الدفاع المدني يخلي مبنى في شرق صيدا بعد انهيارات حصلت في داخله
Read this story in Englishأخلت عناصر الدفاع المدني مبنى في شرق صيدا بسبب تصدع في حائط الدعم وانهيارات حصلت فبه.
وأفادت قناة الـ"MTV" في خبر عاجل عصر الجمعة أن "الدفاع المدني يخلي مبنى "جنا عمري" بمنطقة شرحبيل شرق صيدا إثر انهيارات يتعرض لها في هذه الأثناء".
كذلك أشارت إذاعة "صوت لبنان (93.3)" إلى "تصدع في حائط الدعم".
وكان قد انهار مبنى في شارع المطران عطالله في الأشرفية على من فيه في الخامس عشر من كانون الثاني الماضي مما أدى إلى مقتل 27 شخصا وجرح 12.
وأثار انهيار هذا المبنى مخاوف من تكرار مثل هذه الكارثة في ظل انتشار مبان قديمة متهالكة في مناطق مختلفة يتجاهل اصحابها تطبيق قوانين السلامة العامة وتغفل الدولة عن محاسبتهم او عن المراقبة.
ويزيد من تعقيد المشكلة ان الكثير من المباني بنيت بشكل غير شرعي لا سيما خلال الحرب الاهلية.
وقد اضاف بعض مالكي المباني طوابق على مبانيهم القديمة دون الحصول على تراخيص.
كذلك، فإن قوانين الايجار القديمة وانخفاض قدرة اللبنانيين على الانتقال الى مساكن جديدة، تتسبب بمشكلة مزدوجة يعاني منها المالك والمستأجر.
And what the h*ll does that have to do with anything? Was the building in achrafiyeh also built by abou sido? Or the rest of the ready to fall buildings that we have all around lebanon? These budget buildings were built in the same way all around lebanon and the middle east. My family came to lebanon from syria and were given lebanese citizenship. When a halabi family member does something good, you call us lebanese and when some other does something bad, you call us syrian.
Grow up!
Sure, foreigners must be exemplar. This applies to all immigrants worldwide for a smooth integration. Where do you come from? Ah yeah, syria... Good for your Lebanese citizenship. Alf mabrouk.
Your a crazy racist. Nothing else. Your family migrated to lebanon as well at some point. And you might wanna check the lebanese crimes in australia, africa, latin america and europe before you talk.
Sure, but my family didn't build a collapsing building. I never pretended that the Lebanese diaspora was well integrated wherever they decided to settle down. I'm well aware of the situation abroad. Where did you read this? My recipe for good integration, well you know it... being exemplar. This applies to all immigrants worldwide. Get a pair of glasses and snap out of your paranoia. However, since you seem to criticize the Lebanese people abroad, I'm sure other people would gladly exchange their passport for the privilege you got when your family became Lebanese. remember that I congratulated you earlier.
Why the hostility? I thought Abou Sido, means someone in control of his private member. What does that have to do with attacking anyone?
This dude is a perfect illustration of an offspring resulting of a union of two cousins. This type of medieval lineage is totally ... Well habalamel!
"medieval lineage" - the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about my identity.
mossad gave your wrong report again.
You took so long to reply, I guess you learned a couple of new words today. Since you're a teenager - you should ask your 'friend' to sponsor your education. Perhaps He could do something useful for your future for once... that would be a change from spending the poor Iranian's money or weapons.