political Harirism, that is untill hariri was killed and Aoun was paid to change his fifteen years positions on everything.

Missing thewizrad66 13:50 ,2012 شباط 15

Everyone days are numbered, and the illegal arms which brought the Israelis to Lebanon is different from the arms which forced them out,

Thumb joesikemrex 14:57 ,2012 شباط 15

Go to h3ll traitor, we are not interested in your deception or theories, go talk to your masters and the Israelis, they will listen. In time you will pay for your many crimes.

Time to free Lebanon from your fake resistance.

Default-user-icon George (ضيف) 15:00 ,2012 شباط 15

Talal you supporter are bankrupted!

Soon you will turn into another Hamas stuck in Gaza who are only capable of terrorizing your own people. The rest of us will live well and our children will grow to contribute towards a better Lebanon, while yours will hang around in your ghettos armed to the teeth and slowly killing each other off.

Next time the Israelis come after you, we'll close our homes and schools and watch you and your people get another beating. You are not welcome here anymore.

Default-user-icon the guardian (ضيف) 17:03 ,2012 شباط 15

It's in you benefit to co-operate with the international trial,to clear yourself and your party from any involvement of these terrible crimes,
but if you don't, then this shameful accusation will stick to you and your party and to whom you represent, not for a month, a year or even a decade it will go down in history for ever!!!!!

Thumb joesikemrex 17:25 ,2012 شباط 15

Hell yeah

Missing peace 19:36 ,2012 شباط 15

hahaha! iranman is jealous so he wants his show too!!! play the strong guy while you can... your days as a militia man are soon over

Thumb jabalamel 21:41 ,2012 شباط 15

yeah just like assad is gone "soon" for a year now

Missing peace 00:59 ,2012 شباط 16

waw! an idiot!!! oh my! you are better by the day!! hilariousssssss! thx a lot for the laughter you bring me!

Thumb jabalamel 21:42 ,2012 شباط 15

the filthy slimy lunatic nervous breakdown posts same retarded message for zillions of times

Default-user-icon Nad (ضيف) 00:49 ,2012 شباط 16

I am just a reader ,and that will be the first time i submit a comment.
It is only to let you know that the photo you have is offensive to many ppl (we can love bachir without being zionist).
So if you do not mind my friend and out of respect for the others remove the photo,i am sure you feel better when using the old one you had.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 05:41 ,2012 شباط 16

The world holds its breath in anticipation of the glorious words to come from below... Zionist, Zionist, Zionist... Assad, Assad, Assad... Arms, Arms, Arms.... Iran, Iran, Iran!

Missing 7osrom 08:58 ,2012 شباط 16

Allah Ytawwel Omrak coz if you go, God help us with ur replacement.... Naim Kassem.....