نصرالله: لبنان جزء من المنطقة والنأي بالنفس "تسوية" وإسرائيل أيام أكبر جنرالاتها لم تخيفنا
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رفض الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله أن ينأى لبنان بنفسه عن أحداث المنطقة لأنه "جزء منها يؤثر ويتأثر بها" مشيرا إلى أن سياسة النأي بالنفس التي تعتمدها الحكومة هي "تسوية" من أجل استمرارها ومذكرا في سياق آخر أن إسرائيل لم تعد "تخيفنا اليوم".
وقال نصرالله في كلمة ألقاها في أسبوع "والد سيد شهداء المقاومة السيد عباس الموسوي" بعد ظهر الجمعة "بالأمس سمعنا كلاما نقل عن رئيس حكومة العدو وكلام يهدد أنه بخارطة العالم لن يوجد لبنان وفتشنا عن هذا الكلام ولم نجده لكنه أصلا هذا كلام العقلية الإسرائيلية بتدمير الآخرين وبهذه العقلية وممارساتها قام هذا الكيان على القتل والترهيب واغتصاب المقدسات والإعتداء على دول وشعوب المنطقة".
وكانت قد نسب إلى نتنياهو قوله في مؤتمر صحفي في سويسرا الأربعاء أن لبنان لن يوجد على خريطة العالم الجديد وأن إسرائيل ستضربه بدعم غربي وعربي، إلا أن أيا من الوكالات العالمية أو وسائل الإعلام الإسرائيلية لم تنقل كلامه.
وعليه أكد نصرالله أن "هؤلاء لا يخيفوننا أصلا فليقولوا ما شاؤوا لا نتياهو ولا أولمرت ولا حالوتس ولا غيرهم".
وتابع "في الماضي عندما كنا قليلي العدد إسرائيل هذه في زمن جنرالاتها الكبار كانت لا تخيفنا فكيف اليوم".
وتوجه لقائد حزب اله سابقا السيد عباس الموسوي "هؤلاء الخمسات (عدد مقاتلي الحزب) صاروا آلاف يحملون تصميمك على النصر ولا يخافون على الإطلاق ونحن لا نخضع لتأثيرات هذه الحرب النفسية في أي لحظة".
وفي السياق عينه دعا نصرالله إلى التفتيش على الأيادي الإسرائيلية "المخربة" في العالم لأن "حرق المصاحف والفوضى والدمار سلوك يهودي".
أما في الشأن اللبناني فرأى نصرالله أن "المنطقة كلها ومنها لبنان تمر بمرحلة حساسة ومصيرية وهناك إعادة صياغة لها ولا نقدر أن نتعاطى أن لبنان لا دخل له في المنطقة بل أمننا من أمنها وما يخطط لها يخطط لنا ونحن نؤثر فيها وتؤثر فيها".
وتابع نصرالله بلجهة شبه رافضة للنأي بالنفس فقال "قصة النأي بالنفس هي تسوية كي تستمر الحكومة وإلا أين هو النأي بالنفس؟".
وأردف "من موقع المقاومة نحن نتشدد في حرصنا على الإستقرار الأمني والسياسي في لبنان" داعيا تجنب كل ما يدفع إلى الفتنة في لبنان فـ"كلنا يستطيع أن يعبر عن موقفه دون تحرض مذهبي وطائفي لأنه يجب إبعاد لبنان عن هذا الأمر" كما قال.
ورأى الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" أن "الحفاظ على الحكومة مهم لكن لا يجب أن يكون حجة لعدم الإنتاجية وعدم الفعالية فالإستقرار مدعاة للمحافظة عليه ولكن الحكومة يجب أن تكون منتجة وفاعلة".
وجدد القول أن "هناك من يريد أن يعطل الحكومة ويعيق عملها ومن يريد إسقاطها وهي منذ أول يوم لم تعط فرصة وتم تحريض المجتمع الدولي عليها".
وإذ دعا إلى بحث ملف النفط والغاز سريعا قال "الأميركي "ماسك" العالم بالمال ولبنان لا يمكن أن يمتلك قراره ومعدته وشرايينه مرتبطة بالمساعدات الخارجية فلماذا لا نسرع في ملف النفط؟".
وفي سياق آخر حذر نصرالله من الشائعات "في ما يعني حزب الله مثل حديث إسرائيل عن قواعد ونكون في الهند وجورجيا" معلقا بالقول "ولكن "يا ريت" ولا يحزننا هذا الإتهام ونتمنى ذلك ولكن نحن لا علاقة لنا".
وكانت قد تحدثت السلطات في الهند وجورجيا وتايلاند ومؤخرا أذربيجان عن اعتقال أناس "لهم علاقة بإيران وحزب الله" بسبب وقوفهم وراء اعتداءات في هذه البلدان أو تخطيطهم لأخرى.
وأشار نصرالله إلى أن الحزب ما زال يعتبر أن "الأولوية والتهديد الأكبر هو الإسرائيلي والأولوية هي لمواجهة هذا التهديد ووسيلتنا هي المقاومة والمعادلة الثلاثية هي الجيش والشعب والمقاومة وعلى أساسها نبني".
كما ختم الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" بالقول "المؤمنون الواثقون المضحون الثابتون في أكثر من بلد استطاعوا أن يدفعوا التقسيم الذي أتى واليوم نحن قادرون على مواجهة المشاريع لنحقق آمال الشهداء".
16:12 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله خاتما: المؤمنون الواثقون المضحون الثابتون في أكثر من بلد استطاعوا أن يدفعوا التقسيم الذي أتى واليوم نحن قادرون على مواجهة المشاريع لنحقق آمال الشهداء
16:09 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: في بلد العرب يطلبون تنحي الرئيس والإصلاح وفي بلد آخر إذا تفوه أحد يرسلون له الدبابات
16:07 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: الحلف الأطلسي ينأى بنفسه عن التدخل في سوريا والأميركي يحرض العرب على إرسال المقاتلين، في البحرين ممنوع على حكومة البحرين أن تقوم بحل سياسي، اليوم كيف يرد على الناس في القطيف بالسعودية؟
16:05 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: نحن لا نتدخل في شؤون الآخرين وأعود إلى الدعوة العامة إلى حل المشكلات في العالم العربي بالحوار السياسي فاليوم يعالج العرب الأمور دون حل سياسي مثل سوريا
16:02 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: نحذر دائما من الشائعات في ما يعني حزب الله مثل حديث إسرائيل عن قواعد ونكون في الهند وجورجيا ولكن "يا ريت" ولا يزعلنا هذا الإتهام ونتمنى ذلك ولكن نحن لا علاقة لنا
15:59 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: الأميركي "ماسك" العالم بالمال ولبنان لا يمكن أن يمتلك قراره ومعدته وشرايينه مرتبطة بالمساعدات الخارجية فلماذا لا نسرع في ملف النفط؟
15:57 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: يجب أن نذكر بملف النفط والغاز وهذه نعمة لنا فنتنياهو يعمل ليلا نهارا وهذا النفط ليس نفطهم بل لفلسطين وهي تنهب بجدية ونحن ماذا نعمل؟ إلى أين؟ هناك مسؤولية كبيرة والإتكال على المساعدات الخارجية لا يجدي لأن الضغط يتم بالفلوس كما يحصل في مصر
15:54 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: 14 آذار تعلم أنها ليس حكومة حزب الله وأحيانا تكون غير منسجمة ولكني أستطيع أن أقول أننا في هذه الحكومة أكثر الأطراف تواضعا واليوم نبذل كل جهد ونؤجل ملفات لمصلحة بقاء الحكومة ولكن يجب أن تتحمل مسؤوليتها
15:53 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: هناك من يريد أن يعطل الحكومة ويعيق عملها ومن يريد إسقاطها وهي منذ أول يوملم تعط فرصة وتم تحريض المجتمع الدولي عليها واليوم أجدد الدعوة على وجوب أن تبادر الحكومة إلى اجتماعات جديدة
15:52 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: الحفاظ على الحكومة مهم لكن لا يجب أن يكون حجة لعدم الإنتاجية وعدم الفعالية، الإستقرار مدعاة للمحافظة عليه ولكن الحكومة يجب أن تكون منتجة وفاعلة
15:50 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: نحن كمنتمين إلى الديانة الإبراهيمية نحن أهل الرأفة والرحمة ونحزن لأي دم يسفط ونتألم لأي طفل يصاب باليتم ولأي بيت يهدم وهذا أمر طبيعي ولكن لا يكفي أن نتألم بل يجب أن نبحث عن الموقف الذي يسد الفتنة
15:49 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: حتى البلدان التي هي على موعد مع الحرية ما زالتتعاني لكن استطاع اللبنانيون أن يحافظا على أمنهم وأمام كل محاولات إحداث الفتن يجب أن تبقى منهجية التعاطي هي محاصرة الفتنة ومنع امتدادها وإخمادها
15:48 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: كل ما يدفع إلى الفتنة في لبنان يجب تجنبه في القول وفي العمل حتى في موضوع سوريا، كلنا يستطيع أن يعبر عن موقفه دون تحرض مذهبي وطائفي لأنه يجب إبعاد لبنان عن هذا الأمر
15:47 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: من موقع المقاومة نحن نتشدد في حرصنا على الإستقرار الأمني والسياسي في لبنان فالذين يريدون أخذ سوريا على حرب طائفية والعراق إلى حرب ومن يريد أن يأخذ ليبيا إلى حرب جهوية قبلية مصممون على نشر الفوضى ولبنان جزء منها
15:46 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: نحن ما زلنا نرى أن الأولوية والتهديد الأكبر هو الإسرائيلي والأولوية هي لمواجهة هذا التهديد ووسيلتنا هي المقاومة والمعادلة الثلاثية هي الجيش والشعب والمقاومة وعلى أساسها نبني
15:45 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: قصة النأي بالنفس هي تسوية كي تستمر الحكومة وإلا أين هو النأي بالنفس؟
15:44 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: المنطقة كلها ومنها لبنان تمر بمرحلة حساسة ومصيرية وهناك إعادة صياغة لها ولا نقدر أن نتعاطى أن لبنان لا دخل له في المنطقة بل أمننا من أمنها وما يخطط لها يخطط لنا ونحن نؤثر فيها وتؤثر فيها
15:43 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: هؤلاء لا يخيفوننا أصلا فليقولوا ما شاؤوا لا نتياهو ولا أولمرت ولا حالوتس ولا غيرهم ففي الماضي عندما كنا قليلي العدد إسرائيل هذه في زمن جنرالاتها الكبار كانت لا تخيفنا فكيف اليوم نقول للسيد عباس هؤلاء الخمسات صاروا آلاف يحملون تصميمك على النصر ولا يخافون على الإطلاق ونحن لا نخضع لتأثيرات هذه الحرب النفسية في أي لحظة
15:40 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: عندما نذهب إلى باكستان والصومال والآن في ما فتحت عليه بعض الدول العربية يجب أن نبحث عن السلوك الإسرائيلي إذا يجب التنبيه أن هذا المشروع عند العجز عن السيطرة على نظام ما يخلق الفوضى والدمار فيه
15:39 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: حتى لو كان لبوس بعض الإعتداءات جماعات ترفع اسم الإسلام يجب أن نسلم أن هناك اختراقا لها من الأجهزة الأميركية والإسرائيلية
15:38 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: إذا أحصينا عدد العراقيين الذين قتلوا في العمليات الإنتحارية نجدهم مئات الآلاف والمشروع هو عدم السماح بدولة اسمها العراق
15:34 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: يخبرنا القرآن الكريم أن هذا النمط من الإعتداء على المقدسات هي عقليتهم وقد يدفعون أكثر لصراع ديني، المشروع الصهيوني دائما يريد دفع الأمور لقتال إسلامي مسيحي
15:33 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: سنذهب أبعد من ذلك يجب أن نفتش على هذا الأيادي الإسرائيلية في العالم على سبيل المثال حرق المصاحف سواء في أميركا أو في أفغانستان، أنا أقول أن الإدارة الأميركية لا ينقصها شيء من الشيطنة ولكن هذا السلوك يهودي
15:32 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: نحن في ذكرى قادتنا الشهداء يجب أن نذكر بمخاطر هذا العدو واليوم ما زالت السيطرة والقتل واغتصاب الأراضي والإعتداء على حرمة مقدسات المسلمين سواء اليوم في المسجد الأقصى أو في الكنيسة منذ أيام
15:30 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: بالأمس سمعنا كلاما نقل عن رئيس حكومة العدو وكلام يهدد أنه بخارطة العالم لن يوجد لبنان وفتسنا عن هذا الكلام ولم نجده لكنه أصلا هذا كلام العقلية الإسرائيلية بتدمير الآخرين وبهذه العقلية وممارساتها قام هذا الكيان على القتل والترهيب واغتصاب المقدسات والإعتداء على دول وشعوب المنطقة
15:29 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: يجب أن نحفظ للشهداء القادة فضلهم العظيم وأن ندرك أهمية الأمانة التي خلفوها في عهدتنا جميعا وهي أمانة المقاومة التي أوصوا بها خيرا فبهذه المقاومة حررنا أرضنا عام 2000 واستعدنا أسرانا أعزاء وحققنا لأهلنا الأمن والإستقرار مع العزة والكرامة وحطمنا المشاريع الأميركية والإسرائيلية خاصة عام2006 من تقسيم للمنطقة على أساس تدميري لتبقى إسرائيل الأقوى وبهذه المقاومة حمينا بلدنا ونحمي بلدنا ونواجه كل التهديدات
15:19 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: الموت يجب أن يبقى دائما واعظا لنا لنصلح أحوالنا في الدنيا
15:16 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: يقال أن الله سبحانه وتعالى قهر عباده في الموت والفناء فهو يقهر تكبرهم وأوهامهم بالألوهية
15:15 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: الموت الذي لا يوفر لا كبيرا ولا صغيرا يعيد الإنسان إلى حجمه ويقول له أنت عبد مملوك وإنسان فقر وجها ووهم محض لا تملك لنفسك حياة ولا مشروعا
15:14 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: الموت يذكر كل واحد منا بحجمه الطبيعي وكل إنسان للأسف يحس بالسلطة عندما يصبح لديه مالا، ولكن الإنسان لا يطغى إن وراه استغنى
15:13 ,2012 شباط 24
نصرالله: سيأتي اليوم حتما الذي أكون أنا فيه المؤبن وأكون في تلك الحفرة والسؤال ماذا أعددت لذلك؟ هل هيأت للبيت الجديد ما يلزم؟ الموت واعظ لنا يذكرنا بذلك الوقوف الطويل بين يدين الله وذلك الحساب الدقيق والكتاب الذي لا يغادر صغيرة وكبيرة إلا إحصاء
15:11 ,2012 شباط 24
الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله في كلمة في أسبوع "والد سيد شهداء المقاومة السيد عباس الموسوي": أولا موت عزيز وفقد حبيب هو حادثة مؤلمة بكل المعايير لأحبائه لكن نحن في ثقافتنا تعلمنا أن نواجه بالتسليم والصمن لأن الموت هو مشيئة الله وفي مقابلها لا يستطيع أي كان أن يبدل قدرا

I hate people who support this filth even more. You have no morals, no conscience, no fear of god and you are the devil's deciples.

How can this man not be jailed for treason, if he is the leader of an Iranian militia based in Lebanon?

I don't beleive Geagea speaks Hebrew. However, Nasrallah does speak Farsi.

They didn't teach him. They thought it would be a waste. Not holding his grounds.

exactly..... one has yet to spend a decade in jail and learn the consequences of trying to impose his will on Lebanon through foreign weapons
very soon though :)

You are correct in fact, as Sayyed Hassan said, the Christians were imported by the byzantine empire to be a thorn in the side of Muslims and the Byzantines are Zionists. Besides everyone remember how the lebanese forces murdered our Palestinian brothers with Israeli arms and stop them from creating the a Palestinian homeland to replace the one they lost. Thank God for our Syrian brothers and the Sunni, Shiites, Druze leftist militias, Somali, Libyan, Sudanese mercenaries for defeating the lebanese forces and for the heroic General Aoun for running away as soon as the Syrian army attacked opening the doors to the Christian areas soon to be returned to the Muslims according to Sayyed Hassan's wishes. We should recall all of our pasts not just parts of it.

Do I look like your mother mowaten go look around youtube and listen to Sayyed Hassan's early speeches and you'll find it now don't be lazy be a good boy run along and go quench your curiosity.

Lebanese forces might have allied itself during the civil war era out of necessity where each faction was allied to a regional country.
Not defending the alliance, but the civil war in Lebanon is over for some 2 decades, and there is no excuse to be allied to a regional patron - be it Iran, Syria, US, France or Israel.
Given that it was a civil war back then, and that a general amnesty was applied to all crimes committed during the war years, that doesn't mean that Hez can be a traitor and use the excuse that LF was once allied to the Israelis.
BTW - Iran was once close allies with the Israelis under the shah fyi

listen very carefully,stop accusing lebanese forces as an israeli militia.with all respect to u hizbullah clearly declaring themselves iranian,not only that also they are funded by najadi himself to take control of our country LEBANON.this dream of yous is out of the question because soon u will be back where u are belong to.And trust me very soon.

Thanks for giving Lebanon a bad name after Hezbollah terrorists implicated in terrorist acts around the world (Argentina, Thailand, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Syria).
And that's not even mentioning the serial killing and attempted murders of your political enemies in Lebanon (Rafik Hariri, Hawi, Murr, Hamadeh, Chidiac, Eid and others)

Yes of course, Hezbollah members are saints, they never commit murder or terrorism.

hey flamer, the western lifestyle is the way to live, you obviously know that freedom of speech would be gone if the west is gone. not in 10000 years tho

Then go live in the west. You would be treated like a terrorist. So in anyway you are a loser.

Flame Thrower I tell you again: some smoking crack cocaine! the conspiracy in your head is just that, in your head. your paranoia only serves to rot your brain even further. Long live the USA, may it have its boot down your throat and on your neck the rest of your pathetic life. The only reason you hate USA is because it will not grant you a visa to go live there and escape your current residence, THE SEWER!

And he's supposed to be a religious man? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

If we were scared of him, we'd be the ones hiding in rat holes.... Which isnt the case, hahaha!

First it is not my hizb. They call all the arabs terrorists. You even call yourselves, arab jarab. This is not a translation from any language. Yes I live in america. It doesn't mean, I don't have my own opinion. I know how you had been played in Lebanon. You were supposed to be out of Lebanon, and palestinians problem solved. Maybe this time will work.

His speeches belittle the rest of the Lebanese Martyrs, where was HA when the Lebanese were paying blood by the brotherly Syrians.

You can't reason with M8 supporters. I gave up on doing that a long time ago. I'm never surprised by what they write on here, NEVER.

The reason you can't reason with them is because they are paid to come to this website and try to do damage control. It is their job to improve the image of murderers. They have no shame and are only worth the amount inked on their paycheck.

Nasrallah proves over and over that his greatest enabler and the person that he absolutely needs in order to maintain his power in Lebanon is not Ahmadinejad of Iran, but Netanyahu of Israel. Nasrallah always justifies himself with Netanyahu and Netanyahu always justifies himself with Nasrallah.
Funny how that works.
And this guy glorifies death? Right. He said his culture tells him to accept death. So why does he live in a rat hole so that he can avoid death?
If he accepts it as part of his culture, then let him walk freely in the sun and live his culture to the fullest.

He lives in a rat hole because he is the biggest hypocrite. But he could care less as long as the Iranian keeps coming. His rhetoric is getting old, blah blah blah. Ashraf el nass, eh? What a joke.

Common sense and decency tells you that if you start a war you should be man enough to face it as well the the rest of the Lebanese are forced to... Above ground!
So Nasrallah gets to hide underground to avoid the "missile-guided death"... And you Flamer have no problem with that, or with the fact that everybody ells on top will be having to avoid random bullets, shells and cluster bombs?
You are the Biggest Idot here

I love all the self hating march 14ers. If it wasn't for them, Israel and the US wouldn't have such an easy time screwing up the middle east for their own gains. As an American... I officially thank you...

Yes, they blame everything on the USA but they run/flock to US embassies for visas and green cards. Total hypocrites. Most of them have dual citizenships. Explain that one.

I do in a way. It is always supporting Israel no matter what. I like my government to be fair and honest with all. Since we really need no one's help.

Excellent reply. Giving a thumbs up didn't seem enough to show my appreciation for your comment!

The Voice from the DEEP.. DEEP.. DEEP.. DEEP..I sure hope no one flushes a toilet.

I still hope one day he will apologize to the Lebanese, forcing a war with Israel and massacre of civilians in Beirut. And for his Iranian traitor activities

Any Lebanese who communicates with an Iranian Quds Force member or Iranian Intelligence should be arrested for treason, just like Lebanese who are arrested for talking to Israeli intelligence

Hezbollah is a Division of the Iranian Quds Force. They take orders from Iranian General Qassem Suleimani. He has admitted this publicly. Nasrallah admits to receiving weapons and funding from Iran.
Hezbollah has been INDICTED for killing Rafik Hariri, a former Prime Minister. The court has also found Hezbollah was involved in killing Hawi, and the attempted murders of Murr, Hamadeh, and Chidiac.
These murders could only take place under orders by Qassem Suleimani, the Iranian General. This is an act of WAR committed by Iran against Lebanon. And ANYONE who conspires with Iran against Lebanese are traitors who should be jailed for life.
I am not Israeli, you can jail Israeli conspirators too.

Whats going to happen when America unloads its bombs on your beloved weak iranians?? Do you understand that they are so weak and cant even feed there own people... and you are so stupid to believe there propaganda. There weapons are obsolete especially there little boats floating around. Once the few bombs land and it get on, your iranian soldier will put up there hands and march with the west. Talk to the real iranians not the brainwashed foolish lebanese who are betting on the wrong side.

Mowati.... The 4 terrorists indicted by the Tribunal are all Hezbollah members. You want us to believe they killed Hariri without Hezbollah permission? Nasrallah proclaimed them to be SAINTS!!
The Tribunal has uncovered evidence that the perpetrators of the Hariri murder were involved in the murders and attempted murders of Hawi, Murr, Hamadeh, and Chidiac.
Iran founded, funded and trained Hezbollah. You think they would give $200 Million per year without having control? Nasrallah didn't say he took orders from Suleimani, but Suleimani did say so. Do some research, ever heard of Google?

Mowati.... STL is no joke, and political assassinations with impunity must end. You do not know all the evidence the prosecution has, and you won't know until the trial.
Regarding the phone records, there is absolutely zero chance that the Israelis "manipulated" the phone records as you suggested. Too complicated too explain here, but you will see at the trial.
Funny that you accept arrest of Israeli spies due to phone records, but don't accept it for other crimes? Why didn't they manipulate the phone records of their spies?
I bored with you now. Nothing further.

basically, he is saying hizbushaitan does not control the government ehile they do.
hixbushaitan is not meddling in other states affairs while they do.
hixbushaitan is not involved in the latest assasination of israelis while (I do not know if it is true!) ...
anyway israel will launch their new war soon.... and we the lebanese people will not have your back like previously .

Have you noticed all the M8 posts all on the defensive of their bloved leader ?!?

Apparently you want to be blind mowaten :)
yes hizbushaitan do control the government, and you guys saying the contrary does not make it right :)
did you forget about his comments about Bahrain? the end result: lebanese are out of the gulf states and they are now without work !
everybody agrees that Deraa events started after moukhabarat took out the nails of kids :)
yeah, and sending hizbushaitan memebers to die in syria is not meddling?
for your failing memory: shiites were hosted in churches and schools in beirut east in 2006. denial is for senile people, do not use it because I do not think you are senile :)

and dahye got leveled but you still won the war. the reason why hezbollah still exists is because of the real Lebanese here and abroad who have political power and money who pleaded to save the people, even though we do not agree with hezzis ideology. The reason why we pleaded to stop the bombardment is because we value life no matter what sect or race or wherever you come from. You are the type of people who embarrass the Lebanese people, who are btw as western as the USA or even more.

"and we the lebanese people will not have your back like previously ."
you will be helping the israelis in their war if it's launched soon? great 'lebanese' we have
what a shame whoever who said the first sentence ,, how prejudice one can be??? oh and also remind us that oh by the way the shiite were in churches and schools in 2006 war.. what do y mean by that you MOron , its displicable to see elements like you pointing or referring to lebanese by their religions and beliefs.. like flame thrower said . you will be helping the israelis if their war is launched soon,, my advise to you geha and his ghosts ,, get out of lebanon, you dont belong there, lebanon is too beautiful to have people thinking like you ,, bunch of scumbags.. do something for your country instead of joining sides here and there and listen to the media ... which she wants you to believe what they want you to believe...

Flame thrower, I wish you the best man. Your country men most of them are true and certifiable retards. Maybe they are educated, but what a waste. The funny part is how they vote for themselves.So long my friend. Hope Lebanon will make it.

filthy iranian puppet repeats like a parrot what he hears on al-manar tv, prays for free electrity and iranian $$$ to buy crack cocaine to feed his habit. hey, do us a favor, strap a bomb to your chest, detonate, preferably in your on home, be a martyr for satan and meet you maker so we can be rid of your akl el hawa.

you are a traitor Mr Nasralla your loyalty is with Bashar and Iran..

I didn't listen to any of it--he rambles too much for my tastes. Did he mention whether or not he pays his electricity bill?

it all depends on the outcome of the situation in syria...anything else is blablabla from the basement.

Once again, I love how the simple act of this man speaking pisses you guys off so much. It's great! It's wonderful! Long live Nasrallah!
Now to make you feel a little better, let's cheer together!
Allah, Libnan, Bibi w bass!

Nasrallah shut the hell up. Your days are numbered. You smell and you stink.

When are we going to get rid of these speeches. Aren't the lebanese people tired of being hostage all their lives to these speeches and the scare tactics of Israel... Well Israel is not going no place and the lebanese people needs to live and enjoy; or else so be it, the country will be in turmoil forever and immigration will keep happening until only militias stay in Lebanon....
Lebanese people should wake up and support every Free Person who wants to be Free.... No matter what is their religion, ethnics, color, etc... Human being was born free and will be free.

When are we going to get rid of these speeches. Aren't the lebanese people tired of being hostage all their lives to these speeches and the scare tactics of Israel... Well Israel is not going no place and the lebanese people needs to live and enjoy; or else so be it, the country will be in turmoil forever and immigration will keep happening until only militias stay in Lebanon....
Lebanese people should wake up and support every Free Person who wants to be Free.... No matter what is their religion, ethnics, color, etc... Human being was born free and will be free.

General Michel Aoun 2002: Hezbollah is not a separate entity from Syria. It is under the Syrian operational control... There are about 11 organizations of terrorism in Damascus. Among them, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the Democratic Front and the General Command Front of the Palestinians Liberation Army, all of them are listed in the United States as classified as terrorist organizations... since Lebanon was occupied by Syria, they extended the base of their terror operations to Lebanon, and they are stationed in Syria, but they act from the Lebanese territory... there are terrorist regimes like Syria that are generating terrorist organizations. Therefore, I propose a plan that first, to disarm the organizations; second, to democratize the regimes; and then to help them to develop their country.

Democracy for all our Lebanese parties , and especially democracy in Syria , qua tar, emirates , Bahrain, Kuwait , Iran, .....and all arab countries

Funny how he says Lebanon should distance itself from regional developments, but that's all what his speech is about!!! As if Lebanon has no problems to be talked about..

Nasrallah: We should search for Israeli-orchestrated acts around the world, such as the burning of the Koran in the United States and Afghanistan.
seriously come on only complete and total imbeciles would believe such drivel lucky for Hassan that's the group most of his supporters belong to.

By "distance" he means Hezz thugs are there killing civilians.
Finger waving rat boy......no one believes your lies. Stay in your hole and shut up.

Amazing the stuff that falls out of your mouth, just amazing. Reading your comments leaves very little room for hope for our poor little country that deserves much better than this.

“The region is passing through a critical phase as it is being restructured and Lebanon is not an island onto itself,” he remarked.
when there were violence in Libya and Egypt, was Lebanon an island onto itself back then? or does this only apply to syria and bahrain?
another crooked wali al faqih

Nasrallah: On this occasion, we should remind others of the dangers of this enemy.
stop trying to divert the spotlight from the massacres in syria. but then again, your idiot followers believe that nothing is happening in syria

@ mowaten, i dont want to talk to you about nasrallah i want to talk about his alliances. His ally hamas denounced bachar and supports the syrian peoples struggle. I know you will tell me they are extremists but didnt hezbollah always support hamas? Now tell me, hamas and plo are together trying to negotiate with israel . And we must fight for them? Do we have to get killed for them?

Nasrallah: The whole region, including Lebanon, is passing through a critical phase. We cannot act as though Lebanon has nothing to do with these developments. Our security is linked to the region’s security.
this has been happening for 100s of years and you always use the same lame excuse to justify your illegal militia and its weapons. the immediate issue is the mass killing of syrian civilians by your good friend assad and you do not care about they syrian blood because they are not shiaa

Nasrallah: We are keen on Lebanon’s security and political stability. Those keen on creating strife in Iraq and Libya want to spark chaos in Lebanon.
since you sent hizballah cells to iraq and egypt then it means you want to spark chaos in lebanon.. you are full of it and the illiterate shiaa believe you

Nasrallah: Preserving the Lebanese government is important. Maintaining stability is a reason to preserve it and it should remain productive and effective.
then you should have preserved the previous government because stability was a reason to preserve it back then. you are afraid to admit that preserving the government is only important to back the syrian dictator and has nothing to do with lebanon. the day is coming when you will not be able to obtain weapons.

Nasrallah: Ever since it was formed, the government has not been given an opportunity to function properly. The international community has been incited against it. I call on the government to hold new meetings.
what a joke. the government was formed by you and you are the majority. what kind of an excuse is this that it cannot function properly? who is stopping it? you killed lebanese politicians and you will pay the price

Nasrallah: We don’t meddle in the affairs of others and I call for ending the problems of the Arab world through political dialogue. The Arabs are tackling the situation in Syria without a political solution.
why didn't you support political dialogue in libya, egypt iraq, yemen, and bahrain? why did you meddle in the affairs of egypt, and iraq? you are full of it and the filth of humanity

Nasrallah: In some Arab countries, demands for the toppling of a ruler are met with reform, while in others such calls are met with tanks.
you are totally correct. rather than the syrian regime adopting the reforms, they met their people with tanks. and that is a criminal act!

Nasrallah and his supporters don't pay any electrical bills, water bills, they also control the airport and seaports and almost every government institution. Basically they suck Lebanon dry and never say thanks. Instead, we only hear Nassrallah thanking Syria and Iran all the time.
Hizballah has nothing to do with the Lebanese identity. It is an extension of the Iranian Republican Guards. This is confirmed by multiple statments from Hizballah's and Iran's officials. Hizballah's official name is the the "Islamic Resistance IN Lebanon" and not the Lebanese Islamic Resistance or just the Lebanese Resistance.

Nousralla happy hour is becoming just like Aoun's...Crazy, hateful and boring. He needs to bring Haifa Wihbeh with him..Bouss my wawa wa Souna...

Next is this screaming idiot will accuse Ismail Haniya of being a Zionist?

Why is he always yelling, pointing his finger, clinching his fist, threatening, eliminating opposition, bombing liqour stores, underminning the army and the state? This is not the Lebanese way.

Why is he always yelling, pointing his finger, clinching his fist, threatening, eliminating opposition, bombing liqour stores, underminning the army and the state? This is not the Lebanese way.

you know what i think, i think all of the nasrallah fans need to move to lebanon and stay right next to him and one day the zionist with us i dont know why you hate israel that much ill tell you this israel didnt do as much as the syrians did for 15 years of stealing and kidnapping and killing and robbing etc... so spare me all this seriously spare me all this enough we are zionest and we are proud now go to iran or da7ye and steal elec water build buildings on the runway and god bless you but next time your not welcome in the chistians area thats why if there is no christians in lebanon there would be no lebanon keep that in mind

Talking about reason flame?mmmmm.
Let s see.when did you mentioned the Syrian crimes in lebanon?
When did your hassin mention it?
Is it because the lives of those lebanese killed,kidnapped and raped by the Syrians are of less value to those killed by Israel?
For you and the likes ,Syria is not an enemy right???maybe cause they did not destroy your home,killed your family etc etc.
Well mate,some of us lebanese and i am one of them don t consider israel as an enemy,Why???? cause they never bombed my home and killed my family.It was Syria who did.
Till you agree with me that Syria is as enemy as Israel,im afraid i won t give a flying F about what israel does to you or to hassin.

and yes Flame i would be sitting down in Kaslik having a bubbly and Celebrating the occasion next time it happens.
Why????? why should i care when you never showed any respect to those massacred on the hands of your masters in El Sham?
I will enjoy it.

ohhhhhhhhh mouwaten,i loved it .i mean you called it victory right?
so why don t you go for it every year?
Why are you so upset about it?i thought you defeated israel and there was no need ,of course apart from sheltering you guys in our small storage rooms.

Nasrallah - We should speed up work on petroleum file.
Sounds to me Hizbo's funds are drying up - Iran can no longer fund him - and he is looking forward to get his hand on the revenue of Lebanon's oil.

He is Satan, the devil, lucifer, el diablo, the anti-christ, the usherer of the end of times, the dark prince, the Iranian puppet, turbin head and filthy underground dweller.

flame is indeed on fire, all of the devil worshipers have a ring of fire around them including you, you filthy iranian slave, hater of christians and jews. You and all FALSE MUSLIMS like you should be burnt in a large bonfire.

Nasrallah, there is no need to make any more speeches. You always say the same old thing... crap, crap, crap.
Here is a big thumbs down, to all those would be patriots (our very own lovable M8 cheer leaders). You praise lunatics and warmongers, talk a lot of garbage about other leaders being supported by outside forces, but turn a blind eye and a deaf ear when Nasrallah proudly admits he is bought and paid for by Iran.
Nasrallah you have no love for Lebanon and your loyalty is to Iran.

As usual, just need to read the first and last comment...
The rest is the same bullshit by people blindly following some leader for reasons no one in the world can understand. And I'd like to clarify that I'm talking of followers of both sides.
Do yourselves a favor and kick them all out and have a clean start, but that would take more IQ that most have around here...

This is the video you all wanted :
Good luck for the aounis , i wonder how they would look with long beards:

We in Lebanon do mix religion with politics and visa versa and we make things which otherwise are so straight forward complicated and unresolvable. Life is too short to continue with this way of life. We live some decades here and till now these religious people who have amassed millions on our backs are depleting our short life on this earth thru using God Who is way away from their perceptions and practices. If God were to come today He would first condemn these who are using the flag of religion to lead our lives. It's time for all these rich religious people to stay in their churches and mosques and let us live a normal life away from this carbagge religion they are selling us. Lebanon should have a civil law. Those who advocate religion should do so in Churches and mosques.