وفاة شاب وشابة في إحدى شاليهات فاريا نتيجة "تسرب للغاز"
Read this story in Englishتسبب تسرب في الغاز في احدى الغرف في بلدة فاريا إلى مصرع شابة وشاب وحضرت الأجهزة المختصة فورا للتحقيق.
وأفادت قناة الـ"MTV" إلى أن "الشاب د.ش. والفتاة من آل "ن" توفيا جراء تسرب غاز أثناء تواجدهم في إحدى شاليهات فاريا.
وأشارت القناة إلى أنه "حضرت على الفور القوى الأمنية والطبيب الشرعي إلى المكان للمعاينة".
وفي 5 شباط الحالي أدى تكسر بحيرة جليد في منطقة كفرذبيان بفعل الصقيع الموجود في تلك المنطقة الى غرق هبى رميد البالغة 17 عاماً وإصابة شقيقها أحمد.
وبينما كانت هبى وشقيقها يمارسان هواية التصوير انكسر جليد البحيرة، ووقعا في المياه، وكان أحمد على عمق قليل ما ساعد على أن يراه شهود واستدعوا الدفاع المدني الذي سارع الى المكان الذي انتشله وتم نقله الى مستشفى "سان جورج" في عجلتون.
The woman is dead, and it is a scandal that she was with a guy?
You must be really proud of how you view women..
The woman is dead, and it is a scandal that she was with a guy?
You must be really proud of how you view women..
A scandal? In what era are you living exactly? You need to get out of your cocoon and see the world in a less constipated way.
Where in this article did you read they were lovers, or secretly sleeping together? Didn't it cross your mind they could be brother and sister for example? Or cousins?
Where is your respect for the families mourning this sad event? Talking about a scandal while they mourn the loss of their children is a bit moronic.
I bet you wouldn't like to go rent a chalet in Faraya, spend the weekend in the snow, ski, set the fire place, have some wine and cheese, take a few pics... right? but it is not you we are talking about here i guess...
God bless their souls. RIP
jcamerican retard, is that what you can only think, this me mentality will never change!!
I would be far more concerned about the safety standards than the reputation of the woman. Typical eastern mentality!
you're both idiots. don't be concerned about a scandal or safety standards. they were kids. they died. just be sad for them and their families.
you're both idiots. don't be concerned about a scandal or safety standards. they were kids. they died. just be sad for them and their families.